Hello. I have a question. How to find the hyper gate for the Altair Sector?
Hyper gate for the Altair Sector
- Ary Preihs
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Hello Ajay Thanks for answering. But I think I should have been more specific. I'm at the end of the Kavash mission. I think it's 32. Then comes a message that says FIND HIGH HYPERGATE AND RETURN HOME, or something like that. From that point on, it is very difficult to search. The systems are long. If you can help me with that I appreciate it.
Exactly. Thanks a lot for the help. Have a great weekend.
I think for the SP campaign you gotta go back through the Hypergate. If I remember the storyline requires it.
So best to follow Ajay's route
I think for the SP campaign you gotta go back through the Hypergate. If I remember the storyline requires it.
So best to follow Ajay's route
Yes, fully understand. It's just that sometimes I'm reminded of the saying: "a picture is worth a 1000 words".
I'm not sure if I'm right, but I also think of an addition to that saying: "Experience is worth a 1000 pictures".
'Cos it took me a while to recall how the systems were called or where are they located, but I suppose I remember my way back from IC rather clearly.
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Hi to all! I have a bug in the game. I can't move from the sol system to the Altair sector. After the quest I can't enter the transdimensional hole (c4) there is no docking button.
Hi to all! I have a bug in the game. I can't move from the sol system to the Altair sector. After the quest I can't enter the transdimensional hole (c4) there is no docking button.
Did you actually finish the story up to collapsing the black hole, or did you decline a story mission to take a break and explore? If I recall correctly, you can't take jobs from bars either during those breaks, so I guess you're supposed to stay in Sirius Sector and Sol during those breaks.
Did you actually finish the story up to collapsing the black hole, or did you decline a story mission to take a break and explore? If I recall correctly, you can't take jobs from bars either during those breaks, so I guess you're supposed to stay in Sirius Sector and Sol during those breaks.
Finished hypervores in Omega 3 (did not fly to the black hole)
Or is it possible that the rift (sol sector) does not allow, because I lost the reputation of the Order?
could be but honestly I doubt it
jump connections by default have no reputation restrictions
In the early story mission into sol the rift can not be docked because I disallowed it in the story script (simply because the story needs a linear progression).
But that docking restriction gets lifted after visiting Sol later on.
If that does not work you for some reason did not follow the mission instruction and therefore missed the trigger that enables docking again.