Crossfire MP is not saving

There are 26 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by {LP}50Pack{X}.

  • I had completed 3041 missions and log off. When I logged back on again I found I had only completed 3012. I carried on doing missions and logged off after doing 4 more. When I logged back on again I was back to 3012. I tried this once more with exactly the same result. Is 3012 the maximum number of missions you can do please?

  • Allright, seems the server is not updating any data for now... happened the same with players who made new chars and they don't appear on their char list.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • hi all the mod is not saving anything at all do not trade as iv just made 50mill and logged off then on and its gon i was having issues with bounty's too i kill for bounty get the cash f1 after docking and log on its gone

    anyone else having this issue

  • Issue lol, ya I would say just abit.
    Started a new char for trading and now it only shows that I have been around NY even though I traveled to Sol Bought a Soultrain and Pods earlier today and bang I am back in NY with the starflier and a loss of 61mil in total.
    Guess its a day for not trading, may as well hunt. :)
    See you in Space soon

    All Characters are Licensed Police Officers:

    Katertrak_Jack (flying a BS)
    Laws_Brann (testing different ships for IC hunting)
    Junker_Clunker (Mission char for good cach fast)
    Cargo_Brann (Transporter of lawful cargo)
    Katatonic[ASF] (ASF business only and afew events if other char can't make it)

    See You In Space Soon :)

  • I leave NT head to Utopia, DOCK in Utopia, goto Dervon DOCK i n Dervon..... get killed by NPC and I am sent back to NT????

    Then I goto Sig13, DOCK at Naha, lose a fight to 2 rats and I am BACK in NT?????

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Server do not save (it is in few others threads :) ) ... we all need just wait until OP come.

  • Attention: Irony
    I am not sure anymore if it isn´t a hint by OP so called a feature not a bug - if we would start seeing the conditions compared to certain situations, well...

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Hmm... I thought that was the problem, Marauder and I were fighting a cop (If you can call him that), he died twice, and he kept getting sent back..... no wonder I hope OP can fix this issue :D

    [box=yellow]A Proud Member of the Lost Prophets Pirate Clan![/box]

    [box=blue]Also Proud Leader of the CSF Faction![/box]

    {LP} is recruiting! Please visit here for more details!

    Arrrrrrrrrrrr Maty!

  • Being online, I announced abt server problems 4 or 5 times, (along 3 or 4 hours).

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • It started last night, thea dmin on there said they were aware and working on it. My first day playing it and i lost a lot of my progress. I cant wait to keep playing though, awsome game. ;)

    Who is the more foolish? Th ;) e fool? or the fool who follows him?

  • @Zargon
    I`m sure, that this problem will solved a.s.a.p.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • i was having issues with bounty's too i kill for bounty get the cash f1 after docking and log on its gone

    UR is a merc clan?

    No it isn't...

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • No it isn't...

    You killed some1 for bounty being a cop? Nice...

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • two days ago I banked 10 million for a shield upgrade, Came on yesterday made my way to frankfurt to buy the upgrade, got it and installed, done anumber of missions to make some more money then banked another 6 million, logged off then returned later on and...... back to where I started off from 2 days ago upgrade was gone and also the money was gone too :( so I have lost 16million because of this, PLEASE PLEASE get it sorted no point in playing until its fixed.

    Hope to see you in space soon

  • It is getting sorted, don't worry.

    Just keep reporting by ticket personal losses in the cases players lost something from their chars more than not getting updated.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • it should work again



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!