Warfrane Builds

A collection of Warframe builds including detailed descriptions and how these builds work.
Blog Articles Tagged with “Warframe”

    General Information

    Mesa is a gunsligher through and through.

    She is one of the most powerful damage dealers in the game and perfect choice for very specific tasks.

    Missions like the quest to get the blueprints for the Protea Warframe can easily be done using Mesa while many other Warframes struggle with this task.

    She is also a very good choice when fighting Sentients since her 4th Ability can easily kill those.

    During Operation Scarlet Spear having a Mesa in the space team made the gameplay significantly easier and faster.

    Whenever much damage is needed Mesa is a reliable choice.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Mesa gets a +50 health bonus if no melee weapon is equipped.

    +15% fire rate with dual wielded sidearms.

    +25% reload speed for one handed sidearms.

    Ability 1 - Ballistic Battery

    When activated, this power stores damage caused by guns. When

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    General information

    Frost is a very defensive Warframe.

    His abilities focus on freezing enemies, debuffing them and protecting locations with his snow globe.

    You should not expect him to a big damage dealer. He is best using in point defense missions or as a support Warframe.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Frost has a 10% chance to freeze enemies which attack him with melee weapons.

    Ability 2 - Ice Wave

    Sends a wave of razor sharp, crystallized ice toward an enemy, dealing heavy damage.

    Ability 1 - Freeze

    A frigid energy blast that freezes targets in their tracks.

    Ability 3 - Snow Globe

    Frost deep freezes any vapor and moisture in the area, creating a protective sphere with brief invulnerability to boost its strength.

    Ability 4 - Avalanche

    Summons a treacherous landslide of ice that instantly freezes and shatters all enemies in its radius.


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    General Information

    Mirage in my eyes is an absolutely awesome Warframe.

    Her damage dealing abilities are outstanding and her damage reduction ability is also great.

    But Mirage is not a Warframe for beginners.

    It requires a high amount of environmental awareness to be able to use Mirage. What she does and also what she does not highly depends on knowing her abilities in detail and knowing where exactly you need to cast these abilities.

    Light and Shadow have a big influence on Mirage. In light her damage potential increases while in shadows her defense becomes stronger. You have to be aware of these conditions and adjust your gameplay acordingly.

    Just spamming abilities where ever and when ever you want does not work.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Sliding lasts 85% longer

    +50% faster Maneuver speed

    Ability 4 - Prism

    Fires an energy prism that

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    General Information

    I have to admit that I have my beef with Khora.

    She is an incredibly strong loot Warframe that can help you farm large quantities of resources. She is very effective at defending certain regions if the mission requires it.

    Her Whip can create red critical hits which instantly kills enemies. She even allowed me to solo the Steel Path interception missions with ease.

    However, I personally fail to get her to work in high-level Survival missions like in Steel Path or Arbitrations.

    Her survivability is not so great and I often run into energy issues if I don't use an energy restoration buff from the gear wheel.

    Of course would it be possible to use the Zenurik Focus school to gain more energy but due to I somehow have the wish to use Namaron instead for the reduction of the combat counter drain. Maybe this is my mistake.

    I also think

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    General Information

    Limbo is a mixed bag in terms of usability.

    It was much better but got nerfed because the mechanics behind its abilities can be exploited in certain game modes. This does limit Limbos usefulness on top of the fact that the abilities can disturb other players gameplay.

    If you play with others in a team you need to be careful how you play with this Warframe or you might see people leaving the match or complaining to you.

    However, Limbo is the secret weapon of certain game modes which require you to defend specific objects or locations for a specific duration.

    There also is a specific Elite Nightwave challenge which requires you to win 3 consecutive waves of Index without allowing the opponent to score even one point. Limbo can do the defense work for this challenge with ease and 100% reliability.

    Abilities (sort by usability)

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    General Information

    Nekros is my primary loot Warframe as he offers am awesome damage resistance combined with his looting ability which forces dead enemies to drop loot a second time. Unlike other loot Warframes Nekros is more mobile because his loot ability is not being cast onto a specific location, it instead covers a range around Nekros.

    His survivability is not based on his health, shields or armor (he really is very weak in this regard), but his abilities (if used right) make him almost immortal.

    The video below shows how easy Nekros is being killed when no abilities are in use and how hard he is to kill once his abilities are active.

    In my eyes Nekros is a great choice for Steel Path or other missions where you want to get specific resources that drop from enemies.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Nekros regenerates 5 points of health

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    General Information

    The immortal god Inaros in my eyes is not necessarily a Warframe that has to rely on abilities.

    His biggest strength is the sheer amount of health he has.

    While the default health value for most of the Warframes is 300, a well build Inaros easily can get over 10.000 health. This makes him "almost" unkillable.

    I am convinced that Inaros abilities can be used to kill enemies, I just don't use them for that purpose. His high health is an invitation for being lazy or for rushing into hordes of enemies using your melee weapons.

    Inaros is actually best to be used in combination with a Panzer Vulpaphyla since this pet can restore very large amounts of health if needed. The Vulpaphyla and Inaros actually can not die and are a perfect choice for very hard mission such as Steel Path or very long Arbitrations.

    Abilities (sort by

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    General Information

    I consider Ember a very powerful and tanky Warframe which is good for all kinds of mission.

    However, Ember requires a bit of coordination when being played. You have to consider a few limitations related to her abilities and have to adjust your gameplay accordingly.

    If done right she can be the top damage dealer of the team. If done wrong drains all your energy within seconds and leaves you with no protection.

    She can melt large groups of enemies and kill most boss enemies with ease if used in the right way.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Ember gains 5% additional Ability Strength for every enemy having an active heat status effect in 50m range.

    Ability 1 - Fireball

    Charge and release a fiery projectile that ignites enemies on contact.

    Ability 3 - Fire Blast

    Slam the ground to create a wave of incinerating plasma that knocks

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    General Information

    Atlas certainly is not the easiest to use Warframe in the game and is in my eyes very limited in his build diversity.

    He is not intuitive to play and requires to know what ability to use in which situation and also which weapons you need to take into combat.

    It took me some time to notice how I actually can deal some damage to higher level enemies with this Warframe.

    He is a bit tankier than most of the other Warframes but nowhere in the region of Rhino or Inaros.

    If modded correctly his abilities can be very powerful.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Atlas is immune to knockdown.

    Ability 2 - Tectonics

    Summon a rock-wall, activate again to send the rocks crashing towards the enemy.

    Ability 4 - Rumblers

    Summon two elemental stone brawlers to the melee. Summoning petrifies enemies in close proximity to Atlas. When finished,

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