Posts by Anatta

    My name is Soul or Anatta. I'm homeless in Sirius, npc boring. I think there's a double phase change in this universe that expands with the speed of light.. Fkin ya, this universe doesn't lack energy, it's just that there's no one to consume it. Did the theory of compression to nothingness begin? I hope not.

    I already have some credits ;))) and I want to buy 1 or 2 systems. For a long time. If I create unstable or unsafe areas, it is not my problem. I just want this

    hell yea.or no....many souls have chosen the path of purgatory..including the preachers of absolute necessity

    ....where you are lame and fearful souls.....!!

    souleater greets everyone...who is still breathing around here

    Hi Bot

    Warsaw Pact(1955)>>>>Soviet Union, go east

    Putin(2022)>>>>Yankee go home

    Jinping(probably soon)>>>>What do you call a 2 rich and powerful fools? Ching Ching

    The future, which is now, or which will be, will only allow us to act if our actions lead to the THAT future that has already happened.It is serious and inhuman what is happening, but it happens as in the whole history of humanity.Humanity is far too insignificant as it is, it cannot and cannot change the future. It already exists and does not allow the present to change the laws of entropy.Why do I think and realize and say that? Because we have to overcome our human condition. not now. if we can, maybe in about 300 years we can do that.Each of us and anyone can just waste a lot of spit but we only give our opinion, and only instinctively believe what is good and what is bad.

    No matter what you/we say, my opinion about the current situation, not necessarily in Eastern Europe, probably in many hot spots on our small planet, i am really afraid to think about the future.The future is not Of Homo erectus:)). At the risk of being classified as an Alien ... (btw .. this char has been fighting in his Donetsk area for 8 years and I hope he is alive).What's going on there is somehow reminiscents of ww2,just read and taste eastern european history.

    I agree with your deadlines, you are probably very right. In my little empathy, I would ask that bit old asscheeks tattooed with "CF played with me" from your signature , if she is agrees with you .. i think she knows for sure if the "supporters" must still visit her or she must be more attractive than "others".

    OK. A new approach.

    Hello, Mr. Spock. You died in two different timelines.

    I hope not here


    If you're interested in a roleplay pirate clan here, like [AS] {fck brackets ... many problems}, do you agree to argue with me about a clan's compromises over the shortcomings of this small universe? Time passes for everyone, Santa. Say yes and join AS clan

    Hello good people ... are you still exploring the cosmos? it's still good. Greetings to all who are still online and .... offline ... from Soul.Greetings of course to the two chariots of gods who worked for this MP.I'm glad you still exist and I'll make an effort to reinstall this Freelancer MP mod jewel. Kind of :}}. Many players have left, but only those who have to stay have remained, but even more will come. My prophecy.Soul will be here soon. Soul Pirate. Soul Eater. Now i am in an illegal cosmological multiverse ))) but ill come to claim my properties. RUN. Run away from Sirius))))))

    Ad Astra

    Brad Pitt....Huor :)))

    Tommy Lee Jones >> OP )))


    The acting is mostly good. There weren't a lot of people in the film, but.. and .. are knocking it out of the park.

    stfu, take 10 years of your life .... or more .. just try to tire your neurons during this time .... and then ejaculate what you said ...

    exactly what you did

    apologize ....I can't stop ....but I make great efforts to keep my mouth shut
    stfu, take 10 years of your life .... or more .. just try to tire your neurons during this time .... and then ejaculate what you said ...

    stfu, take 10 years of your life .... or more .. just try to tire your neurons during this time .... and then ejaculate what you said ...
    stfu, take 10 years of your life .... or more .. just try to tire your neurons during this time .... and then ejaculate what you said ...

    Interesting but youre right. Yesterday was banned all day with Ratzila char and now i see that is not. trust me... was banned . Very curious.

    Anyway ty for answer

    i was on in same time as you .I saw when server banned you. After that, i was banned 5min later too after almost one hour of pvp with DP Lucifer.


    idk what to say or why i report this but really this happens again and again even we waste alot of spit here. Arena is out of RP and TSH tribbs continue to bounty players when they are there. come on...we obey the rules or not?