Crossfire 1.8 Feedback

There are 149 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Martind Forlon (SA_Forlon).

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Ryder Hook
    "dear NPC, no respawnkilling plz" :)

    hmm, That is not so much fun. Against one player is good chance to defend. Against more DK VHF I don't know if is any. Maybe only fast clicks on shields/nanobots + raise speed on mouse wheel...

  • About the Arena system - it lost it's purpose because it's just too bright... Can you change the background into something else, like, dunno, Manchester system background?

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • Yes, Arena background is too bright. Original FL cursor couldn`t be seen so good like in "old" Arena.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • After about 200 h of playing Crossfire, singleplay AS WELL AS multiplay, I feel "ripe" enough to state my opinion here (for native german speakers: meinen Senf dazu zu geben),
    even though I still haven't seen everything, too often distracted by admiring the surrounding and - well, much more - by playing the game.

    The systems, the backgrounds are MARVELLEOUS. Everey time I entered a new system, while also some of the vanilla systems "looked" absolutly new to me, I had to stop,
    if I wasn't harrased by some unfriendly npc and just STARE on the beauty, that surronded me.

    The nebulas are really "nebulous". When flying through the fine dust, trying to perk around the next whee cloud on what may lie on my way, I -still- often have to rubb my nose
    due to a imagined feeling of tickle. Due to increased "friction" by the dust the speed and agility of your fighter is reduced. In my eyes definitly a PLUS-feature with influence on tactics:
    when chasing npc with a sluggish VHF or "assault freighter", I sometimes "seek" nebulas for relativating the speed advantage (i.e. Shikoku).

    And the MUSIC ! I have to admit that I sometimes plan my gaming, like choosing the next npc-hunting system on the music I will hear while waiting near the tradeline for my next prey.
    Sometimes I just fly around for no other reason, than enjoying the music, and always a got laugh, when docking at a prison.

    The "enhanced" npc-AI first almost rejected me from any further playing. I could accept, that alien fighters might fly around in a way not comprehensive to what a human
    would think and feel about possible physics - THEY ARE ALIEN. But that the "normal" human pirat, Xenos, corporate suckers, even the cops fly around as nibbling
    on a Cardamine-Rum-Whisky cocktail, chewing on shield-batts and being massaged by nano-botts in their panties..... bah, tishtosh ! And on the server they are even more crazy.
    But,.............., NOW I LIKE IT ! It's much more challenging. Moving away from the arcade-pinball-alike almost exponential kill-scoring elsewhere.

    The newly introduced fighters look great and fit well into the CF-universe, even though not FL- or CF-specific/exclusive/original made. And as far as I've seen every coalition fighter
    got a mayor overhaul and rework, model- and texturewise, FUUNTASTIC, esp. the new cockpits, which I love. Might be easier to fly with the "normal" view, but these new cockpits
    give a great feel of realism.
    Speaking of models, these new stations and alien ships, fighters as cap-ships are AWFUL, the new station rooms with the Dom'Kavash, COOOL ! - and so......alien.

    The quests are great fun, finding out the stories of the Crossfire universe. And they are exactly the kind of loose cord, that keeps me bounded to playing such a game, giving my exploring,
    working/fighting for money, new ships and equipment a purpose.
    Much better than in simple OSP, like other mods. (I know: "old" feature of CF,but something that, for me, REALLY makes a difference.)

    These are the tos, now some fros.
    All-most very minor and most likely only recognized by the fewest of player, but out of honesty I feel obliged to mention them here. Even though there might never be a next version or update of CF.

    Staying with the models:
    most likely due to lack of time and manpower working on it, sometimes the weapon or other hardpoints (i.e. pilot heads pocking through cockpit-canopies)seem to be a bit displaced.
    On the new models as well as on fighters already present at CF 1.7 (never got my hands on an earlier version), where I thought, they might have been checked/fixed in the new CF 1.8.

    Another thing about the fighters: IMHO they are too balanced, means their abilities are almost the same: same weaps (4 class 10guns, 2 class 9guns), same agility (bit better than eagle,
    shroud being pretty standard for almost every vhf). Only a few "older" ones have some specialty that counts, like an additional torp-slot, 6 class 10guns, armor above 12000, additional turrets,
    but for a trade, mostly agility.
    Some more variability alike could have been a good thing. It could give one the reason for testing mlore ships, see what fighter-style, the heavy gunnery, or more the speedyone,
    suits own taste. I know, balancing these differences for keeping the balance on multiplay, so that there isn't the "one" superfighter would have been difficult and extremly timeconsuming,
    esp. for one man alone.

    Probably due to the same reason, most of the ships infocards are......dissapointing. Mostly no real info on the ship, exchangable, uncatchy.
    A car-seller with such advertising would be bankrupt in no time.

    At some systems I got the feeling, there's something missing, perhaps there was/is something planned for in future, or been taken away from earlier versions. I.e. the battleship graveyards
    to be found in one of the new systems, or the planet "Lost Paradise". It looks and feels like a prepped OR abandoned film-setup, but missing actors, director, camera team etc.. Esp. at Lost Paradise.
    Was planned/has been there something like WTS-mod, like airfights, ground-bombing runs ?

    The advanced shader option I think as a feature good to be introduced to CF, but not really ripe, beside the issue with the black triangle at soem points. At some points
    the "blooming" is IMO a bit too much, esp. at the station rooms, where some of the characters are so enlighted, that they seem to be near transcendance to nirwana.

    But that's only my personal tasting.

    As everything I have stated here. Final conclusion: there is space for more work to be done on that, that shouldn't be and couldn't be done by one alone.



    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Crossfire 1.8 is the BEST game I have ever played! I thought 1.7 was great but I was Noob back then and couldn't get into it but in 1.8 I am so impressed with the detail and vastness of the whole game!

    I can't really say there is anything bothering me with the game lol... I have just been exploring and clicking on everything in the stations reading the stories and info on everything... which is the most impressive part of 1.8 the sheer depth of the reading is amazing for a game like this. I am even aware of stories having connections throughout the systems and universe! :D

    So congratulations on everything!

    (I had an issue with Bloom but I didn't know you could turn it off! lol)

    Clan: ~TR~ "The Runners" Characters: [CYBORG] [Nostromo] Allied Clan: -=UG=- "United Guardians"

    "See ya space cowboy!"

    Edited once, last by Destroying Angel ().

  • What do you mean by the "bloom" effect? ?(

    Depending on your computer hardware, some systems are easier to fight in than others, and those systems are really challenging as a player. Sometimes my computer slows to a crawl in some systems and when the alien motherships showup on screen in IC.

    What I like about CF 1.81 is that each system offers something unique to the game.

    One of the changes I would like to see in the future is to make the odds of killing IC aliens more favorable to players, especially in SP, and perhaps a dockable DK station hidden in the hostile alien systems with jobs. :thumbsup:

  • [lmgtfy]bloom effect[/lmgtfy]



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @OP ... LOL :):bveryevilplan:

    Small object bug found in Omega 41 System: You can fly through Asteroids. Mines are not active.