I Want to participate in RP but...

There are 15 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Duck_Dodgers.

  • I Want to participate in RP but...

    This evening I was asked if I wanted to join a Clan, I do at some point..but have some reservations.

    For a start..and I`m guilty of this...New players generally do not read the clan/system rules. The Server rules are obvious because they are at manhatten in big red writing so its hard to avoid and therefore excuses cannot be given. Before you know it tho, you are 50Mil in credit and off to buy ships and shields without thought of who owns what system and what rules apply to the purchase of such items.

    But Clan/System rules are complicated and long winded. I have tried to abide by rules as I have come across them, for example I was challenged by a BloodGaurd member as I was passing thru custodian, in roleplay fashion I explained I was a Freelancer and not affiliated with any clan, I was wished well and allowed to go on my way.

    There are of course many that do not adhere to any of these rules and just go on thru any system, buying anything lucrative or weapons and shields etc
    Also, and I dont want to cause any offence, but apart from events..I dont see much happening apart from PVP outside of X3043-Planet Crossfire. It also seems that anybody without a Tag or licence can TAX anywhere just for fun..just seems to intimidate newer players..Need I say "Demonic" anyone. These players seem to get away with it..maybe a PVP here or there from a Player who takes a dislike to their demands..but nothing serious. Personally I think there needs to be another system put in place that properly penalises those that run rampant..if they are caught by police of course. For example..Having their usually strong alien weaponary confiscated..because fines dont really work. I dont know, something. It is of course probably fun to be the villan, and in RP terms its all good. But there needs to be real deterrents for the roleplay and real rewards for bringing in the justice. I would suggest some sort of court system that would need several different players from the various clans to vote on such punishments/rewards and to make rulings. This of course would have to be maintained on the forum.

    I have met with encouragement tho, CFPD-Micheal has been pointing me mildly in the right direction towards the roleplay element and seems to be happy to help with advice on such matters..so for that I thank him.

    Im just saying, the rules are complicated, I would need a rulebook beside me while playing because theres no way I could remember everything.

    As for Joining a Clan, I dont want to offend anyone that asks me, im just unsure and feel I need to do alot more research before I commit.

    Also and this is important to me, Im not very big into PVP (I have my Reasons) but I will when I have to..I just dont want my time here to be all PVP motivated, there should be other roles that exist within clans that cater for such players, because if not..its all about who has the most PVP skill and thats it.

    This is not a rant or a criticism, I just have to put my thoughts forward.


  • This is how things stand:

    3-4 police officer and 3-4 pirat on whole server who do proper RP then u have zilion merc who do nothing in RP just siting and ruin RP or cry if kill him bcs "iam merc and ima neutral for all" lol ...

  • Wow SHS not sure if retarded ...

    Let me tell you this. There is a reason why CF has max ~50 players and Discovery (meanwhile increased their server capacity to 225... which is almost always full).

    RP on CF? De fuck is that?

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Greeting Tezz

    Let me try to answer at few of ur questions u put in the very right direction, which i and many ppl at this server respect and appreciate.

    First steps for successful RP in my opinion are:

    1. Responsibly and carefully recruiting new players to the clan.Explanation of basics of ur and other role play.
    Unfortunately this is not the case, we are the witness that even some old and vet clans recruit ppl like they are on the slave market.
    2. You must tell the truth and describe in a correct way the current state of the server and in your clan.
    Which is not the case again.Ppl will rather lie to u than tell u the "truth".
    3. We must strictly run a conversation in the manner of Role Play, at least in the public channel. (this is the main issue here at CF server IMO, because veterans can say what ever they want to say in public, including me^ ^)
    Which is not the case again!
    4. Simple and easy to understand rules (clan system rules or other rules)

    What is my-CoP contribution to all this?

    1. Strictly server and clan RP rules and CoP COC (Code of Conduct)
    Which we follow!
    2. 14 days long Pilgrim trial (with no excuses) and at least 100 hours of playing at server as a prerequisite to become a CoP recruit.
    Exactly the reason the CoP is almost empty and had only few public job application.^^
    3. I never talk bull shit (no matter how YOU think u are awesome cleaver and good and sweet in ur trickery business, this is nothing but the bull shit) about other clans just to gain some advantage in recruiting.


    Did i have prejudice that all this is possible to change over night.
    No i don't have!
    Did i think ppl can change their behavior here in the light of mutual respect and self-criticism?
    No, i don't think so!

    And where is the solution then?

    The R. U. L. E. S. and its strict enforcement.

    We need GR or SP or whatever, who have guts to clearly say in public "Bond you are banned for 1 day, reason is...whatever" or Bond u broke the clan leader agreement, so ur word is nothing than the empty letter at the piece of paper! You have no honor and self respect and from now on u will be recognized as POS (piece of shit) and so on...

    Kick this veteran ass so hard and directly in their forehead, and soon we shall see positive changes and full house-sever. Stay as you are, and CF will suffer to end of the time...
    Some ppl here are nothing but the cancer!Remove them quickly and see whether the organism will live or not, or die slowly no matter u provide chemotherapy* every now and then...

    * 1.7. 1.8 1.9 ...

    We already know all this ;) and yes, i was like u when i made my first steps at server and here at forum.

  • Well Tezz, about rules breaking like, Demonic, are getting their punishment whenever they get caught. Since I came back, about a week ago, I'm arriving to 10 fines and 2 bans (both ended until now), and I do warn many times before making a penalization/punishment. That's why no one could complain on the penalization until now (but there will, that's for sure).

    I am actually trying to contact Demonic since yesterday's afternoon, and as I also have my morning studies... I can't be online all the time to keep things fair.

    But those will get caught sooner or later ;) Of course, the bad intentioned ones... if you accidentally steal a clan system restricted ship, people will first ask you about it, not directly KoSing you until you give up on the ship or the game. Ok, there may be exceptions to this, but that player would get support from others.

    Anyway, the rules in the clan systems are secondary, it's not GRs matter, so you don't have to be afraid of breaking them, as much as the RP/server ones which are not large, neither complicated. Simply not doing what you wouldn't like others to do to you.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Micheal Im not complaining about server Police..That is of course none of my buisness, Server rules are down to OP and how he decides to police them and who he has (You for example) to Help in that. There is no place for players who continuesly break those rules and upset the other players on the server as a whole.

    Demonic..he was an example of a player that is a villan and because of his actions needs to be dealt with accordingly, like I said..it doesnt seem that fines will deter him and others like him. I was proposing some sort of change..like a 3 strikes and then you lose your weapons and equipment, which would leave you having to make up ground again. All in the limits of roleplay of course, im not complaining about pirates at all, they are a needed by the server to be what they are, so that the Police side have something to do.

    I just feel that at this moment something needs to shake up a little as there are clans here but not many members, which makes all the roleplay/clan rules difficult to enforce and maintain. Seems like most of the time players come on for 2 or 3 days and then they are gone (once they realise that to make a decent headway on the game takes many hours of patience) So that leaves the hardcore members to which there doesnt seem that many.

    How about a rolecall on the forum that will let everyone know who is currently active and what their roles are?
    Clan member lists,
    Criminals wanted/penalties given/fine amounts collected and from who.

    Make things more real worldy by having some sort of court system in place to deal with repeat offenders.
    Encouragement for players to join police forces and rewards given for tracking down and capturing pirates.
    A system in which players can join in even if they are not that good at PVP and dont want to have to rely on PVP skills.. For example..In the real world, if your caught by a policeman stealing..you cant just beat him up and run away laughing that you are tougher than him..and get away with it..there will be repercussions for such actions that get tougher.

    Most of the new players that appear here seem to like the idea of becoming a pirate..its that easy
    But the Justice side of things does not seem as much fun, That needs working on.

    Look..I know some of you are thinking..who`s this guy..and what gives him the right to say these things.
    I have been here just a short while, and I can see that things need to be more black and white and understandable.

    Its all about enticing new players to get involved and feel like they are part of something. And not just about watching veterans PVP each other for fun outside of crossfire. In fact..PVP outside of Crossfire should be frowned upon as it is a vital planet for missions that can be lucrative for newer players and help them build their character. This should be a police concern of course.


  • only small note about 'many merc doing nothing' (and yes, Im merc): How many times ppl use bounties, or ask for merc help. How many times police or pirates (included veterans ofc) ask actively for merc assistance? Is really merc help too expensive?

    ... for raising fun significantly is needed only one active police or pirate (you remember police officer xRaziel and his play?). One side ask merc and other need do the same if want have chance for good fight.

  • The RP part is not as simple as you say it, yesterday police did made a wing of officers to patrol Sirius, we ended in finding nothing illegal and just went for the pirates in X (as you said), mercs united to them, except 1, and they all lost and got out of the system or stood docked. After that, there was nothing to do anymore.

    What you say needs "organization", and actually... if there's only one or two people who try to change things, they get beaten up.


    Make things more real worldy by having some sort of court system in place to deal with repeat offenders.

    I started that for out-of-RP rules breaking(actually, the last organization move I tried). It didn't went peacefully, neither with just 5 members who could see that zone.

    But such lists as you say need efforts to be created and maintained, and that certain clan "hides" everyone in it, is making that harder.
    The encouragement, and other systems, also take some good will from ppl (to accept it) and effort from others to start that.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Funny discussion,

    Police Rp or pirat RP is not just kill, kill, kill, tax, tax, fine, fine both side needs devlop chars, colect money, trading, exploring etc this is CF and it is not simple mod with 50 systems....question: do we have time to entertain merc in police/pirat RP ... very little.

    Next: bad or good but respect server rule, respect clan system rule...oh no LP online going to park in Deadalus and then proveke and spoil fun to LP members or no BG online going to park ship in Custodian then provoke BG...vice versa..that is not gameplay that is bullshit.....question: do we have time to entertain merc in police/pirat RP ... very little.

    ubernext: pirat or police ...pointless fight in system for what ?for universal domination or until the player leave server.

    next: rofl iam bored with this fuuny discusion... for me is always fun in CF RP or OoRP If you open fire at me and I'll open fire at you=> if u open fire on my clan I'll open fire on your clan => RP or OoRP.

    I always pay tax not because I'm forced to, but because it supports RP. Then put bounty on a pirate again for suport RP but who care for that.

  • Acceptance, understanding, and maybe abit of guildence.
    I personally feel that rules are there for a reason, but how serious or real can a game be.
    Yes in any game you pick there are always going to be that one person that might cause abit of porblems for others, however; to add more rules or penalties for what others see as being wrong could and would limit not only the wrong doer but everyone on the server.
    As well we might start seeing less people on and I really don't think thats what anyone wants. Since I came to CF I personally have seen an increase in the number of players which I am greatful for personally.
    I really don't think we all should rely on afew people to make and enforce the rules, I feel that it is up to each and every one of us that plays the game to not only read the rules for ourselves (might not full understand everything), but if we all work together we can make the game a enjoyable experiance for all of us. That includes if you decied to be part of RP or join a Clan, and if your not sure you can always ask other in the game or on the forum.
    Alot might think I am dreaming a crazy dream, but remember anything is possable as long as we work together. ex; take a look at the great mod OP and crew have created as a team, one idea can change everything from the norm.
    Happy flying, and see you in Space soon

    All Characters are Licensed Police Officers:

    Katertrak_Jack (flying a BS)
    Laws_Brann (testing different ships for IC hunting)
    Junker_Clunker (Mission char for good cach fast)
    Cargo_Brann (Transporter of lawful cargo)
    Katatonic[ASF] (ASF business only and afew events if other char can't make it)

    See You In Space Soon :)

  • @lawmac 1

    Nicely spoken, but rules are here to offer equal starting chances for everyone in this cruel MP world.

    And about this so-called phenomenon that number of players increasing day to day, yes u're right, but i am here more than 3 years and this is nothing spectacular.With every and each new realization of CF we had this phenomenon-increasing in numbers.

    However the SWAT team do the awesome work on CF mod and stuff and such fact cannot be denied and for sure it is the brightest part of this said story... without any doubt, but we looking forward to see all this ppl stays at CF server for months and years to come.
    And believe me this cannot be done like u think is possible.Because self critics and self perspective overview is the painful and very long process, so we must rely on rules and laws and penal policy for those group of ppl who thinks that they can do everything and everywhere just to satisfy their own needs!

    On the other hand i am glad to see ppl in despair and disappointed by some other ppl bad behavior.
    This fact telling me that jerks are in minority, or at least insulting, cheating, hacking and lies are still recognized by majority at this planet as a shameful, unfair and non-honorable acting!

  • However the SWAT team do the awesome work on CF mod and stuff and such fact cannot be denied

    Amen to that, I have nothing but admiration for these talented guys who have spent their time bringing this to us.

    OK to be fair I dont expect everyone to jump to my words or change anything, so I will just put in this simple request:
    Can we have a section on the forum for active roleplay members and their roles?
    Just so newer players like myself can make an informed decision about what kind of stance we want to take and who to talk to in regards to roleplay.

    Surely it wont be too difficult to keep that updated.

    I guess not all players will announce themselves..but If a few do, its a start. Its just so we can tell the difference between a Roleplay pirate and a basic.."bully" who has no respect for actual roleplay.
    Getting Taxed by a Roleplay pirate is fine and all part of the fun (lol well somewhat!) being taxed by a bully is different. Not That bullys scare me, I would just like to be better informed.

    As for Mercs and Police, I can see that there isnt any explanation needed.


  • @Tezz: well, here is little problem with RP discusions. And this is, that those have long and not much nice history here ... which ended with closing RP boards not long time ago. Actually are RP boards back, but with different philosophy and without possibility to discuss .... however all experienced RP players have possibility to write articles about RP from theirs pov ... and this can create good enough picture for new ppl to learn what can expect when select some RP type.

    ... why ppl not use this possibility to help new players? ...

  • @Tezz: well, here is little problem with RP discusions. And this is, that those have long and not much nice history here ... which ended with closing RP boards not long time ago. Actually are RP boards back, but with different philosophy and without possibility to discuss .... however all experienced RP players have possibility to write articles about RP from theirs pov ... and this can create good enough picture for new ppl to learn what can expect when select some RP type.

    ... why ppl not use this possibility to help new players? ...

    Martind Forlon - there is a good description of RP on SilverArrows Clan forum... nicely done btw