Posts by Shockwave

    Ok, update - we go on the Sunday, September 13th. All other details remain the same.


    Originally posted by DC_Crysis
    I have a better solution, .. Why don't you go to the gate and check it out by your own... so I will know if I can go or not :D

    Of course, but then I'd get into Hyper, kill everything there, and then DKs would run in terror when they see me and I'd be überawesome, so it wouldn't be fair to the other players... :D

    Since the server has been offline for a few days, the excursion will not take place on 6th because the gate probably won't be open then. Ancalagon said he'll take a look and notify us on the first available date for the trip. :)

    C'mon, gals and guys, do some maintenance on your computers, like defragmenting, clearing out memory-resident crap, do some scans or something... Use the time on your hands to prepare for the next round of CF when the server's back online. :D

    Excursion to Hyperspace

    We're planning a little excursion trip to Hyperspace on Sunday, september 13th, for the purpose of exploration of those dangerous Dom'Kavash systems, and getting us some prized loot from Hyperspace. Clan or RP alignment is irrelevant, all those who wish to participate are welcome.

    The SFP clan has kindly agreed to allow Gorlowka Carrier in Sovetskaya system to be used as a staging point for our little endeavor. The system will be open for visit for those who participate, there will be free weapons and ammo, and also big discounts on Laggs for clan aligned people, whereas freelancers would be allowed to buy Lagg free of additional charge (thank you, Michael and the entire SFP clan). ;)

    In Ancalagon's words, the recommended vessels are Very Heavy Fighters, although you are free to use a capital ship (eg. Osiris, Kusari Destroyer) if you like. WARNING: Kusary Destroyer is LP clan's property - consult Daedalus system rules before entering and purchasing the Destroyer.

    For newbies, these are more commonly used fighters available at Sirius:
    - Shroud VHF; Planet Prophecy, Tarsus; cca 10 million $;
    - Predator VHF; Planet Tobruk, Neophobos; cca 10 million $;
    - Reaper VHF; Lhasa Station, Casius; cca 10 million $; WARNING: This system is IOC property - consult Casius system rules before entering and purchasing the fighter.

    Please remember to buy Coalition bribe at Planet Earth, Sol system (3.1 million $). It would also be wise to buy class 10 armor, shields and shield upgrades at their respectable purchase locations. Also, for the purpose of being seen should your cruise be distrupted, it is recommended that you have at least one Phoenix Project Cannon mounted on your fighter.

    A fleet admiral will be chosen before the event itself, and he will be responsible for navigation. Officers (whose number will depend on the number of people there) will also be chosen to handle the distribution of countermeasures, nanobots and shield batteries. We will also have the support of at least one Serverpolice member (if Daywalker can get the spiderweb and dust off his Ragnarok). :D Further fleet tactics will be discussed later in topic.

    After the event is over, non-SFP players and non-SFP-allies will politely be escorted through Vorkuta and beyond, back to the relative safety of the Sirius sector (and by relative, I mean Lucy will still be there, somewhere, lurking in the nebulae). :D

    So, to sum up:
    Date: September 13th, 2009. (Sunday).
    Time to meet at Sovetskaya: between 20:00h and 20:45h server-time.
    Departure: 21:00h server-time.

    Since this will be a group thing, we kindly ask the players not to visit Hyperspace on that day on their own, as it would ruin the event and player experience for everyone and you would be deemed an all-round asshole. Thank you! :)

    (This topic can also be found on PX forum - click here.)


    Originally posted by Spiky-
    wtf when I search for Leipzig in youtube it only gives me stuff about gay parade and transvestites


    and THAT is how Spike found his new homepage.


    i get them too. they seem to be a part of a messaging system that will be implemented into crossfire, with system warnings and everything... at least it looks that way :)


    Originally posted by BG_Rhonetaz
    ... and another get stranded in sol but PX to the rescue they went and brought him out...

    tam-ta-da-daaaam! |PX|Superbestfriends-n00b-rescue-force :D

    it was fun last night, different from everyday CF

    Name: Vitez (Medium Fighter)
    Guns/miss: 2 * VII, 2 * IX
    Turrets: 1 * IX
    CD Slots: 1
    Torpedo Slots: -
    Armor Capacity: 6800
    Cargo Load: 40
    Nanos/Batteries : 60
    Max. Angular Speed: 1.528

    With the discovery of the new systems, the Deep Space Engineering / Ageira Technologies businesses expanded, but the pirates' attacks on construction sites were ever more frequent. The DSE/Ageira combined their engineering teams and came up with the Vitez, a slick and deadly protector/fleet backup vessel, designed to repel attacks and protect the jumpgate/tradelane construction sites. Built in the finest Kusari and Liberty shipyards, the Vitez features an advanced gravitic vector control, making it more maneuverable in combat situations.


    Name: Vicont (Very Heavy Fighter)
    Guns/miss: 2*IX, 4 * X
    Turrets: -
    CD Slots: 2
    Torpedo Slots: 1
    Armor Capacity: 11400
    Cargo Load: 30
    Nanos/Batteries : 100
    Max. Angular Speed: 1.457

    Made by the same DSE/Ageira team as the Vitez, the Vicont is a heavy assault vessel which packs a mean punch. Designed to be a backbone of the companies' transport fleets in pirate-infested systems, this mighty fighter strikes fear deep into potential hostiles' hearts. Fleets of Vicont/Vitez are often sent to dispose of outlying pirate bases, patrol material transport routes and intercept incoming attack fleets.


    Name: Viceroy (Destroyer)
    Turret/Flak: 12/2
    Armor Capacity: 42500
    Cargo Load: 250
    Max. Angular Speed: 0.527

    The increased Nomad and Dom'Kavash threat resulted in the first corporate designed destroyer in Sirius - the Viceroy. DSE/Ageira team constructed a deadly vessel, capable of single-handed destruction of entire enemy flotillas and stations. However, the true intention of this vessel is the protection of miners, bases and construction sites in very dangerous areas, such as the resource rich and tacticaly important Nomad and Dom'Kavash systems. Featuring an ablative armor, a large cargo hold and an advanced gravitic vector control, this is truly a formidable ship.

    I have a question - will OP add mooring fixtures on CF planets in 1.8?

    My interest lies, of course, in the expanded trade possibilities, which would in turn dissipate police patrols as well as pirate focus from New Berlin and/or California. Mercs would also profit from this, more or less indirectly...

    (Also, I apologize if this is a duplicate thread.) :))