new launcher doesnt work anymore

There are 206 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • Quote

    It looks like your gamefiles are corrupt, namely launcher/shaders.xml

    probably my mistake, dunno
    in the first launcher release there was a problem with the fxaa shader option

    i thought it was fixed but well
    the CF2.0 launcher version however seems to work correctly



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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    This is ten percent luck,
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  • And we are all eager to test it :D

    (sry, couldn't help :P )


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Hey all new forum user here, had to sign up to read some threads, I am new to the mod, but i only play SP, am currently working through the reworked first storyline.

    Im getting this CFLauncher has stopped working issue but its in a way extremely random, but also very predictable. I can go into the cmabridge system, take one of the trade lanes into a specific rock/debris field and this happens without fail, elsewhere, never seems to pop up except for a few random places in earlier missions which cant even remember, i just know cambridge right now because i spent an hour at least yesterday trying to work around the problem and i actually did, it stopped happening somehow, untill today when, same system, same location - launcher stopped working.

    What i did yesterday was go through all my freelancer files and make them fully accessable, as i read somewhere, I also tried the thing to make my graphics card recognised, and toned down some settings a touch. After that i could play and managed a few hours before going to bed. Only to have the problem right back at me now.

    I used to have the discovery mod, but i uninstalled it before downloading crossfire/FLMM, other than that i have no other details. I do not get error codes or fancy stuff i can paste. i get "CFLauncher has stopped working" something about windows looking for a solution then nothing, as the box closes and my computer idles at the desktop. There is no rogue freelancer.exe still in task manager, no trace i was ever playing lol. Also when i do reenter the game its caused all the crossfire stuff to show as "IDS?" and the new ships and stuff have no stats or name in the info box. Also most/all solar items have no names with mission ships as - and trade lanes showing nothing more then " -> ".

    All i havent tried so far is a complete wipe and reinstall of freelancer/crossfire/FLMM. Only reason i havent is i really dont want to lose the past week of storyline. can i save my pilot progress and bring it back later, after i reinstall from scratch, if thats what i need to do?

  • Hey Icey and welcome. Your problems are usual, and doing a full wipe is perfectly fine. Now, to save your progress, go to My Documents/My Games - You'll find the Freelancer folder there. Right click on it, then cut, and paste it on your desktop. Then commence reinstalling the game and the mod. Also what helps is, when you delete it all, use CCleaner to wipe your registry. Then when you reinstall it whole, apply the mod and start the game, create a new game, and as soon as the cutscenes are gone and you can F1, exit the game. Then copy the Freelancer folder from desktop that you put earlier before uninstalling and paste it back where it was. It'll ask you if you want to overwrite, you accept and your savegames are back.

  • Zhe Boss

    thanks for the quick reply, I will do that - uninstall, cc clean then full fresh install from the ground up. Not knowing i can revive my old save game was the only thing that was giving me the worries about that. Now i know its all good. Thank you again /smile /cheer

  • hey so i did it, uninstalled everything, crossfire, freelancer, ran CClean then reinstalled freelancer, reinstalled crossfire (i turned off dynamic shaders too this time) and i added my graphic card back into that config file and i can load the game now as usual but im not really able to test i because i dont know where i am, or where im going because nothing has names now. I've had this before after crashes but usually i'd load in resave normally exit and reload and they'd be back. But not now. I saved, exited, restarted the game, loaded up my save and, still nothing. Stations, trade lanes, ships, jump gates all are nameless. The map is blank too.

    What am i missing here? lol

  • looks to me that a dll is missing



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • do you know what steps i can take to find out if i am missing a dll? I had no errors when i did load into the game, i didnt fly into that debris field in cambridge to test if the overall issue was gone. I would have to jump randomly untill i found cambridge again because my last save which i backed up before uninstall was actually along time prior to the last crash, because the autosave was overwritten

    Edit - I loaded in again and the gates, lane rings planets and stuff all have names. But now i cannot buy a new ship, everywhere that has the ship trader icon, i click the icon and it momentarily flashes an empty vendor window before insta closing i, and where it normally has ships sitting in the background there is nothing, just the hovery glow effect here there should be ships

    Also i just noticed that i cannot sell items from my cargohold anymore, or eject them. The cargohold and commodity vendor just shows a empty window as well

    Edited once, last by iceyyy: more stuff i found ().

  • have you let the mod patch itself?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • is that the red bar that fills after the launcher first opens?

    I remember it doing a download for some time the first time i opened the launcher, it even said something "downloading" and had an ever increasing number untill that finished. Now each time i load the launcher theres a small red progress bar but it doesnt actually say anything, should i let that fill (only takes a few seconds) before i fire up the game?

  • aha then its quite possible that has been a cause of many of my issues, i just thought that was like checking my connection to multiplayer or something, and since i dont play multi i usually just clicked the SP button immediately. I will wait for it to do its thing, it only takes like 5-10 seconds to finish, i shall be patient!

    Also last night i did let that red bar fully load after i posted my last message and what do you know, everything was as it should be, names, vendor windows. I sold off all my junk ran a few missions, glorious. I am back in cambridge system now i will try that debris field later and see if that random issue there is gone too.

    Thank you all for the help so far, heres hoping i have the issues all behind me and nothing but enemy ships in front of me, all nicely squared up in my gunsights!

  • No need, I got mine working, all I did was disable a few shader and graphic settings in the mod options when I enabled the mod.

    So just to clarify, I used a fresh copy of FL and then enabled the mod and selected a few of the graphic related settings to 'off' and now it works.

    On a side note the new launcher needs to display the progress bar more prominently and get rid of the other red bar above it because it makes it confusing.

    Best of luck to you all struggling!

  • hey there, folks. I'm new to the forums and installed crossfire the first time. after updating the launcher, starting the game and restarting it the "new" launcher seems to work fine so far with one exception: the lower bar with the start buttons is missing. I don't get any erreor messages most of the time and several reinstallations of freelancer, FLMM and crossfire couldn't solve the issue. It's just as if the launcher does not fit the window. I have the same problem ingame with the 1920x1080 resolution - it doesn't fit my screen for some reason and the fonts seem overly stretched. Dunno if the one has to do something with the other but I felt like mentioning it.
    So far the only fix to that problem seems to copy the complete "EXE" folder from FLMM/Crossfire 1.9 to my Freelancer folder everytime i want to play the MP.

    System specs are:
    Win7 64 bit
    Intel Core i7-3840QM 2.8 GHz
    nVidia Geforce GTX 680M
    16GB DDR3 RAM

    If there is a solution in the forums I must have missed it as I literally scrolled through thousands of posts with most of them regarding the "gecko" error for winXP or various other error messages (which I don't get at all)

  • about the resolution :
    try editing "PerfOptions.ini" in "ducuments/MyGames/Freelancer
    The thrid line from below "size= 1024, 768" or whtever, change to 1920, 1080.

    The game should run at this sulotion. If the main menu and fonts still don't fir try to undock, redock, back to main menu, reload, perhaps even restart the game WITHOUT internet connection only in SP-mode to get this adjusted. You don't need an internet connection to run the game in SP.

    about the launcher :
    Uhmmm, first try - maybe - try starting the gaem and launcher not from the desktop icon.
    Go to the installation folder "C:programs(x86)/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE". There should be the "Freelancer.exe". Leftclick and execute as administrator. Perhaps repeat this several times. If the launcher the shows "settings" on the lesft side select "Vanilla standard". .... or on another/next/new complete deinstall/reinstall :P deselct the advanced shaders in the options.

    Don't hesitate to come back if this doesn't work.


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)