The quality looks much better. The bolts just dont fit so well.
Posts by Huor
Just remove the bolts 😉
Better detailed, yes. But bolted? I don't think bolting is the solution of keeping air inside a structure in vacuum, glueing more like is better
Hm, hard to tell, as there are more modules than months of a year I would vote for a max duration of 1 year. This should be enough time to get back on track. If the system or the clan base is not paid then the privileges must be revoked - this is not unfair, but fair to all other players regularly playing and keeping the community active.
asfaik that is not entirely correct. I don't know exactly either affiliates or reputation will be adjusted or can. I am not sure if this feature is enabled.
Why would you transfer money to yourself? You could use deposit. The banking system works for your account and not on your char. As far as I remember...
You can transfer money only to the bank account of another player. Thats how the architect intended it to be - and Neo is not around to cause havoc
Ja oder an Events teilnehmen oder andere Spieler nach Krediten fragen, aber vorsichtig -Piraten kann man vielleicht nicht so trauen 😉
Du brauchst pro Device 50 Mio. Also insgesamt 120 Mio. Ein bißchen mehr kann nicht schaden, sonst bist du relativ schnell bankrott
Die Teile müssen nur im Cargo sein und sollten nicht gemountet sein, soweit ich mich erinnere und du brauchst einiges an Geld damit das passiert.
Any suggestion how making the banking easier?
I dont think Croosfire will have a ship shopping mall...
True, but Umbra is hard to grind on ps4
Ive read through a discussion with Huor and an idea how to make the Tour de Universe more reliable. Especially the conflicts with the Dynamic Universe could in theory be resolved this way. Depending on my time I will do a few server side tests at one of the upcoming weekends. I can not 100% tell if the stuff we came up with is going to work. Maybe it will cause unexpected side effects. We will see.
If there is anything i can doy please let me know... I still have some open changes that are not yet on the server, as we have had some troubles with the anticheat at former test times. So i havent had the guts yet to try again
Havent been playing for a while. The steel path is a bit hard to do alone and i dont see how much more powerful my frame can become...
But there hasnt been a final word yet from EA. Or they are looking for another game studio to continue... All they needed were a bunch of good story writers. The in game mechanics with the Javelins were quite ok, the bit story was also ok. It lacks the reason to continue playing, no one like to grind and run the few raids over and over again.
Unfortunate it is over now, I was hoping they could improve it. The game mechanics itself werent the worst. The long player or team assembling phases made it so heavily bad, also the stearing of your alter ego in the base and talking with npcs was so long and boring.
Anyway had some fun moments playing and exploring the map.