My Opinion

There are 43 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gunny.

  • I just had an exchange of PM's with some old veterans of CF and all of whom I claim to be friends of mine, even though one is not one in RP.

    Now a few weeks ago I was told to "shut up" about my old-school honor and the way things used to be, but there is something to be said for us old-schoolers and the way we conducted business and rp. Were we perfect? Not always and sometimes we did some pretty ugly things in game to get the edge on the other side and sometimes with pretty bad consequences. ie: 2 server wars that were just ugly. However we were not as mean and vindictive as some of you or did we make it a point to ruin the game for others intentionally, we respected each other's clan space, we helped each other and more importantly, we demonstrated respect. Now in today's CF, this is a foregone conclusion. Many of you dont take the time to review the consequences of your actions, which in the other servers you were apart of, had you you came to CF. Yes, we know.

    Alike clans stood together and conducted rp against their rivals, not the case today in most respects. There are too many "communiques' " displaying a bunch of diplomatic rhetoric in order to show your unwillingness to participate with the license you carry or to use RP as a disguise to plan the ruining of a clan or player. I've been on both sides, so I know.

    Cheating & Unethical behavior: Shame on you ! and you know who you are. I have never had to cheat to win here or have most of the players past, present and future, but those of you who do cheat ruin it for the rest of us. Comically though, you really don't accomplish anything noteworthy because you still get your ass handed to you in PvP. Furthermore when you have manipulated your files, even in the slightest fashion, any veteran pilot will know immediately. We notice even a +2 variance in your thruster just stop will you? And btw, as referenced in my last comment, you still lose.

    Old Clan Leaders: Why are you being silent when we have obvious in-game issues that you can help solve, but all I see are poor remarks made in the forum instead or even adding fuel to the fire that is already burning out of control. GR's.....laughable. I wasn't the perfect SP and I made some poor choices, but I enforced the rules and with that being said, you can't expect rational judgement out of a 15 to 20 yr old or ask him/her to "make the tough and fair choice", because they simply can't. None of us could at that age, unless you were under the direction of an enthusiastic Sgt. ^^

    At the "kids" here: You can't expect a reasonable response from a 35 to 60 yr old player if you are being a wise ass or if you are just being a jerk. The behavior you exhibit ruins it for everyone else and trust me, we are not impressed.....why? Because we've been there already, long before you.

    Rules: We have rules here, which include fair play to all, not killing inexperienced players ( drives them off) or harrassing one player or a set of players constantly. Abide by them and others will follow your lead in time. Clans, you need to start helping each other again, even your rivals to get strong again. Because without competition, you won't have anything to do.

    Now I am sure there will be some ignorant remarks to my post, but that's the way it is. But remember this, you can make this place a great gaming community or you can collapse it. Your choice.

    I want to see how many of you have some honor and integrity, show the willingness to start making corrections and move forward.

    Daywalker, thanks for reminding me of who we are on this server.

    Gunny out.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Very good post Gunny. I hope it would make a difference now.

  • The post is generally a good one, as Crysis pointed out but unfortunately, at least in the long run it won't make any difference at all. Also, in the long run there is a high possibility that alot of people would act against what Gunny said here (because one cannot predict the future and at the same time nobody is perfect as perfection is something restricted to divinity). These principles have to be enforced. That means that there would have to exist:

    - A formal CF Community (which exists now)

    - A set of rules and principles that should act somewhat like a constitution, meaning that they cannot be changed no matter what (does not exist)

    - A clear and appliable set of rules and punishments which can change in time (does not exist)

    - A commission made out of clan and freelancer representatives that would have the power to add, substract or modify existing rules and punishments as well as exercising control and supervision on the people applying the rules and punishments (does not exist)

    - A different group of people made out of clan and freelancer representatives that would apply these rules and punishments (does not exist)

    Without these tools there would be an eternal, pointless "crusade" against the wicked. One that would resemble the Don Quixote vs. The Windmills battle.

    P.S About the comuniquees: If you don't want to engage in clan diplomatic RP then don't but don't ruin it for the rest just because you don't like it. On the other hand, it's good that there's so many dimplomatic comuniquees because that means that people are still talking instead of going at each other's guts. Silence is a bigger problem than communicating in the regard.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • - A set of rules and principles that should act somewhat like a constitution, meaning that they cannot be changed no matter what (does not exist)

    Actually exists...For me the honor to respect those rules.


    - A clear and appliable set of rules and punishments which can change in time (does not exist)

    Ban, delete char or ID ... for offenders and provocateurs. I think the only way to increase the number of players on the server.

  • lol you self centerd arogant rambling old dinosaur
    acusing pl of hack with no pruve ? +2 truster (that is the dumest thing i have ever heard)

    i see that you fail to understand wat online games are.
    they are not like politics, no one will rise a memorial in the game for you. and no one will talk abaut you in the mater of
    "ye gunny is the best player here, did you know he is etc ect ect, ye and he was having big batles in ...."

    now i wil tell you how it gows in online games.
    you get online you play and interact with alot of ppl, BUT you need to be online alot of time and be a member of a large clan.
    you did that IN THE PAST, but not anymore.

    beeing in comunity IS TOTALY DIFRENT THING. i see meny ppl are merging the 2 together but you must know.
    beeing in comunity you can be a legent, or one of the best TOP GUN GOD OF GODS wat ever. and older ppl in this comunity will remeber and respect you. newer ppl will have to learn abaut you so they can become part of the comunity and so on and so on.
    you can not expect some new guy ho play from 2-3 moths, hu just wona have some fun TO SHOW YOU RESPECT AND KNEAL BEFOR YOU JUST CUZ YOU ARE THE GOD GUNNY.
    he dont know you, he dont care abaut you. maybe he dont wona be part of the comunity but just to play the game HAVE YOU EVER THAT OF THAT?

    all you care is wat ppl think of you, you say you play a "caracter" here you NEVER HELP ANYONE in the game. you try to impouse your "character" that you play in this comunity in the game and i will not buy it ever, none will other ppl ho "dont know you"
    playing "character" in comunity is lieng to the ppl that you are somebody but actualy tou are some one elce.
    it is ok to be character in game, BUT I WONA PLAY WITH PPL NOT CHARACTERS. if i wona play with characters i will play sp)

    now here you type the "big post" patronaising us showing how much beter you are buy seeng this stuf. you dont give eny solution.
    all you do is say "that is baad that is baad that is baaad" SHAME ON YOU. OK BUT SO WAT?
    so wat i ask you? do you thik that buy holing at us "normal and unsignificat players" you will change the server?
    saying that there are "morals" here, yes they are. but maybe MAYBE todays morals are difrend that the morals that you remember ?
    you live in the past.
    say to me that in american cosaiety today EVERYONE REMEMBER AND RESPECT THE MORALS THAT WERE IN 1950. (you must remember that time)this comunity changes, the game changes. ppl come and go. that is the flow that make the game alive. that is way i like to play it.

    have a nice day


    the final frontier

  • ^
    and that ladies and gentlement is exactly what Gunny is talking about and the perfect definition of ONE of the problems of this server

    SHS you shouldn't be talking at all in this thread go back to Tau-37 and camp some traders

    There are a lot of strange and extremely aggressive people who have been roaming on CF lately and it is impossible to do 'proper' RP

    Also about the ini files... well no shit; you don't need to be an experienced PvP pilot to notice that some people obviously change stuff

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Sometimes I do not understand you completely, people.

    Whats the tproblem? You are not a huge gaming community like La2 servers to having a big problems like "offence", "sudden attack from other clan whithout warnings and server police reaction", etc. All what I see is the blaming each other without serios reasons.

    @ [}<>{SHS}<>{]:
    Anyone has his own right to be a legend. Especially if he deserved it by he own playing game. You don't like him? Just challenge him in the Arena! And stop express your attitude towards him and some others in the forum every time!

    @ Gunny:
    You haven't seen the really unethical behavior. In other game we're figth for just playing damned game every day. The top clan is really don't like us just becouse we did survive they total houndings. And this is with considering that there the administration tries to keeping the rules.

    Do you not understand that all the behaviors are in your own hands? Every player can keep this in ringt way or help the other in such situation. The words are just the words! This situations needs actions.
    Stop reforming the rules. Start to keep these rules right in your own way with your guns if its needs.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • @ Husker

    Actually exists...For me the honor to respect those rules.

    Ban, delete char or ID ... for offenders and provocateurs. I think the only way to increase the number of players on the server.

    First of all, you are not the only one playing CF. Secondly, taking in account that you are not perfect and that you cannot predict the future, one can definitely say that chances are that you too in the future (regardless of honor and stuff) would be put in a situation in which you would have to "cheat" (example: the FOV thing. many people that didn't want to use it had to chose between losing 100% of pvps or using the stuff to maintain ballance). So the "I know what is right" attitude is from these points of view, highly distructive to the community. So no, it doesn't exist and please read what I wrote again if it is not clear enough. There must be a clearly written source of information that everybody can see, consult at any time and that has to be anything but the abstract ideas in one's head.

    Secondly, banning deleting char or ID are not the only tools at one's disposal. Of course, finding additional tools would require an exercise of imagination and as the majority of people around here are concerned, I don't see why this would be a great task since we all posess a normal intelect.

    About offenders and provocateurs: In the case of an offender, there is the tough requirement of providing proof and having a clear set of rules that would have to be applied (which lacks now). Providing that it is already a challenge nowdays to be able to provide proof and be able to enforce a just and lawful punishment on known and notorious offenders (because in part of the vague rules and lack of control and supervision organisms) do you plan on dealing with "provocateurs"? By applying your personal "moral code of conduct" and launching a witch hunt that would end up in a massive de-population of CF?

    If you want justice, it has to be managed and applied through a transparent system that would represent the majority of CF players and still be able to dynamically perform its functions.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • AH yes... moral does change (or so teenagers think) - and that creeps me out.

    This is a game as you mentioned SHS... a roleplaying game I will even add...
    Meaning you are playing a character while on-line, and not Mr. John Doe living in X country sat in front of a computer sipping a coke.

    This player community however, represented on this forum is not "in-game", and unless posting in a RP topic, you are chating
    with persons, which you should respect (even if it is "oldfashioned"). No one is asking you to praise anybody (and this is surely
    not what Gunny implied), but a minimum of courtesy and politeness never hurt.

    Good post Gunny, although now I feel so old! LOL

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • Quote

    How do you plan on dealing with "provocateurs"? By applying your personal "moral code of conduct" and launching a witch hunt that would end up in a massive de-population of CF?

    Sometimes only the mass executions will save the homeland. (c)

    P.S. Its just a joke :):tomate:


    wtf is FOV?

    boundary angle. You can see like a fly in all 360 grade :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • rofl...seriously

    already flying the fastest ships in CF and then having to rely on such a cheap trick?


    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • as moderator: i see wery well offense in the first sentence in SHS post and want first block whole post. I changed my mind bcs I second Spiky post.

    SHS: I saw some vids how you play/attack ppl and therefore I'm not surprised what older players say. You might be wery well respected pirate, but try ask first old veteran pirates as are Huor or Abras what is pirate RP and what is abusing ppl (and hide this below pirate licence).

  • I agree with Stephanov. Rules should be very clear (more specific than now) and GR's should have the power to exercise rule discipline in painful way. Also: every clan should have a clear set of rules and juristic body able to act on internal rules. Tip: server's rules should always be the core of clan rules for obvious reason.

    Personal to stephanov only:

    Spiky, read this.

  • Less (pseudo)diplomacy, more gameplay; less statements and opinions, more RP.

    GRs exist, we can't oversee everything and we try our best. Rules exist and shouldn't be changed. Proving a cheater is hard but can be done.
    If you have specific evidence, contact any GR, and stop insinuating (goes for everyone).

    If you don't like certain people, there's a lovely command called /ignore.

    - Verbose, we did, and major offtopic.

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • as moderator: i see wery well offense in the first sentence in SHS post and want first block whole post. I changed my mind bcs I second Spiky post.

    SHS: I saw some vids how you play/attack ppl and therefore I'm not surprised what older players say. You might be wery well respected pirate, but try ask first old veteran pirates as are Huor or Abras what is pirate RP and what is abusing ppl (and hide this below pirate licence).

    lol can i seet he vids :>


    the final frontier

  • rofl StephanoV... You play with words. What the future brings heh I do not care, nor do I know. (Let's look after those who have modified files) . I'll just play and avoid these ppl.
    Only severe punishment shall have effect. We should not reinvent the wheel.

    Provocateurs are people who are constantly looking for loopholes in the rules. For offenders heh fuck them.

    I think that we have developed a platform and it is time for action.

    edit constantly

    Edited once, last by Husker ().

  • SHS: You completely missed the point of the original post, but I wouldn't expect anything less. You obviously have a serious problem translating english properly, ( which is ok, its not your native language) , so why don't you ask someone who speaks your native tongue AND who has a firm grip on english, to assist you before you answer. My German sucks, so I ask Huor, Ryder and Haeger to assist me with translations so I don't make a mistake in my response.

    @BC: I do know unethical behavior young man, I have been online gaming since it started and not only on CF. It seems that the recent generation of gamers are hostile / angry and ill-mannered people and unfortunately they are probably that way in real-life.

    Anywho, back to the point.....

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • good luck with this, I don't have time to follow these kind of discussions anymore.

    P.S. And sorry for interrupting, since solving a problem is obviously not the objective of this discussion.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...