Operation Hephaestus

There are 78 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • From: PX Embassy, Alcázar Fortress on planet Toledo, Omicron Minor System
    To: Omnigalactic Message Distribution Network // hack.node.distributer:669144:order.akira

    Subject: Operation Hephaestus

    Ladies and gentlemen, the Order needs your help once again. Ever since the GMG opened the gates to newly discovered Inner Core systems, the danger of an invasion by overwhelming alien forces grows by the moment. Combined forces of the Order, military might of Silver Arrows and the ancient strength of the Dom'Kavash have maintained the status quo so far, but the threat remains, and that is unacceptable. Full scale assault would lead to massive casualties, so we must use tactical approach and smaller scale missions to break enemies' grasp of the starting Inner Core systems, and to help future scout, hunter/killer and massive military operations in those systems by ensuring ship repair capabilities in deep space.

    The Repair Ship(s) we deliver to Weth will be outfitted with Dom'Kavash regenerative bioarmor at the nearest Breeder. Bioarmor is a newly adapted alien technology that dissipates enemy weapons fire and can actually regrow damaged or missing armor pieces using background EM radiation as an energy source. However, implementation procedure requires Energy Crystals in order to form energy dissipating matrix on the surface of biomaterial.

    Mission objectives:
    - escorting and protecting two Repair Ships along the given route,
    - loading full cargo hold of the Repair Ships with Energy Crystals,
    - mapping key systems beyond Inner Core in the following order: Venn -> Celldra -> Sadurn -> Pyrddra ->Mepther -> Ryssk -> Weth,
    - verifying active status of the Repair Buoys,
    - delivering at least one Repair Ship and its cargo to the Mirtrrak Battle Station in Weth system.

    Mission requirements:
    - two fully prepared Repair Ships (WITH GMG DERVON MISSION DONE),
    - fully equipped Battleship (codeword: Admiral),
    - two fully equipped Destroyers (codewords: Commodore, Captain),
    - very heavy fighter squadron, fully equipped ships with various loadouts,
    - a Navigator, with the Inner Core systms mapped, preferably.

    This operation is scheduled for execution on 10th of October 2010 at 20:00h (server time), so there's plenty of time to prepare. Gathering point will be planet Cambridge, Cambridge system or GMG Hypergate Base, Omega-3 (if SA allow).
    Mobilize newbies and help them prepare too, money and equipment for 1 fighter!

    Message signature: Shockwave, Special Operations Attaché, PX Scythe Squadron, The Order

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • Like always the Silver Arrows Command allows this expedition crew to dock at its Operation Center in Omega-3 for the preparation of the event.

    This mission will be very important in our battle for survival indeed.

    I call for the Discovery to lead the expedition. If the ship is unavailable to respond, the SA_Enterprise will be sent.

    Mankind is brilliant and strong. With each indivual giving a bit of sacrifice and commitment, we will prevail for many more millenia ! Thanks to the Order for initiating this expedition !

    Vice-Admiral Sam Thomas out-

  • I´ll try to be assist too

    "Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon!"
    - Rorschach

  • Ohhhh SHAAAT... I just noticed the course path through the Inner Core systems... We will need a HEAVY contingent/fleet to escort two repair ships that far and into what are the MOST DANGEROUS to navigate and very hostile Inner Core systems, namely Sadurn. We'll be encountering Dom'Seteks in Celldra and Pyrddra as well, of which are very hostile and arguably the toughest of the Dom races. I'm putting a call forth for all SA Omega Wing pilots to get your ships ready for this, we'll need to pull out all stops for this mission!

    This will be a tough one folks, the sad facts are is that some volunteers for this mission may not make it back. :tot:

  • This would be a good opportunity to try to gather SA Omega Wing :)

    Although I am not sure to be able to attend myself yet in regards of the date
    (might have an early birthday party)

    - Rear-Admiral Elodie Vox -
    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

    -- -- Visit Us!
    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • wuuut ? Nice ! :D ( Faaby)

    about the repair ships.... it's not so impossible, but be sure I'm arround when you do such escort ^^

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • about the repair ships.... it's not so impossible, but be sure I'm arround when you do such escort ^^

    :blerg: (found the near-vomit smiley, yay!) Michael, you're very welcome to join, but - I just have to tell you - you're replaceable, just like anyone else, so drop the holier-than-thou attitude, please?

    As for the route - yes, I made it intentionally horrible. We are most likely to die, especially the Repair Ships. But the fun is to try. It's hard enough to prepare the ships, since they must go through Dervon first. But it can be done! ;)

    Tactics can include a below-the-fleet Reliant that will serve as heavy guns and a shield for the repair ships, while the escort and destroyers handle the enemies. Repair ships can restock the fighters with their supply of bots and batts. Variations can be great!

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • We will see ^^

    The patriot one have a good style... which should be used in this event. Like the patriot, while the repair ships run and evade, the rest kills the aliens ;)

    All I will say (less than I thought to ) :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Roger that Shockwave! The SA is bringing in the Omega Wing assets for this mission, as it's a alternate specialized attack wing of which focuses on capships and bases, but can engage and defend against regular VHFs as well. It's been in the planning stages and been worked on for quite some time, but this will probably be it's first real field test. The wing employs gunships VHFs and cap ship killer VHFs as well as regular standard VHFs to the wing with a command capship as wing commander.

    I would recommend letting Omega Wing engage all nearby capships and bases in proximity of the repair ships,(run as interference against heavy assets) while the rest of the PX and other volunteers concentrate on enemy fighters and guarding the repair ships. When no heavy enemy assets are nearby, we'll assist in guarding the repair ships and covering their flanks.

    Something else I just thought of... We do have a Teamspeak server now guys, I would recommend spending some time setting it up if any of you haven't done so we can all use it for this mission, as it will be MUCH easier to communicate with than typing when in battle against the Doms.

  • I agree, Ryleous - Sphinx also suggested the use of Teamspeak, which is a great idea - will save time on organization.

    There should be a good organization - full 3D layout of the assault-fleet.
    We can set up the Repair ships on separate accounts using Patriot method, so whoever flies it, can have a ready ship (this will constitute account sharing, and should be first cleared by OP, just to be sure).

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • You fly an elder?


    No Spiky... *facepalm* You fail dewd, because you FAIL to realize he's part of a coordinated wing that specializes in taking down alien cap ships and bases and he also has a dedicated wingman that's protecting him. You'll see it in action in due time as is. :P8)

  • To my understanding, the Elder's forward gun does worthless shield damage, but does massive hull damage, unless OP has changed that since 1.82's release.

    The fact the Elder has that gun PLUS 4 Diamondback MKIIs ANNNND Sunslayer/Coalition torpedos makes for serious damage quickly against cap ships and bases Michael. With targets that huge and slow(or stationary) you don't really need to aim a whole lot either. Like I say, there are specialized ships within Omega Wing that normally would not be used anywhere else,(especially PvP and player vs NPC VHFs) but serve a unique purpose and can be used to good effect in the right situations, namely against heavy NPC assets, of which Omega Wing was created for.

    To most people outside of this outfit, these ships are unorthodox in most situations, true... But when put together with other support ships and other specialized VHFs, they can prove to be highly effective, especially when they are all working together as a UNIT.

  • Didn't try the bomber ships, but it would be good to see one in action, so I'm looking forward to it.

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf