IOC / CFPD Hostilities

There are 31 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Martind Forlon.

  • As of 11/26/2012.... the long term 6 year old alliance and friendship between (IOC) and [CFPD] has been cancelled and hostilties have ensued. (IOC) Stryker, who was caught impersonating a [CFPD} Officer under the name Cobretti, has brought dishonor to a long standing friend in IOC. Acting in concert with IOC Stryker, LC|Vol'jin will also be on the list of OORP hostilities.

    UR GrandAndreask from another Sirius Law Enforcement agency made an honest effort to bring a clean solution to the situation by vouching for my identity. Stryker and Vol'jin repeatedly claimed I am not who I am^^.

    After the closing of these hostilities. [CFPD] will not be a member of this server come the deployment of 2.0. Enough is enough. You people will get what you ask for.


    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • [CFPD] will not be a member of this server come the deployment of 2.0. Enough is enough. You people will get what you ask for.


    I Don't Need To "Get A Life." I'm A Gamer. I Have Lots Of Lives! :D

    It can be good rebels like in starwars :thumbup:

    Plz visit >>> United Rebels - Portal

    Intel i7-4930k| Corsair H80 liquid cooling with 2x Noctuna NF-F12 Industrial | Rog Rampage IV Extreme| Corsair Vengance 32gb 4x8gb| 2x EVGA Classified GTX 980ti SLI| Corsair 1050w silver-80 PCU | about 30TB storage (Seagate Archive) (for p-rat torrents 24/7 when not playing CF offc) | a 240GB Rog Raidr pci-e for Windows 10 Pro upgraded from win7 With Classic Shell to give me the XP/Win7 start menu and a Aero hack to make everything gloss "ish" | all in a NZXT Phantom Big tower (black) connected to a 55" Panasonic TX-P55VT60Y Plasma TV.

  • I can assure you that Stryker's action are not condoned or supported by IOC leadership. In fact, once I hear his side of it, judgement will be made and appropriate action will be taken...up to and including banishment from using the IOC tag and lifetime KOS contract [which is likely, at this point].

    *Also, I'm pretty sure impersonating with another clan tag is a banable offence. If not, it should be.*

  • let see who cause all this trouble hmm

    (='.'=# This is Bunny# Copy and paste bunny into your
    #" #_#" # signature to help him gain world domination#
    [AS]Demonic Pay or Die


  • Was there smuggling going on? If there was, CFPD have the right to tax/fine/kill as needed. If there was no contaband then CFPD have no right to open fire on IOC. So Rifty, was there BMG's on the ship?

    And Rum'el, did you impersonate an CFPD member? Because that's the part that's really bad.

  • I had a talk with Vol anfer he calmed down... and i understand the problem.

    Stryker thinks it was Rifty who was online today and "NOT" Gunny

    Rifty made a big base with stryker and Thom88 and with many other people in Discovery and Rifty let the base get destroyed after all the work....

    So Stryker came to CF to ruin Rifty's life in CF

    But when it comes to the problem with him using Fake charracters because he was in a rage.....idk what Rifty's part is in all this...i think it made this rifty vs stryker ego-war worse,

    I want to hear Rifty's side of the story :verrueckt::verrueckt::verrueckt:

    I Don't Need To "Get A Life." I'm A Gamer. I Have Lots Of Lives! :D

    It can be good rebels like in starwars :thumbup:

    Plz visit >>> United Rebels - Portal

    Intel i7-4930k| Corsair H80 liquid cooling with 2x Noctuna NF-F12 Industrial | Rog Rampage IV Extreme| Corsair Vengance 32gb 4x8gb| 2x EVGA Classified GTX 980ti SLI| Corsair 1050w silver-80 PCU | about 30TB storage (Seagate Archive) (for p-rat torrents 24/7 when not playing CF offc) | a 240GB Rog Raidr pci-e for Windows 10 Pro upgraded from win7 With Classic Shell to give me the XP/Win7 start menu and a Aero hack to make everything gloss "ish" | all in a NZXT Phantom Big tower (black) connected to a 55" Panasonic TX-P55VT60Y Plasma TV.

    Edited 4 times, last by [UR]GrandAndreasK: - ().

  • Let the Alliance be canceled, and be hostiles! :ahahaha: We want more action on the server! Make War :ahahaha: I sure would like to see 2 Fleets Shooting at each other infront of me. HI HI :ahahaha: ... LOL! otherwhise yeah, the Reason WHY should be always checked :woot:

  • LOL WUT? There is war incoming? Give me epic fight video when it will begin, pls!

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • LC are here to do RP and we will tax every one if a police pilot with level 55 and above are in the way LC member are to engage and destroy.
    CFPD blowing up the LC store in newyork sure np its RP however please wait till out of newyork and if you dont believe me please look at the BIG RED sign on front of manhattan
    and if you need LC member to read to you we are more than happy to do so.
    Now for my friend Stryker i am on he's side and i understand why that's all i can say about that.

    (='.'=# This is Bunny# Copy and paste bunny into your
    #" #_#" # signature to help him gain world domination#
    [AS]Demonic Pay or Die


  • Well then. Stryker and his alts are no longer IOC. I gave him 48 hours to switch back to freelance status. 'Nuff said. Problem solved between IOC and CFPD.

    As stated in the IOC charter, IOC members are independent operators who agree to band together as a group but must also take resposibility for their own individual actions. I've given him the harshest judgement that I can...permanent ban from the clan and KOS if I feel the urge. :P If someone up the chain of command wants to give out a harsher penalty, so be it. It wouldn't bother me any.

    [If he's just here to cause shit then do what is normally done with shit disturbers.]

  • Snake2d: please stay out of this. This is not our busines.

    @(IOC)Rex Nebular: give please know if will be needed GR help

    THOM88: Stores should not be in NY. This was OP direct request some time ago. (You can use many stations near NY)

    @ALL: ... maybe you should, in case you have troubles (someone breach rules) post ticket and server staff will solve it as soon as possible. This was told many times before...

  • I think Rifty destroy LC_store in Colorado.

    In my books:
    Every policeman have right to fine empty smugler ship (caring smugler licence is cought cough)(i mean small fine 500k), then smugler can setbounty on policeman etc etc

    there will be no war / read 24/7 RP server! Carrying other clan tag without permission is big offense. Official/unofficial whatever...

    Edited once, last by Husker: editing/adding ().

  • ioc and cfpr are not hostail i hope only gunny can hold your recrutes like rex
    Forlon dont worry everyting is allredy dun
    and hucher tnx for the note "tax" not "KOS" (it was in NY near Custo gate)

    |LC|Asmodeus, |LC|Mastema, |LC|Geryon*_`, |LC|Lilith*_` , |LC|Prototype_Maddness , |LC|Proto_Apfa

  • Quote

    (it was in NY near Custo gate)

    dunno m8, me and UR_Razz in that time be in Custodian flying to intercept two LC char in Colorado.

  • Did you speak to Stryker about this situation? What is his opinion? I think you guys better wait a lil before deciding what needs to be done. Stryker didn't seem to me as a guy who would do such a thing... Also I m not sure... :knot:

  • This issue should have been deal with in private between the clan leaders before getting published on the forum.


    [CFPD] will not be a member of this server come the deployment of 2.0. Enough is enough. You people will get what you ask for.


    About that I can only say... the day will come that I dont want anymore.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Allright, there already are many topics on this thread and people could read them, so here are some public answers.

    LC are here to do RP and we will tax every one if a police pilot with level 55 and above are in the way LC member are to engage and destroy.
    CFPD blowing up the LC store in newyork sure np its RP however please wait till out of newyork and if you dont believe me please look at the BIG RED sign on front of manhattan
    and if you need LC member to read to you we are more than happy to do so.
    Now for my friend Stryker i am on he's side and i understand why that's all i can say about that.

    About the LC Store topic, which isn't the main topic, here's the full story.

    I found LC chars parked in NY with a store-like name (Coffin), and noticed him about not parking Stores in NY since it's a newbie protection area, not for clan stores, and that LC already have a home system where to safely park them.

    LC starts moving out from NY at the same moment (showing cooperation, even though it wasn't an emergency as I made no threat about having to do it at the moment).

    In Colorado, there were 1-2 LC spotted before the store came in, and 3 cops, 1 from BG UR and CFPD (rifty) were already in Colorado, and Rifty KoSes that Black Eagle without checking if it was a store. When I got informed about that kill by LC Vol jin, all the cops and other LC were in Colorado. (no one, neither LC mentioned and I didn't notice the char was in NY when killed) I spoke with Rifty, and him, without me asking it, he transferred 150 mills over to LC vol jin who had that store, and I added 150 mill more, 300 mills as in, to try cover up the losses, at least partially. As LC vol jin already went offline (in few minutes), I said it to LC Soul. That action was fast, ended in 5 minutes, and not related to any other issue.

    About the tags and chars impersonating issue, I saw that char online after I logged out to go to sleep. Stryker was online at once with me, but after leaving and coming back(later) for a moment to make the Top Squadron event announcement, I saw [CFPD]Cobretti In NY, but as it was midnight I left fast, after making a screenie. But this is the 2nd time it happens, as Husker didn't recognize that "CFPD Little Prank" char as being Rifty in a certain battle. No matter once or twice, but due to this is totally against several server rules, and we do NOT need "hate" behaviour on this server (which was actually noticed much before the Rifty incident, for example against me for minor reasons), and that making him wear freelancer tag instead of IOC won't help at all with this "hating" issue ... Stryker's account got a 3 days ban by my hand, which ends on Friday, right before the next weekend. This is also to keep him away from CF, where meanwhile he has the chance to "cool down". If he plans to bypass it with other accounts or IPs and I catch him (since there are ways to see that), it'll be increased.
    In my opinion, after the punishment ends, it's ok if he keeps the IOC tag, that, if the leaders still welcome him, as CFPD wishes no loss for other clan, and less for a friendly clan.

    THOM88: Whatever happened on another server, it can be understandable, but it won't be a valid reason for breaking server rules, neither over there, neither here, so it won't save him from punishments. It's not even the first hate rage he had against people on here. And that counting that I don't know how certain that Disco story is, "letting a base get destroyed", it may have been that he couldn't, or afk, or not online, not necessarly his fault.

    Gunny: Since this was NOT a clan conflict intention, IOC Rex already confirmed it and themselves did their best to punish him (as I noticed Stryker's chars already have no IOC tag, so it was done), and all this move had nothing to see with you, neither with CFPD itself (as the issue was against Rifty from another server, the hit against CFPD was on a 2nd level), and as the player is already banned and properly exiled by his own clan, I expect you will understand that there's no need nor reason for hostile measures anymore. As well to agree with me with bringing the relations with IOC back to normal. LC are pirates so nothing changes about them.

    Snake2d: People said that to you because "clan war" is not RP, it's not "battles" and not fun. It includes doing anything possible to hurt the opponent (like this tags thing, impersonating, actual cheating for combat advantages, etc), and such. It's an "out of control battle", not an event where people can say "gf" after it.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

    Edited 2 times, last by Michael: . ().

  • Well sorry michael I just thought more about the "Gameway"... I mean it's a game so if there are Clan War's that's just to showing the opponents their skill, and who might be the better one and in the end it's a Good Fight and more like a SHOW nothing serious.. :|