Posts by (IOC)Wanderer
Voted as always
Welcome to Crossfire!
Results of Starflier Galaxy Race on May 29, 2021
Today there were no checkpoints, and the endpoint was Spica system.
1st in ~40 minutes: (IOC)Starflea -> 25 mill credits
2nd in ~43 minutes: BornToRace -> 20 mill credits
Participant: |TSH|Musing ->
5 mill credits-> donated to anyk99-Q
Participant: anyk99-Q -> 10 mill credits with the donation
Thanks to all for participating and see you next time!
(IOC)Wanderer started a new event:
QuoteStarfliеr Galaxy Race
Click here to learn about event rules and rewards
See you in New York system at 20:45 servertime!
Results of the Top Gun on May 15, 2020
Four players fought in a three-round tournament:
^²³IndianaJones³²^ -> first round and event winner, 25 mill credits
|TSH|!!!!!! -> 2nd round and 2nd prize winner,15 mill credits
(Fallen)Poorboy²CSF² -> participant,5 mill credits-> kindly donated his prize to:
Sodney_Trotter -> participant, 5 mill credits + 5 mill more from (Fallen)Poorboy²CSF²³Thanks to all for joining and see you next time!
(IOC)Wanderer started a new event:
QuoteTop Gun Event
Click here to learn about event rules and rewards
See you in Arena system at 20:45 servertime!
Results of the Ancient Hunt on April 17, 2021
Two teams were hunting Ancient drones in Dervon system for 30 minutes.Team 1 "Unfair" and winners with 14 guns:
Mercury. - 6 guns, 82 mill credits
[CFPD]Night-Hunter - 8 guns, 82 mill creditsTeam 2 "Vultures" with 5 guns:
|TSH|INGETING?! - 5 guns, 45 mill credits
[UR]daka - 0 guns, 45 mill creditsPrizes were based on teams' collective score: members of Team 1 got 20 mill + 3 mill per gun and members of Team 2 got 10 mill + 3 mill per gun. A bit more than usual, because I forgot the rules...
Plus, everyone got a generous +20 mill donation from ThanhRUI (Mercury).
Thanks to all for coming and see you next time!
Alright, I thought it was that way, but didn't check.
You are right, At this event, there were 19+6+4+21=50 kills, but 17+15+17+10=59 deaths, because 9 of the deaths were suicides (2+1+2+4=9).
The scores are always counted as "Kills minus Suicides minus Deaths", so suicides are substracted twice indeed.
It is not wrong, it is the rules.
No, suicides and deaths are treated separately. You can either be killed and increase Deaths by 1, or you can suicide and increase Suicides by 1. But not both at the same time.
Hello JamesKurde ,
Corsairs have better ships than Mollys and Junkers, this was the same in Vanilla FL. Legionnaires are especially hard to kill because of their shape and destructable hull parts. In addition, enemies in light figters are the hardest in CF because they make very good use of higher speed and agility with the new AI. This problem exists only at early levels , later all enemies will be slow because they mostly fly VHFs.
Also, in CF you can adjust difficulty in game options.
Hope this helps!
(IOC)Wanderer started a new event:
QuoteAncient Hunt Event
Click here to learn about event rules and rewards
See you in Dervon system at 20:45 servertime!
(IOC)Wanderer started a new event:
QuoteDeath Match Event
Click here to learn about event rules and rewards
See you in Arena system at 20:45 servertime!
Here is a detailed answer:
How to start the bonus mission?
Bonus mission files are automatically downloaded via mod launcher (you need allow update, if you play only SP). Bonus mission itself can be played ONLY during active SP Campaign! Use one from offered "campaign pauses" during missions added by the Crossfire mod (1st pause is in Mission 24: Crossfire Chapter 5 - Coalition_) and go explore asteroid belt in the Sol system. It is big area, but with 'turreted view' you can find unusual 'things', like are for example anomalies, at long distances.
Above mentioned first 'pause' is offered by Juni and King when you will for a first time visit bar at Order Military HQ in the Sol system. It will have automatically launched short cutscene where you will be asked if you want to continue. Choose answer "No" and campaign will be paused.
You can then freely look around, explore and/or buy better ship or equipment, do "Side story" and continue in campaign (main story) later (note: you will be unable to get normal missions from bases bars, it is hard coded restriction). When you next time return to bar at Order Military HQ, the same cutscene will repeat. Choose reply "Yes", and campaign (main story) will continue.Important, please read!! After will be your Crossfire mod installation updated with LF files (it happens automatically via mod launcher), please check Freelancer directory for newly added utility called "FactionPatch.cmd". This utility do first backup to all of your SP gamesaves (is needed only if you want use "old" saves), and then will update theirs copies with information about new faction(s) added into the mod. This step is absolutelly necessary for proper functioning of the NPCs in the side story mission. Patching process needs some time, so be patient.
Autosaves: please avoid use of these during SP Campaign play completely! It was repeatedly confirmed that use of them can corrupt all further saves including mission-saves!!!!What is now possible to be found in the Sol Sector may be a real surprise ...
Hello Acestar138,
the location of this gun is specified in the Lexicon article here: Renaissance Blaster
Renaissance systems will be open during "Lost Fleet" bonus mission. It is optional and can only be activated if you explore Sol system when taking a break from the main quest (answering "Decline" to Juni).
P.S. It is not the best gun - it has higher hull damage, but low power efficiency,
Hope this helps!
Hello LynRyu,
the Lost Paradise jumphole is glitchy in Multiplayer - it often it takes you to one system but the map shows another. Then you are unable to interact with objects and can die randomly from invisible enemies or planets. The only way to make sure it works right is to close and restart the game after each jump to or from Lost Paradise (use Alt+F4 to exit while in space).
No idea what killed you in Neophobos though
Hope this helps!