CROSSFIRE 'n SWAT FUTURE an open letter

There are 140 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • To help the community, I propose EMs do more events out of Europe classic schedule to get ppl outside of europe playing and participating in the community games. I already proposed to organize races on Canada/USA convenient schedule. I couldn't get it started yet cause i had RL issues but i'm planning for a start in April as i'll get more free time to deal with it.

    North America is a big pool of players and the EMs should keep in mind that 8PM server time is great for europe but not convenient for students or workers cause it falls in the middle of the afternoon for ET, CT, MT and PT timezones.

    So if there are north/south-americans players who'd like to host events in America's time, it would be nice to manifest yourselves ! As i said i cannot be a regular EM right now but i want to help increase player pool with players from the New Continent.

    Also, what's going on about SPs who we're supposed to guide the server RP? Is it gonna start soon ? Sry i missed the last two general meetings and i got a bit detached from what's going... Anyway, the large-scale RP should start ASAP ! If help is needed with that, i can help. I know i'm an unofficial clan leader so i don't fit in OP's original idea for SP (a non-leader server-clan member) but i can help get the story rolling !

    The ASF/CSF should get on the way too even if the stats system is not working yet.

    And please ppl, start playing your role !!! I come across pirates every day and trhey don't tax me with my valuable cargo.... I see ppl trading BMGs in front of the cops.... How long have i not seen a police officer post a bounty on a pirate's head and a merc hunting to get the reward ??? I know its nice to chat with friends and let time pass by, but the truce* is off ppl ! We are no longer in the prepation phase ! How come cops didn't block the BMG route between NL to Durham the first day it was discovered ??? It wouldn't have made it so easy to get huge money that quickly. In only 3 months ppl already have 10 chars all equipped with Inner Core weps ! I wouldn't call for another char wipe cause ppl will all want to kill me and leave but i certainly hope for police to start doing their job and pirates to start taxing money for Gortyn or Crete children !

    Let's go folks !

    *The unofficial truce established when CF1.81 was released so ppl could take time to create their chars before server RP begins. And it wasn't even supposed to be a truce between clans... only that server RP was waiting to start !

  • My god, you...
    You really are nuts, aren't you?
    I don't need this anymore, I'm a fucking saltine cracker.
    I have what I need, I'm out, it was a purple-filled ride.
    I'll miss reading fanfiction about you Operator Broski, But... that was a joke, I didn't realize you were really this crazy.
    Pastaspace/Trainwiz, finally signing out, /v/lancer is waiting, got tons of people expecting more quality work.
    Stay classy lancers.

  • Yes, tons of people and atm the serveris emptyer than 5 other servers, including ours ^^

    Sign out in RIP classy bugger.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • @trainwiz
    want to know whats really crappy?
    a lousy thief which hides behind a fake name thinking that nobody knows the truth about it
    did you really think we wouldnt have noticed your sick game yet?
    you came here trying to convince us not to go after /v/lancer, you tried to whisper in our ears... all that was pretty amusing considering the fact that the major FL communities knew about you by the first day we heard the name "/v/lancer"
    you are not just a lousy modder (just like we noticed at TSP) you are also a lousy fake hosting the /v/lancer images at the trainwiz imageshack account and doing more obvious mistakes than a 5 year old boy lying to his parents.
    I have much time now and i will take care of you and your mod now... so thank you for that reminder.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • dramatic
    yeah... i guess thats the way ppl will see it when i have to close the server due to the lack of support which would be in about a month



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The first time I found out about Crossfire was on the moddb website, how come 1.81 which even though has a few bugs but does work, isnt available to download from there? I dont get chance to even go on the internet much let alone play CF due to being overworked, but recently when Ive been on the server, there are some new players, who werent on 1.7, and often I have tried and I guess so have others to welcome new players and help them, but it seems to me there are not enough new poeple at the moment to reflect the amount of effort you OP have put into this, is that one of the main reasons youre so pissed off?
    Im pretty sure a lot of poeple like myself want to help and support but dont know how to

  • there is a download at moddb
    and there was a download at SWAT until i started to work on the new site

    however i am pissed at the fact that i requested help with many things such as helping me to moderate various sites including the moddb sites or helping me to work here at SWAT by collecting information and writing articles or by doing a pr campaign for the mod or by doing active work on the server by pushing roleplay or by giving me neccessary information so i can do my job (which i cant without that info)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    yeah... i guess thats the way ppl will see it when i have to close the server due to the lack of support which would be in about a month

    I think with THAT OP not only refers to what's going on on the game-server (or NOT going on) or to the amount of community activity.

    I think this points to some very ugly [SIZE=1](esp. if you don't have enough of it, what you will never have)[/SIZE] REAL LIFE stuff

    [SIZE=3]MONEY ![/SIZE]

    Running a server costs, euros, dollars, pond sterling, rupies, yen. [SIZE=3]CASH, KNETE, BUCKS, PENUNSE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1](sorry if I fall back in my mother tongue, but it's pretty serious stuff.)[/SIZE]

    To be honest, it's something I never really thought of while dwelling here with you, m8s. And I'm ashamed by my behavior.

    If I'm right, please send me a pm, OP how I can donate, since SWAT-portal is still down [SIZE=1]and I have some issues with paypal.[/SIZE]

    To have the opportunity to play something like Crossfire should be at least be worth the amount of money you would give for a newly bought game.

    payment worked (I hope). So no need for PM, OP.
    Sry, a confirmation, that it has reached you would be nice.


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • We still have to populate this place... but now we have many work-in-progress, after we pass this moment all goes better.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Well, I think there is a quite narrow timeline, that THIS time doesn't only depends on the benevolence of OP.


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • OP, I looked at the moddb website, and i tried to be like a typical internet user who might spend a couple of nminutes looking for a freelancer mod download and cf1.81 wasnt/isnt at the top of the list to download, its not on the front page, i only saw 1.7... so why isnt it at the top of the list before discovery and the rest of the crap? who's running moddb? give me the time and i'll find out and get the best mod i.e. cf1.81 at the top of the list because as far as i know its the most recent and it is THE BEST! WITHOUT AN EFFIN DOUBT. are you listening?
    I was chatting today to someone on the server, and he had what i think is a very good idea for roleplay, forgive me my friend as i cant remember your char name, but he said why doesnt everyone have to become part of a clan or adopt a form of roleplay, make it the rules to play?
    how about make it a rule that everyone say, over level 70 has to adopt roleplay, if you dont want to then stay below level 70 and freelance, at that point you should have enough $£$£ to do mostly anything, go over level 70 and remain a freelancer then you will be liable to be attacked just for the fun of it or something??
    Who's running the server events? volunteers? is anyone???
    should clan members/leaders be forced to take it in turns to run them? think of more server events... races from one part of the universe to another, i dont know, suggest a suggestion box!
    Im willing to help in whatever way I can but need specifics, im english and can correct the "grammar" in the descriptions for a starter, im not being big headed just want to help keep this mod going and force you to change your mind about giving up on it.

  • Btw me, Shockwave, Spiky with some help, and few other Event Managers, keep up the events, most of the times, that depends on the participants.
    I hold even 2 events because one is created by me, you can see in my signatures when the both events are, at Sunday and Monday, and they also have threads with info about what you need for them ^^ Starflier and normal Team Death Match hehe

    Also, freelancers are out of the newbie protection over lvl 40, so they can be killed, bountyed, taxed, fined, etc and they'll need to take a side, but they're not needed to take a side by rules, yet.

    @OP, as you see there are still new players coming, without much advertisement now. Better pass over this moments when the main sites are down, and the work in progress, and this will be populated again as soon as we start with advertisements and announcings ^^ Also, after the Galaxy Rangers and Event Managers are active and ready to guard the server. the real police is a need now ^^
    So it's not the moment to give up, it's just a step to better.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • This "advertising" and PR-stuff :

    How ? Where ? What is still needed ? Where to contribute to this work (when I find something I can contribute) Who's in charge of this ?


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • I was chatting today to someone on the server, and he had what i think is a very good idea for roleplay, forgive me my friend as i cant remember your char name, but he said why doesnt everyone have to become part of a clan or adopt a form of roleplay, make it the rules to play?
    how about make it a rule that everyone say, over level 70 has to adopt roleplay, if you dont want to then stay below level 70 and freelance, at that point you should have enough $£$£ to do mostly anything, go over level 70 and remain a freelancer then you will be liable to be attacked just for the fun of it or something??

    The character is "artanis" (me) and I remember our little chat... I also thought there should be some sort of automated defence mechanism in the systems that these clans own. For example a pirate wishes to enter custodian, he will be fired upon automatically and destroyed, maybe this pirate can somehow bribe someone at a bar so that he can access this system say for a certain number of times and this would also apply for Freelancers above 70 ... I don't know if this requires more work from OP which btw has done a really nice job :)

    it's too bad that you are pissed at crossfire... But I understand how frustrating it must be for you

  • Well OP,
    Can u give us another chance? We'll help.
    And u can list the info u need and we will try to help.
    Just don't leave the mod.
    And yes people are right, u probably dont care about the mod NOW but looking at what u did for it, im sure u did b4.
    I may me wrong, but as far as i can tell, people only visit SWAT for the Crossfire mod.
    Please man dont leave us.
    AS for the new players, we will try to follow the 'how YOU can help' thread.
    I know this is gonna make a very small difference in the starting but the effect may increase tenfold and we may have days in which the server will actually be FULL and people waiting to join in.
    The main thing that annoys people the most is probably the server crashes which can be fixed by people restarting the game.
    Newbies can be reminded to do so by the experienced players.
    Is their JOB to do so.
    and we'll have to think about a fool proof way to force people to restart(yes force is the only option left now).
    As for the What the DKs look like thread, i thought we all agreed wi the pics Maxbur posted.
    Really man we need u.


  • Well OP,
    Can u give us another chance? We'll help.
    And u can list the info u need and we will try to help.
    Just don't leave the mod.
    And yes people are right, u probably dont care about the mod NOW but looking at what u did for it, im sure u did b4.
    I may me wrong, but as far as i can tell, people only visit SWAT for the Crossfire mod.
    Please man dont leave us.
    AS for the new players, we will try to follow the 'how YOU can help' thread.
    I know this is gonna make a very small difference in the starting but the effect may increase tenfold and we may have days in which the server will actually be FULL and people waiting to join in.
    The main thing that annoys people the most is probably the server crashes which can be fixed by people restarting the game.
    Newbies can be reminded to do so by the experienced players.
    Is their JOB to do so.
    and we'll have to think about a fool proof way to force people to restart(yes force is the only option left now).
    As for the What the DKs look like thread, i thought we all agreed wi the pics Maxbur posted.
    Really man we need u.


  • Well what to say. This saddenes me. This is a great game when the server is populated and active RP is going on., if you do not play with other people this game can be boring after time.
    Back then (I am only here for a year if we don't count my two months back then) the RP was adrenaline rushing. Hunting for smugglers and distracting pirates was truly awesome. And the events omg. Smuggler hunt was truly epic. It was really enjoyable and we played it reguralry. And when we fought against Bethany, Lucy, Hour. Really unforgettable. + My first time in sol and Altair. I remember my adrenalin raised and I hoped that dks wont kill me.
    The problem now is that nobody trades, nobody does RP(nor the server crashes help). For example I would like to see a long but hard trade run which is very profitable but hazardous. Like from Sol to one of the DK systems. This could give people a new challange and maybe they would even make convoys. Or more strong NPC enemies in populated systems or somehow an increased amount of PR:
    On another note I think I did my bit with the PR campaign. The funny thing was that I really couldnt get enough people to help me. For the third try I recruited 6 people. SIX, This is a pretty low number considering there were 25+ people online (plus the forum posts, got about 2 replies...) ((Special thanks to Pic and Crysis.)) And this video was not for me presonally, I made this to get Crossfire more popular and only 6 people came to help. I believe I felt what OP feels now (but his feeling is much more worse). But anyway I made the video which turned out to be pretty decent, not the best since I could put more time in it, but It is ok.
    Finally, this is not my decision. OP made everything here. It is his choice to close down the server and start something new, not ours.
    Anyway, It was awesome while it lasted guys. I am really exasperated because I saw much more potential in a mod like this.
    Farewell mates, enjoy the last month of Crossfire .

    Edited 2 times, last by keli ().

  • Sad to hear all this, being my first day to these forums.

    As my name implies, I am a "serverhost"... I started as a BBS Sysop in 1980 (and still run my BBS), but it lead me to host various online game servers over the years as FREE servers for people to play on. I still host many servers for Quake, Wolfenstien, Diablo, StarCrafts, AoE, Tribes, NeverWinter Nights etc etc. and most recently I was looking to host a Freelancer server or some form of "Space Game"... and some how the Crossfire Server mod caught my attention ...

    I was hoping to get the mod to host a server... but it appears that it's only for the client, and obviously with OP looking to bow out, even if it was for the server side, any help to get it to run would be unanswered...

    I understand where OP is coming from. I host:, a rather large NeverWinter Night community and host 7 servers for them, but most are empty most of the time. I don't do any scripting or programming, I am just the "serverhost" so I supply the hardware, bandwidth etc.... usually a thankless job and costs $$$ that I never get back. And of course when there are problems with the server, it's me that gets the emails (though I have to admit the Devs and DMs have stepped in in the past and kept things going without my help since they have rather extensive access to most things).... anyway,there are times I have though about closing things down since the "community" is 20 out of 15,000 which is a very small set.

    Anyway, I don't know you OP, but I feel for you :)

    If you ever need a place to host the server and don't mind letting someone that can't do anything but host it have a copy to host, I'll put it on a server here (guess I am asking for some abuse)...

    Off to look around for a Freelancer Mod I can host, or may some other "space game" to host out there...


    Edited once, last by ServerHost ().