Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #45

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  • Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #45

    Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #45 - From Frontier Developments
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    Hi Commander,

    Welcome to Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #45!

    The launch of Elite: Dangerous is approaching rapidly, and we are pleased to announce a very special event on the 22nd November – save the date! We also have a reminder for those of you who were original backers (Kickstarter and our own website).

    We take look at Mining, which is a new activity for Beta 3.

    Plus we have arranged a special European promotion with our friends at Mad Catz for a limited number of the Saitek X52 and X52 Pro HOTAS controllers.

    This week’s book feature is our very own Michael Brookes, Executive Producer on Elite: Dangerous, who has written the official Elite: Dangerous novel.

    Last week we announced that from Beta 3 you will be able to own multiple ships. This is a huge addition to the game, and to get you started The Elite: Dangerous Mercenary Edition - a bonus pre-order game collection loaded with digital extras - gives you a Sidewinder and an Eagle fighter from the minute you start playing!

    This is available to buy now. The pack is listed on our store for new customers at a discounted price off the final release of £35.00 ($50 and €40) and anyone who has already pre-ordered the final release version of Elite: Dangerous (including those with Beta access and higher) will also receive the bonus pre-order collection when the game is released.

    Don’t forget, if you have pre-ordered the finished game but are tempted to start playing sooner, there is an upgrade path which will cost you an additional £15. Interested? Just go to the store, put the Beta in your basket and the correct discount will be applied when you checkout.

    Contents this week (Click subject to jump forward):

    Newsletter Peek of the Week

    This week's 'scoop' - if you can't stand the heat...

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    The Elite: Dangerous Premiere Event 22.11.14

    On November 22nd 2014 the Elite: Dangerous team will be hosting a very special event.

    The Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Cambridgeshire, UK is the venue for the Premiere of Elite: Dangerous! This celebration of the game and our amazing community will be broadcast around the world via a livestream on Twitch.tv.

    There will be new content, discussions and talks with the development team, game streaming - and some important announcements.

    You will be able to join us in a number of ways;
    • Those of you whose Kickstarter and other early backer pledges included an invitation to our UK party will soon receive your invitation to join David and the development team in Duxford.
    • We are also able to offer a limited number of tickets to this special event on a first come first served basis – these are priced at £50 and will go on sale on the Elite: Dangerous online store at 9:00am UK time on Friday 24th October.
    • The event will be livestreamed on Twitch.tv, so wherever you are around the world you can watch and be involved.
    • The live broadcast will be recorded and made available online so you will be able to catch it whenever you choose after the event.
    Whichever way, please save the date! 22.11.14.
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    There's Gold in them thar asteroids - and Coltan, and Palladium, and...

    Beta 3 on 28th October will be your first chance to use your prospecting skills and make some credits by mining.

    The Milky Way can be as bountiful as it is spectacular – the processes that shaped our galaxy have distributed a wide variety of ore and minerals secreted in certain stellar bodies.

    On the 28th of October, you will have the capability to mine them for profit. You will need two items to do this – a mining laser and an extraction module. After scanning for possible profitable content, you will set to work on your ‘claim’ with the laser.
    This will separate chunks of rock which you can scan, and then use your cargo scoop to secure those most worthwhile. Once it is safely onboard, your extraction module goes to work separating out its valuable contents. There is a big variation between the individual asteroids, even within a metal rich ring or belt, so once you have a good ‘find’ keep mining it until your hold is full!

    The more inhabited the volume of space, the more you will find you are following in the footsteps of others – pickings will likely be scarce. In true prospecting fashion the chance of striking it rich with an incredibly high yield awaits in the more unexplored territories.

    Will you be able to keep your motherlode secret from prying eyes? And will you be able to prevent others scooping up your ore before you can secure it?

    We only have to wait until the 28th October to find out!
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    Saitek HOTAS Controller Offer

    As we go around the world demoing Elite: Dangerous we have noticed how much people have enjoyed playing the game with a HOTAS gaming controller. So we have teamed up with Mad Catz and have a limited number of Saitek X52 and X52 pro controllers for sale and a discounted price. Currently this offer is only open to those in Europe.
    Both controllers are available to buy on our store now while stocks last.

    We also have two X52 Pro controllers to give away – this offer is open to everyone! All you have to do to win is send your best ‘flight assist off’ videos to
    community@frontier.co.uk and we will pick the two winning videos. The competition closes on Tuesday, 28th October when Beta 3 is released and the judge’s decision is final.
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    Elite: Legacy - The Official Elite: Dangerous Book by Michael Brookes

    Book Title
    Elite: Legacy

    Michael Brookes

    The mining colony Freeholm in the Artemis system is celebrating ten years of independence. Once a penal colony for political prisoners from the neighbouring planet of Laphria, the station is now a thriving mine and refinery.

    The brutal murder of two of the station’s resident traders when ambushed in the surrounding asteroid belt sends shockwaves through the community. With the identity of the attackers unknown, Freeholm’s head of security and hero of the rebellion, Darik Cavus, must discover the deadly conspiracy unfolding against his home.

    They cannot face the threat alone. Darik’s daughter, Julia, must travel and find help before the station’s small defence force is overwhelmed. The forces moving against the colony seek to prevent her mission.

    Events start to spiral out of control for Julia and her small band of allies, and nothing is as it first seems.
    Author Bio
    Michael Brookes is an Executive Producer on Elite: Dangerous. Working in games and writing are two of his life passions and he considers himself fortunate to be able to indulge them both. He lives in the east of England, enjoying starry skies in the flattest part of the country. When not working or writing he can sometimes be found sleeping. Which is good as that is where many good ideas come from.

    Due for release soon!

    You can follow Michael on his

    On Twitter

    And on Facebook

    Michael has another science fiction book due for release on November 1st – Come and join the virtual launch party on Facebook.
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    Kickstarter Rewards

    Our marketing team are currently busy pulling together all the pledge items from the Kickstarter and the backers app. We will contact you all directly as and when the items are ready for delivery.

    One important point - for backers who pledge for the ability to name any of the following items, you have until Friday 24th October to submit your names if you haven’t already done so. After that date we will not be able to accept any more submissions so make sure to login into the backers app to submit your names.

    • NPC names
    • Space Stations
    • Planets
    • ‘Jameson’ names
    • Star Systems
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    Newegg 'We Own The Night' Event

    On November 8th we will joining online retailer Newegg.com in The House of Blues, Anaheim, California for their ‘We Own The Night’ event.

    Details of the event can be found on their

    We will be there showing Elite: Dangerous on a number of PCs at the event so if you are there come and join us!

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    New Forum

    On Thursday 23rd October the forums will be undergoing a complete overhaul. This means that from 10am BST, the forums will be down for approximately 6 hours.

    There will be a forum post at the beginning of next week with a full list of changes, but a couple of the highlights include:
    • A fresh new design, including an optional optimised fast-loading theme.
    • Content-focused and user-friendly UI.
    • Added social links to share interesting posts on social media sites.
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    Comms Chatter

    Tommy TTK produced this stunning time-lapse video. Not only did he capture the video and edit it himself, but he also wrote and recorded the music, too.
    Cmdr Tremor on Reddit shared a beautiful view of Hemsut from his Cobra MkIII
    Scourge is the latest video in Isinona’s Flight Assist off series
    Sleepless Knight on Youtube came up with a fun way to start his latest Elite: Dangerous video, with a Quantum Leap-inspired opening.

    Rabid_communicator on Reddit caught a System Authority Vessel messing around on duty, 'Authority Vessel doing space doughnuts... or making a space tornado?’ he writes.

    This striking image of Brunton Platform was taken by @andersondegrear during his exploration of deep space.
    JuneBeatle on Reddit tells us a story about unexpected friendships in Elite: Dangerous

    “I just wanted to share an experience I had this past weekend that really pushed the fun level for me. I was out bounty hunting at a Nav point when I saw a message pop up in the upper left - "Nice Viper!" I had never really paid much attention to the message field except to see which NPC Wanted ship was spamming it so I could target in on them, but this one caught my eye as it didn't seem likely to be an NPC message. So I messaged back: "Thanks! Are you a LIVE player?" Lo and behold he/she was an actual person.

    Maybe this is common for many of you commanders, but this was my first interaction with another live player beyond just seeing their yellow square/triangle on my radar (and sometimes unfortunately, red).
    We briefly chatted about our Viper configurations and then went on about our separate bounty hunting... and then about 5 minutes later I came across a very mean looking Wanted Anaconda... I messaged: "Any chance you want to tag team this Anaconda over here?" No response, so I figured he/she wasn't reading messages and started taking on the Ana on my own (foolish, I know). The Ana had rear turrets that tore me up quickly and right as I was at 20% and about to turn for my escape run, my new friend buzzed across the screen unloading M-Cannons in the Ana's face and drawing its attention! I turned and joined in, and we spent 2 minutes alternating attack runs until we finally killed it.
    I felt guilty that I got the 40K-ish bounty but they commented that it was all good, that this was the most fun they had had on ED yet. We spent another 20 minutes separately hunting, and joining together whenever an Anaconda popped (2 more times, and unfortunately I again got the bounty on both - felt very guilty about this), then we both parted ways as we were out of ammo. With an accepted friend request, I said goodbye.

    I absolutely loved this, and it is to date the most fun I've had on ED. Anyone else make some friends out there in the cold deep of space?”

    We are pleased to announce our Elite: Dangerous Book Competition winner – Taylor Goehring, with this stunning submission.

    'As my long day of trading ended, I looked up...'

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    That’s it for newsletter #45 - thank you for reading and supporting the development of Elite: Dangerous.

    If you are new to the newsletters you can read all our previous newsletters

    As always if there is anything in particular that you’d like to hear more about, or you'd like to ask a question, then please contact us at elite-newsletter@frontier.co.uk.

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    Copyright © 2014 Frontier Developments plc, All rights reserved.

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  • well done bot



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • our bot was updated? :D

  • no



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Bot did an excellent job, beat me to it lol. On the subject of the Saitek X52 Pro that Frontier have for sale in their shop, don't bother. You can get it for a lot cheaper elsewhere if you want one. Frontier's price of £113.99 doesn't include shipping in the UK which they are charging an extra £7.50 for.

    I found this place instead that does the whole thing for £106 including shipping:
    Saitek X52 Pro Flight Control System Joystick -PS34