Can't Deactivate Mod

There are 25 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • I figured I'd try out Crossfire, it being one of the better mods.

    Unfortunately, it has been a nightmare.

    I finally got the game to work, followed the tutorial and re-installed freelancer and the mod, got it all working.

    I activate it, and there's all the different options. I didn't know what any of the things looked like, since there was no preview, so I figured I'd just see what they look like in-game, and change them whenever.

    Turns out there was nothing in-game to change the colors of HUD, cursors, and such, so I figured I'd disable the mod, and re-enable it with the configurations that I wanted.

    Mod wouldn't disable, tried a few times, still didn't work.

    So, I deleted freelancer, tried to disable the mod, still didn't work. Reinstalled freelancer, still didn't work. Reinstalled freelancer, deleted the mod, re-installed the mod, and when it was put back into the mod manager, it was already "activated", even though it actually wasn't. I still couldn't deactivate it, because there were no files to change, it wasn't active. How can I activate it again if it won't deactivate the damn thing?

    EDIT: Before I got any replies, I did a little more thinking. Reinstalled the mod manager, and then the mod was deactivated.

    However, now I can't seem to get it to activate properly... *Sigh*... Going to reinstall freelancer AGAIN...

    Edit: Reinstalled freelancer, tried again, still can't activate it...

    I'm going to delete everything, install everything again, it's gonna take forever, but oh well...

    Should have edited this post sooner, but I was busy playing the mod. I got it working a few hours ago on my own.

    Edited 3 times, last by TLI-Inferno: Updated. ().

  • Hi Inferno, sorry about the issues, but I am not sure of what tutorial you are speaking of. Our tutorial does not mention anything about "deactivating", if you would first check our FAQ, Help section (both at the buttons bar up on the top of the portal) or use the "Search" engine to see other people who had issues with it and them being solved, you would've find this:

    "3. How I install/reinstall this mod?"

    The FLMM can never deactivate the mod, because this mod changes a lot of main files which cannot be backuped by the FLMM and even scratches the game's engine itself. Activating the mod is easier since it just has to place everything where ordered, but it won't be able to undo that.

    That is why in the tutorial it says "uninstall everything", you can also do CTRL + R in the FLMM window, or at "Tools" clicking "Restore Backups", which will not fix the game or deactivate the mod, but it will clear the status of the Mod being activated even after reinstalling freelancer. This way, you won't need to unpack the mod and reinstall FLMM itself. This way, only Freelancer would need to be reinstalled, as since once the mod is activated, it is sticked to it no matter what you do. Making a copy of the clean fresh Freelancer install before touching it, so you have a "backup" will be useful as when it's time to change something, you just delete the old install, make a new copy of the clean one and rename it to the default "Freelancer" or anything you like (but in different names you have to pick the right path at FLMM). So this way you also skip the part of intalling the game from the disk, limiting the whole thing to Pressing CTRL + R and copying a folder.

    About previews:

    In the same place (that FAQ), you can see a preview of the possible crosshairs /cursors pickable being here:
    "Which are the different types of crosshairs? ... Is it possible to change the crosshairs without having to reinstall the mod?"

    As well as a link to a thread of one of our Moderators with all choosable character appearances ( them being 22 ), Cursors and Particle Colors.
    This thread being here:
    Crossfire 1.9 Mod options

    Then comes the menus background where the name says pretty much all "New - Gold" or "Blue", "Red", "Green", default, etc.

    The rest of the options have nothing (or at least not much) to be previewed, affects the graphic quality of the mod and such stuff.

    Good luck in the future, and have fun ^^

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I have a problem who is not for the crossfire mod....actualy is for the original freelancer, i can't run it. When i install it and click to run the game it told me: Freelancer does not recongize your 3D video card. Freelancer may have trouble running. On my old computer who was XP i have this but it run. On my new computer who is windows 7 64 bit i can't launch the game. But i think it may be is because i have install crossfire in D drive and my original freelancer is in E drive, is it because i have to delete the freelancer who is whit the mod to can work the original game ?( . Any ideas

    Always have a thought for those you care about. That way they will never be forgotten even after they are gone.

  • And on Windows 7 you must run everything trustable (like the game, FLMM, etc) as "Administrator", that's a main difference between it and the old Win XP that you have to get used with.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Wow. Just wow. My post about being unreasonably banned was deleted. Coverup much?

    Learn how to use your power, you folks are seriously abusing it. This post will probably be deleted, too, but somebody will see it first.

    Just quit acting like a bunch of children who were given too much power and don't know how to properly use it... You're not supposed to abuse your power for solving personal disagreements.

  • TLI-Inferno: I disabled (admin still can see it) your post and reason is simple. It is against server/portal rules how to deal with such problem. For this exist ticket-system (in main menu) and you can add there all relevant info. Your post above will stay as is, there is no reason for disable it. If you want ask about this, send me PM ... I go now update your post report with your char name.

  • You never were banned.
    However if you keep ranting and flaming here on my forum or on the server I for sure will decide to remove you.
    Call it childish if you want... I call it "enforcing the rules".



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I am not "ranting and flaming".

    Who have I flamed? Who have I insulted?

    The only one being offensive here is you, I don't like your tone. And I really don't like the way you people treat new players. It's no wonder you hardly have any players, you treat new ones like crap, and then you continue to treat them like crap when they say something about you treating them like crap. If you keep this up, you'll kill your own server by stopping it from getting new players.

    And I know I was banned, because I was disconnected, and when I tried to reconnect last night, I was given the message that I had been banned from the server. Whoever did it must have unbanned me before you did, then, to cover his tracks.

    Even after all of that, I'm still playing the mod on your server and giving it a chance, but I'll only put up with so many threats from admins.

  • Inferno :) ... you rly understimate what all is on CF logged :). No GR can act as he want on his will without being his actions logged. There was also report about your talking in system channel...

    Better enjoy play in space as run in fights you can't win.

  • 1. there is one admin -> me
    2. I have not been offensive to you; you clearly would notice when I am getting offensive
    3. guess what, I also dont like your tone...
    You came to my server to rant about my mod on the open system channel last night, then you came to my forum starting this crap here telling us that we are "childish, that we can not deal with critics about the mod (which infact you never voiced to the mod developers), that we hold grudges towards you and claim that "we" have banned you (which practically never happend).
    Not even to mention that we keep treating new players in a bad way... Well if i read this thread here from the beginning then i can only see how you as new player ran into problems and "we" tried to help you.
    4. you practically even tell that i am a liar.... well your account never was banned, it is not banned now... and was not banned before. I did not ban you, i got no reports that you were banned by anybody else and the server logs also dont show that you were banned. IF somebody would have made the decision to ban you then you would not be playing on the server now. That is a fact.
    5. I have not threatened you... just told you what will happen if you dont follow the rules.
    6. it is absolutely great that you GIVE US A CHANCE... we feel honored.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • It was in New York. I didn't violate any rules.

    In fact, I even asked them several times to just use PM's, but they didn't want to.

    You have screenlogs of me providing constructive criticism and not insulting anyone. Oh my.

    Go ahead, ban me, I didn't violate any rules while playing.

  • It does not matter in which system it was, there is no exclusion to the rules for specific systems.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    The server is provided for people to play and enjoy the Mod. This is a privilege and not a right and this privilege will be revoked if the rules are not followed, you disrupt the functionality of the server or you detract from the enjoyment of the majority of the players.

    obviously the people which reported you think that the above marked part of the rules apply... however, you were not banned for that

    Another part of the rules state:


    Appealing Decisions
    If you believe that you have been unfairly treated, penalties can be appealed. To appeal a decision, contact Server Police [GR] or Admininistration. Clan members should bring appeals to their clan leader.

    There is absolutely no word saying "complain and argue over it on the public forums".

    And while I am quoting... here something from the Community rules:


    While we are committed to the principles of free speech, certain activities may be damaging to the resources of both SWAT and our communities and cannot be permitted under the guise of free speech. The resources of SWAT are limited, and abuse of these resources by one user has a negative impact on the entire community.

    As a member of our vast forum community, you must participate responsibly. If you have any questions regarding our CoC, please contact any of our forum moderators via email.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • That rule states "A majority of the players".

    The only people who are angry at me are you and the in-game GR.

    That rule is for dealing with people who are a major problem to the activity of the server itself, not people who you are personally angry with.

  • what you did IS a problem for the activity of the server... especially since it was done in new york ... the system that practically every new player starts in and has to read that crap before they even get the chance to make their own opinion about the mod, the server and this community
    ...and the majority of players in that system felt bothered - otherwise i would not have gotten so many screenshots of this situation

    I am not even sure why you keep discussing about it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • There were only two people in New York. And I didn't say things like "this game sucks".

    I don't like to call admins liars, and I know what happens to people who do, but you're a liar. Your "So many screenshots" must have been from the same person, possibly switching characters and taking more, but there weren't a bunch of people online.

    In fact, at the time in which I was kicked, the only people online were me and the GR, on the whole server, and I had been speaking in PM's for the past hour because I wasn't even in New York anymore.

    If you want to blame anyone, blame the two folks who insisted that I had to use system chat instead of PM's. I wouldn't be harming the server by talking about things to somebody in PM's. And even in new york system chat, I still didn't say anything that could harm the server.

    There were other people, however, who were cursing and saying "this server sucks" and such in system chat while I had been there. The admin didn't really care about them, because he was holding a grudge against me personally.