just sayin
Posts by [}<>{SHS}<>{]
hope to see everyone from development in game after 2.0 so then the system can be polished
my biggest concern is the amount of the auto tax and fine
it must not be more then 10 mil ! and based on the amount the time "free of tax and fine" must be more then 2h -
1 get money
2 defend them
3 ----
4 profit -
so in all times i must target some one then /tax
what if i am in the same system and some one use /tax id and not targeting me ? then i switch char ?
WHAT IF HE HIDES and go afk, i must stay afk in the same system, if i log off (rl stuff) he get the money right ?and auto tax base on money player have ? why not i just have 2 ids 1 with a lot of money and i never play it and the other with none but i play on it a lot ?
will we see tax more then 50 mil ? this is insane !
"Possible Crash Fix on launcher start: (Guide by Fireman) When you open the launcher and it crashes all the time try to add *.swat-portal.com to the trusted sites in internet explorer. (open internet explorer -> extras -> internet options -> security -> click on trusted sites -> click "site" -> type in the address in the upper field -> make sure the checkbox in the lower area is not checked -> press "add"; close all windows with "ok") then start freelancer. "
this do not work every time launcher load and i press multilayer it crash
ok wat om say to me was "the frag counter is not ready"
so i did not make the battle cuz there was not gona be resultsi say to op, pm me wen the frag counter is ready and i will launch the attack
btw my idea was to fight in nebula, what i find aut later is that this will kill the server if there are more then 5 ppl in this battle
so for now the only idea is to fight in arena, with EM (so the frags can be anons-ed)
i am not EM so i cant do that, and the proper representitive of CSF is ryder hook, i just make battle plan witch cant be done cuz of server instability
last time i log in and pvp i had 55 ping and lagright now (do to working and personal staff) i can bearly log in, and even if i do i can play properly with less then 10 ppl online
the plan is ready all i need is go from op wen the frags can be counted -
OP i can make css SWAT Portal clan (btw that group in steam i made wen you join you can put SWAT portal tag in the game)
for all with original steam see
and mine pvp skills are
1 use bats/and bots to prevent other guy kill you
2 kill trines (witch are defenseless)
3 run wen other guy is stronger or more then one: ) fight like a rat !
maked gurl can sell anyting !
even ice to an eskimo it is nicebtw michael i hate FF XD
sparkling stars ?
like in twilight ? -
sinse wen americans are a raise ?
can i pick them in a mmo ?michael-acta in disguise
yeah, of course
why did i even read this thread?
you expect spam XD -
Hm totaly ingoring bond
i saw acta and see the threat that present to modeling games in general, you can go to JAIL if you yous models from games, change games etc etc
az we know cf lay on lisence game. shit will hit the fan -
If ACTA is accepted Microsoft can sue SWAT for copyright for using material from their game Freelancer (if they wont to)
let me quote a character from one of my favorite movies of all time
"Wat is happening?" but i guess it is not really the American population but your government and movie companies.
Wat can we do to stop this ? -
wen i try to do that i got band, later ignored so if csf is going to battle warn me first so i will be ready -
don't lock it ><
i feel the nostalgia pouring from it :> ppl who don't remember old mods can see how stuff that now we take as granted, were ones just idea and then annaunsed as reality :>