
There are 160 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by |TSH| ***Tribbs***.

  • I get that, I do... but why isn't it working? What prevents them to act? Is it some psychic barrier that they can't break? Like you said "Turn On/Off" the Roleplay whenever they feel like it? Or they don't act because of:______ (feel free to fill the blank).

    It has to be some small things that drives them away, a few that I know of for certain that prevents some people playing here (when they told me a few months ago, things that I posted in that RP thread).

    But, other than that... I feel you and it's sad to see being in this situation.

  • I suggest to close this thread and leave only the first post. After reading it again, I realized that OP-R8R didn't ask for comments and ideas but only called people to act.

    The key points were:

    1. CF needs long term activities for players and clans specifically.

    2. Each clan needs a task which violates interests of other clans.

    3. Armed RP action between clans / players should be advertised to attract more people.

    4. All players are asked to help as much as they can.

    Next goes a lengthy discussion which contains no useful additions to those points.

    I tried to make a short summary:

    Anyone who opens the thread will be distracted by the replies, while the really important part is all said in the start.

    Hope everyone agrees with this. If not, we can move replies to a separate thread.

  • Closing the thread won't solve it either, actually.

  • Closing this tread is counterproductive, instead much more players should join and explain their loss of motivation. You never ever get people on board when you don't know why people left the server in first place. And there're questions open, like: Who works on point 1 to 4 when the people that did that in the past are gone?

    With all due respect, but going against the players of your own MOD doesn't help much.
    When people loose interest in the MOD, then it's the people's fault? Isn't that a bit too easy?

  • no it isn't.

    Players join the server... players make some money... players get the good or even best ship and equipment... players leave the server after a few days or weeks because of boredom. That's the cycle lately.

    And there is absolutely nothing other than RP activities that could keep people engaged...maybe even join a clan... which in result could end in more RP or people building clan bases again or using the other features we have on the server.

    So... no, its not too easy.

    We provided everything players need... its the players turn to make use of it.

    It is totally pointless if I start developing something new that just like the the stuff before isn't used by the players.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I,ve been playing since 2007. I have yet to get bored in finding something to do in game. I have found that at the time of an incident things get out of hand, real quick. Both sides are right when it happens. No one is ever wrong. (generally speaking and of no reference to any one incident ok. ). But tomorrow is another day. Its over with. As mentioned many times its a game. to enjoy and have fun !!!. If there is a part that a player do,s not like, just like in life, then don,t play it or do it. But leave behind this need to write nasty and unproductive posts. t\Thats one person opinion not everyones.

    Everything is there for a player to do. as i just saw mentioned by op. and it is. All i can say is look at its time on the server and in the top 10 each year, Would to me speak for itself. Some of us have huge appreciation to the creator and the team.

    Just one persons opinion. :salutes

  • i have another idea to cater explorers and fighters. we have a huge universe that goes beyond sirius. we need to make use of this.

    place a persistent jumphole in the X System. that jumphole will lead to all systems with the use of RNG (Name it roulette, casino, whatever). once you land in that random system you have a certain task to fulfill ex. "kill x faction ship in x minutes". if the challenge is a success, players get rewarded with money or a random item. that random item should be from a certain reward pool depending on which system we talk about. anyways after the challenge, the player is given the option to go for a next-level challenge for better rewards or return to X. you could even place a visual leaderboard in the game to fire people up.

    obviously we could spice it up and make it so it works for factions, ex. only fight enemies of the faction you are affiliated with.

    if such a thing is feasible given the limited nature of the freelancer engine that is.

  • not possible



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I think you know the problem (players become bored), and also one (of many) solution(s) ("nothing other than RP activities that could keep people engaged"),
    but the question is, how do we get people into RP? Or even join a clan?
    From my point of view there is no motivation to join roleplay, because there is no benefit.
    Join a clan? Would be nice, but then you are forced to one role, let's say you choose smuggler, then there's no pvp for you, if you choose Pirate or Police, then there's no smuggling (and profit) for you.
    Maybe I'm doing it all wrong, but I really have no idea what interesting things Kermit does over years without getting bored.
    And to Mr. Kermit: Of course comments are a single opinion, noone thought otherwise.

  • Join a clan? Would be nice, but then you are forced to one role, let's say you choose smuggler, then there's no pvp for you, if you choose Pirate or Police, then there's no smuggling (and profit) for you.

    Hi guenni7,

    it is not so black-and-white in reality.

    As a smuggler, you can't attack other players, but you still have to defend yourself from pirates, police and mercs, to defend your home system, your clanamates and trade companions. And if you want a fight, you can put a bounty on someone to attract their attention (this will also get mercs involved). Finally, Arena is always open if want PvP really bad (and there are PvP events too).

    As a pirate or police, you can make money with common goods and containers or with missions, and sometimes the profit/time ratio will be comparable to that of BMGs. The only downside is that best legal trades have short routes and get boring very quick. As another option, you can team up in a co-op trade with a smuggler for mutual benefit (this rarely happens for some reason, but I personally wouldn't mind to assist).

  • Guenni7 makes a good point, actually.

    When I was a cop for so many years, the only thing I did was waiting for pirates to show up so I can fight them (and the mercs who joined them afterwards). Yeah, sure... I did patrol the trading routes too, but nobody was trading illegal goods when I was around (except for a few occasions), but other than that...

  • I tried to RP today (Police against Pirate), and... how do I say... it was disencouraging. Missiles, Torpedoes, Guns had just no effect to the enemy. I didn't even scratch his shield. And I tried various times. Maybe I'm just not made for this game?

  • maybe you just need more practice or some assistance.

    The more you try the better you will get.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • In certain moments it happens....a kind of a glitch...

    A few players report similar problems

    By restarting your game it get sorted out....try it

  • Guenni , OP stole my words from my mouth. I'm not the most skilled in pvp, not even at a lower level, but if you want we can waste time together in the arena. hehe that will be possible only if no GR will be kick me because I'm hanging in the Arena for hours. As Iliyan said, by far this pvp activity ensures the dynamics of the server somehow , at least the only reason why I still log in. I, like others, have "lost" years in the arena but I dont regret it. Why? Try it yourself and you will see what person versus person means

    At the moment I am thinking of certain scenarios that can revitalize RP but in the balance there are enough factors for ... and against. Anyway i have time to think.

    So Guenni7 if u want try me in the arena with some pewpew and with the help of master Iliyan )))))))))) wich will tell us what and where we are wrong maybe we will consume some more tcp / udp packets here.

    you can choose any day u want, between 20.00 and 23.00 and we can feel good forsure:)

    Ofc anyone is welcome :)))

    dam sounds like an event :))

  • So Guenni7 if u want try me in the arena with some pewpew and with the help of master Iliyan )))))))))) wich will tell us what and where we are wrong maybe we will consume some more tcp / udp packets here.

    Looked forward for some pewpew this night, but noone was there, except wanderer, but he was busy with GR duties
    Arena is maybe just not what we need right now, because it is out of roleplay.

    you can choose any day u want, between 20.00 and 23.00 and we can feel good forsure:)

    Unfortunately that's not the time I'm playing usualy.

    Edited 2 times, last by (IOC)Wanderer: GR chars are not police, but out of role play ().

  • Ajay did a very good job on telling a story at the last event.
    Maybe we can hire him to come up with more stories for some decent roleplay?
    He has a creative mind, we all could profit from this.

  • maybe everyone can contribute



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Long time ago I played on a RP extensive server.

    It was good for me until people started to create improbable and sometimes impossible scenarios in order to gain an advantage. We constantly had to redefine the RP rules because RP empowered people would always find a way around them for personal gain. At the end of the day, the server staff often felt that they finished a 2nd shift at work, instead of having a good time flying their ship and actually role playing. But... this happened long ago, on a server that was constantly full.

    I think that RP can be a positive change on CF, and I believe that it can start on a personal level, with a few people having a drink over the discord chat.

    I have a good news and a bad news for you. The good news is that there is no bad news.