Elite: Dangerous General Boards
These boards contain game specific information and discussions. If it's about the game you can find it here.
Elite: Dangerous General Discussions
General Discussions about Elite: Dangerous. Talk about what's on your mind! For topics unrelated to our other forums in this section.
- Threads
- 254
- Posts
- 968
Elite: Dangerous Roleplay
The Commanders Lounge. Roleplay of the Elite Dangerous Universe.
- Threads
- 6
- Posts
- 12
Elite: Dangerous Ships and Guides
The location for Elite Dangerous Guides and ship discussions.
- Threads
- 22
- Posts
- 86
Elite: Dangerous Technical Problems
Support is provided here by our staff and you may also get support here from other helpful members. Try searching the forums using the advanced search option first or a specific project's bug reports. Remember all support on this site is on a volunteer basis, so please visit the forum rules for posting.
- Threads
- 3
- Posts
- 42