My Opinion

There are 43 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gunny.

  • "Actions speak louder than words." If we just DO rather than rant, complain, and play the blame game, we could have this mess cleaned up in no time flat.

    Character List

    [UR]Psyclone, [UR]Psy_Avilon, [UR]Psyclone_Bank, [UR]Psyclone_2, [UR]Psyclone_3, [UR]P$yclone, and [UR]Psy_Dom_k_Killer

  • allow me just the following about rule changes or anything related to it : NO !

    OP is gonna really cut your throats if you guys say just one more word about rules in public where the discussion can get out of control and look like complaining... All rule discussions should be made privately between players and eventual propostions should be forwarded to OP for revision and hopefully implementation if they are interesting.

    EDIT : Good posting Gunny ;)

  • Well unfortunately Steph is correct. I made this post in an attempt to make people think before they act, but as you can see it's not possible.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • It was a good try, Gunny.

    I agree with Stephanov. Rules should be very clear (more specific than now) and GR's should have the power to exercise rule discipline in painful way.

    Provocateurs are people who are constantly looking for loopholes in the rules.

    I agree with part of this, as Steph UR... by experience I felt the consequence of loopholes found in the rules, even for the double meaning of a word would allow somebody question teh acting of a GR on public creating major... conflict.
    That's why I was trying to make GR actings unquestionable on public, only by private PMs to the GR community as will let other GRs decide wheter it was right or not in case it's an important thing, anything else shouldn't appear on forum and "blame the SP" actings for catching a "Provocateur". And yet nothing of this BS would arrive to OP to take his time which is really precious for all of us who play and his life...
    If this above and a slight remake of rules for taking out loopholes( OR the power to GRs to use their fairness skills on deciding what the rule meant, and deny the loopholes found[as the rules are made to give basic info, not to be a book of 500pages like in real life]) so they can punish in the right way AND in peace, CF would be a better place today.

    Worse than those who act on a wrong behaviour openly, and can get blamed for it... are those "Provocateurs" who can cheat/behave bad while being "legal" and so he will defend himself with the rules and think they are "untouchable", which makes them to make mistakes... but not enough for a decision with the current lawenforcer status.

    If you don't like certain people, there's a lovely command called /ignore.

    Without a GR or similar, 'he' can still bounty, chase, witchhunt, post, roumor people, make your friends get neutral then hostile, kill you or gang up on you, try getting you banned or who knows what more bad things hich are possible to do without using direct speech to a 1 player. Ignoring that people isn't safe unless your friends and all clans all people all newbies would ignore him.... or simply temporary/perma ban accounts/IPs if neccessary.
    Then ignoring is pretty the worst thing to do, will let you defenceless on his attacks and won't solve the problem. Like when a guy go get drunk or take drugs to 'forget what happened' and feel good... but for how long ? The world keeps going the same way, and his problems awaits (and even worse) when he wakes up the next day...

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Well, from what I am seeing here , it can't get any better I guess.

    When something goes wrong( like someone invaded a clan system, or killed a clan member in his own clan system etc.) you bring it here and start arguing , until one of you breaks. The problem is that you take this too seriously... I was like that when I was very young, but I've changed during the years. The guy(s) who invades clan systems or starts killing clan players for no reason, he makes it for fun , because he's probably bored or has nothing else to do. And then, you bring this here in SWAT and start arguing about it. Well, no offense , but... this is just a game. If that happens, you just KoS him and be done with it. No need to bring it here and start arguing about it for days until someone closes the topic. If you want fun , you won't get it like that, for just waiting for someone to do something. If you want real fun, act now , do something different ... like something that I've proposed before, ( Clan Wars for example). A friendly war with no bans and kicking and etc. from the server. Just a friendly war for fun and make this place much much better. RP is dying, so I suggest you to act now.

    And, well... about the cheaters , I met several of them. If they think that they will fool me that they aren't cheating , they are greatly mistaken. But, what can I do?... I can't stop them cheating. And even when you're cheating(I am talking to the cheaters now) , you are still dying and dying until you break. Understand that , with cheating you won't achieve anything. Plus, you're ruining the game(as Gunny said, which of course, he's right) and we can't really enjoy it because of you. So, my advice is , stop cheating and start playing fair like we did , unless you wanna end up miserable. Not that it would make any difference, but at least, it's worth the try.

  • i think it is good that everyone display their support and desire to revive the RP and "turn" the cheaters back to fair gamers. We will never remove all problems but i feel that it can inspire many ppl to have the CF vets to make this call to the whole CF Community.

  • the current server can't withstand it anyway ^^

    @ Spiky: what do u mean by "changing .ini files" as a form of cheating? What does that include? I'm asking because it's the first time I've come across this fact.

    @all others: sorry if it's a bit off-topic, I'm only reading posts I see something of interest in

    Quoted from Crysis' previous post:
    "When something goes wrong( like someone invaded a clan system, or killed a clan member in his own clan system etc.) you bring it here and start arguing , until one of you breaks. The problem is that you take this too seriously... I was like that when I was very young, but I've changed during the years. The guy(s) who invades clan systems or starts killing clan players for no reason, he makes it for fun , because he's probably bored or has nothing else to do. And then, you bring this here in SWAT and start arguing about it. Well, no offense , but... this is just a game. If that happens, you just KoS him and be done with it. No need to bring it here and start arguing about it for days until someone closes the topic. If you want fun , you won't get it like that, for just waiting for someone to do something. If you want real fun, act now , do something different ... like something that I've proposed before, ( Clan Wars for example). A friendly war with no bans and kicking and etc. from the server. Just a friendly war for fun and make this place much much better. RP is dying, so I suggest you to act now."

    Man, right now, I feel like you're my soul mate ;) (kidding ofc, but it ain't that far from the truth, at least regarding this statement)

  • is this my turn to write something now?

    ill simply try
    unlike you have a very different point of view... right from above seeing the full scale of events
    for me it is fascinating to see obvious facts are partly mixed with wish thinking

    the first thing id like to say at this point is that respect starts with kind objective treatment of the situation and with the absence of SHOUTING
    seriously, thats unneccessary

    next point
    wow 100 points
    couldnt agree more

    however i have to precise a few things

    simply forget the idea that you get new rules, thats not going to happen
    not the rules are the problem but the will to follow them and i believe your entire view is wrong there.
    you expect the GRs to enforce rules, that is actually not even their job
    at this point i clearly blame the clan leaders and those in the clans hierarchy that have the influence to take actions

    the majority of players on the servers belong to a clan and therefor the leader can have influence on the majority of the players
    by my observation the leaders are more interested in defending their members than in what is right or wrong
    I was clan leader for many years and took care of the actions of my members. Complaints against members were taken very serious up to the point that i had to deal with these members, punishments included.
    This consequence is missing these days. But that is no problem... now that this is addressed changes can happen.
    Its the leaders responsibility to ensure that the reputation of a clan and its members is just fine. And if that is guaranteed you will also have no problem any longer with rule breakers inside clans.

    What about the freelancers?
    Most of them are new on the server and dont know better, but clans can teach or push them into a good direction if they would work together.

    And seriously, that blaming you do to each other is shit!
    Even inside clans.
    Blaming someone causes only one reaction -> anger
    How about asking the player why he did what he did and probably explain to him how other people see such actions?
    That gives people the chance to think about their actions... instead of instantly starting "defense at all costs"

    One more thing you should consider (everybody on the server)
    Everytime you harm another player by breaking rules or being rude you harm this server, this community and very likely your own clan. In the end you have harmed yourself with your actions.
    Consider this a fact. Its a natural law (law of forces).

    im jumping between the topics a bit....
    bans are no option
    fine, you killed over and over again
    thats part of the game
    if someone is shooting at you then shoot back
    if someone is stronger or outnumbers you, bring your friends into it
    seriously this is a game.... if you ppl would take the rules just half as serious as attacks on you the world would be just fine

    morals dont change... only the consequence to stick to them does
    (when im dead you are allowed quote me)
    no seriously... you have allowed it to be just like it is atm
    but again, this is no problem.... you can bring the world back in the right shape again

    oh god ive read so much on this 2 sites that i agree and disagree at the same point of time
    RP is a problem atm?
    maybe you would like to think again what the job of a GR is (GRs have to coordinate roleplay)
    so instead of every clan doing its own little part of RP (often contrary to other clans interests) the GRs could do their job and organize RP in the interest of all clans and these clans could stick to that GR roleplay plans

    it is pretty easy to detect them
    now they are good fighters
    with the release of CF1.9 they are the worst loosers
    about at that point everybody on the server will see who the cheaters were

    One more thing
    this forum is not your personal trash box where you can argue over every little shit
    I have provided the neccessary boards and user rights for every faction to post RP stuff undisturbed by others.
    Either we finally stick to that or Ill remove every RP and every complaint from this forum once it appears.

    play the damn game!
    most of you dont have anything else to do here... maybe you might want to do at least that right.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I play this game for fun and I do agree with Faaby and SHS a little respect goes a long way at the same time. I love fighting players who are very skillful in combat compared to me just to name a few Gunny, crisis, pink,maxbur, firedragon, Picard,farlon,Dino,racial,SHS ,the whole Px clan and alot more. my skill as a fighter is bad although I still have lots of fun. And if I disrespect you on the game pls don't take too hard after all I am a pirate. Just one more thing play the game don't be the game life is too short.

    (='.'=# This is Bunny# Copy and paste bunny into your
    #" #_#" # signature to help him gain world domination#
    [AS]Demonic Pay or Die


  • Quote

    it is pretty easy to detect them
    now they are good fighters
    with the release of CF1.9 they are the worst loosers
    about at that point everybody on the server will see who the cheaters were

    OH BOY

    this will be one of my happiest moments in CF

    and yes... I blame Arvedui for my behaviour on this sever; any complaints you might have about me please re-direct them to

    Recipient: Arvedui

    cheers and enjoy the game!

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • All what had to be said is said by OP.

    Again, all hail OP for solving our doubts and conflicts from an objective and neutral point.

    And thx for his time as well.

    Now all readers, using those etics, could help the community get better... instead of abandoning or starting acting like the ones you dislike.

    That's all.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I was out of the office for some meetings, what i see is, that a good thread was going down the road again - there are many postings that i can agree or rate as helpfull either but some which are offending (= not good) or inappropriate. But thats the point - these actions (here on the forum are pointless) At least it went again more or less Off Topic but tbh. the first one should be read again by the Leaders.

    I see some valid points here and because of the last events some things have to be improved imO. At least we would need the majority to stop the boondoggle and start acting coordinated while having the enviroment in mind again, regardless of RP and/or Clan and/or self presentations. Doing nothing or keeping the current status while waiting for the next events will not lead to anything better imO.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • THOM88:

    being a pirate and sucking in pvp are contradictory statements...
    how can you be a pirate if you suck in pvp? who will pay you anything? a sucky pirate is nothing more than a good reason to get a good laugh (but of course, that's just my pov)

    a big part of being a role player on this server (especially being a pirate) is being respected in some way by other players... doesn't specifically have to be fighting skills

  • that is not true
    i sux at pvp but i still can make damage buy
    kiling trines and invading systems. it is all in the point of beeng presistant :>
    or just attaking week pvp payers and run from the powerful ones, or have luck and kill powerful ones and wach them rage XD


    the final frontier