mate, log in to the game and msg me - i`ll help you get on a police/corporate base . then you can buy a bribe , and will sort things out for a bit
my chars are any variation of Lancelot that starts with <C>
I am going to eat now and when am ready i will message you on the server. Dont know where you live ? its 13hoo here actually.
I WILL message you here first to tell you that am ready to be on the server.
That's true. But you can quite soon catch up with your previous progress and grow beyond it. And if you play only SP, you won't get any registered statistics (at least not in Server Stats page).
This is again your own choice. At a start, one character can be enough. Later in game, when money is not an issue, you may find it more convenient to have multiple chars for different tasks (one for pod farming, one for trading, one for events, etc.).
Yes i really want to have only one chars, i think in MP it should not be needed to be friended with some factions just to buy weapons or other stuff like its necesary actually. This can cause problem like mine i think.