Posts by Faaby

    Attention: Irony
    Bummer for you SHS, you will become very bored when alone in space while we beg for money in Manhattan slums to refill ship fuel.

    Unlike some common beliefs (that I do not understand), I do not need to be lvl90+ to fight... so do not worry too much!
    (nice of you to be concerned about us though LOL)

    Ahhh Relativity principles!

    Without going through Einstein's work, you can just say some values have no meaning if not compared to something else.

    ex: What color is this? Yellow?

    But now, which one is the yellow?

    Server is not balanced - total bias towards missile users :( There are no decent ships (apart from Redemption) or lvl 9 weapons that could make that scenario possible.
    So we won't see that sort of dogfight I'm afraid Riebens.

    I disagree here. With correct use of CDs you can decently fight with a "missile user" (even take advantage of it if able to blow up missiles while in damage range of launching ship).
    If you have a minimum aim accuracy and dodging practice, there is no reason you cannot fight them.

    (it is funny, but some people think the opposite, missile users being disavantaged those days with random missile lock issues)

    Try defining what would be a skilled pilot first?

    Someone who can kill others if he has a fast turning ship? maybe not (ask Spiky and his eagle!)


    but dont lie to them saying in the infocards that this is "the best you
    can get" (cuz some info cards say that. or "very deadly in a skiled
    pilot hands" (well that just make ppl say "i am skiled pilot in this
    ship i will be deadly now" AND IT IS NOT LIKE THAT)

    Or maybe it is just that you think you are skilled - but you are not? (kidding!) :rolleyes:

    Each ship may require different kind of skills to be mastered... (ever tried the Hades for example? that is for sure an example of a very deadly ship but not necessarily easy to fly or with fast turning)

    A starflier may even be the ultimate ship for a "skilled" pilot... sure, if you can dodge all guns and missiles, then you can be "invulnerable" and kill any opponent...
    This is an extreme example.. just to say the advantages of any ship may be obtained sometimes needing specific skills or "flying/fighting styles".

    If Im not mistaken the Drizzt can mount only 3 class10 weapons. and is a light fighter. <br>
    I've seen a light fighter already being able to mount just 2 or 3 class 10 weapons (well 2 or 3 guns in general) and it was also available in sirius. but dont ask me where<br>

    Remains to find out if the gained agility would compensate the very low hull armor... If it is able to evade gun fire/missiles efficiently then maybe?

    Bumping up an old thread that seemed interesting to me about Light Fighters in CF.

    1.7 - New life for Light Fighters?

    I was thinking it could be very interesting to make/update some light fighters, maybe with only 2 guns max, but
    able to mount weapons with higher lvls (up to 10 maybe?).

    I am just curious to imagine what would give in fights a starflier with 1 war'sy or coalition gatling mounted :D

    This could bring diversity to current used ships (which are mainly "agile" VHFs)

    Maybe there exists some already that fits this though? (Haven't found myself yet though)

    I think OP has announced changes to battleships that go in this direction (less cargo I believe),
    as this "issue" with BS doing trading as already been brought up?

    BMG only available to smugglers would be nice indeed.
    (and I am thinking police could finally "seize" illegal cargo without being called "corrupt", if being
    the only way to obtain such goods is beeing by arresting smugglers? same deal with pirates if
    need to seize a trader to get BMGs - and possibly re-sell them afterwards for extra "benefits"?)

    What about closing the buy every Weapon possibility at Issos and the Ouposts, so if you want a Ripper Mine or a Sunslayer you will have to change your Rep and so on also like in Vanilla.

    That may also allow more transactions and deals between players, trying to obtain a certain equipment without willing to change reputation :)
    More trades with players, less with "computer" :p

    That looks very interesting to me OP.

    Removing level restrictions would be nice (specially in SP! would be able to try out
    bunch of different other ships during the campaign ^^)...

    Having reputation play a more important role would be a nice input to RP I believe
    (heck with pirates afiliated with navy and police?!)

    Although about needing a minimum faction reputation level to be able to purshase goods...
    I am not sure about others, but I am usually not even granted to dock at the station/planet if
    my reputation is on the "red" side?

    Needing reputation "hacks" to purshase specific faction equipment, would to me bring back
    the search of bribes around (except for junker in Rochester, and coalition in Earth, I have never
    really needed to use bribing - shame considering the numbers of installed hackers all over sirius?
    In any case, it makes sense you cannot be KoS by the faction to get granted to purshase their
    equipment (sort of like clans are already doing actually ;) )

    About general market adjustments I have no clue...
    Except for the smuggling currently allowed to anyone - which to me messes up the market.
    Will you be able to find a way to fix "smuggler" RP though? (that looked hard to solve)

    Joining some videos (sorry for not better quality, but gives idea of the action ^^)

    note: not really being cameran guy in this, but thought i'd run recorder..
