Roleplay and that shit

There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Zeroth.

  • Quote

    If you have problems or proposals then post them here. We will try to answer your request or solve your problems as soon as possible.

    yes I have a problem

    My problem is your stupidity. No seriously, I have chosen my words carefully.
    Have you guys actually spent a single second thinking about the consequences of your actions and words?
    Either you have not thought about it yet which is already damn stupid or you have been thinking about it but ignored the outcome which is even more stupid.

    Again we have reached the point that 2 sides fight each other for the only obvious reason to cause damage to each other.
    You feel hurt by the words or actions of the opposite site so you do your best to hurt them aswell... and of course the other side will respond in the same way.
    Thats what is happening here right now and for sure it is not going to end because the people involved give a damn about agreements and rules we once layed out.
    Every single person that took this stupid conflict to my forum has broken an agreement we once made... you broke an agreement with me which is as worse as breaking my trust or lying to me.
    I clearly dont care for your points of view, I dont care for your reasons and I clearly dont care for which side you think to speak. You broke an agreement with me.
    You could have resolved the issues in private, in a civilized manner but you havent. You decided to give a damn about rules and agreements and therefore you can not expect that I will listen to anybody of you.

    We are again at the point we were at the end of CF1.7
    In that year you have learned nothing. You invest much time blaming others writing long posts and announcements about stupid shit just to hurt the opposing side.
    You are destroying my hard work and in the end you have the nerves to expect that I would take sides. You can forget this bullshit right now.
    Both sides have lost my support. You can forget that ill do something for you.

    I wonder what is so hard to understand that every time you try to hurt somebody else on the server you hurt this server and the entire community with it. In the end you hurt your own clan and friends with these stupid actions.
    It is pure stupidity.

    I watched this situation long enough. Further conflicts on this forum will be directly punished by me.
    I give a damn if you are a Freelancer, a clan member, a clan leader, a GR or if you belong to the SWAT staff. I make no difference.
    Furthermore I officially declare that all RP that is not covered by the official rules is null and void. It was a mistake to allow you to do such bullshit.
    Fortunately a mistake I can correct.
    Take that warrant crap stick it where the sun does not shine.... same for the trade monopolies.

    You have till friday to resolve troubles, 6 days to clear the situation. If that is not acceptable or possible for you can expect that all involved people will loose their chars.
    And never come up again with a shit like "I have no problem with resolving the troubles but... ". The "but" clearly states that you dont wish to resolve anything. Do something or dont do something but dont tell me such a major bullshit again.

    Furthermore I expect that staff members stay out of such a shit in future. If you can not represent a neutral position you better represent no position at all.

    Final Note:
    Dont even think to discuss with me about these topics or even quote my post... you have in no way earned the right to do so.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Understood and agreed Chris.

    Altought i admit to have failed somehow in not falling into the bickering, my goal is always and will remain, the well being of the SWAT Community and the Crossfire Mod.

    I have reached a point this year that i dreamed of since i've started player FL in MP since 2004 : Be the leader of a strong and active FL clan, respected by others members of whatever community would give me the chance. At some point i even wanted this so badly that it hurt my RL but i kept going no matter what. I wanted to be Clan Leader and active member of a FL community. I will certainly not let anything more happen to counter this dream of mine and i will do like i said many times but it seems to have been ignored : i move on over this mess...

    All this crap between my clan and Daywalker's was over for me weeks ago (after the Blueprints dispute was settled). However, i admit failure not to make it be so for my clan members and to prevent the escalation to the point where OP has to speak his frustration.

    You have my sincere apologies, Chris, for that bullshit i failed to put an end to, and that i even feeded at some point. I hope we can avoid to repeat the end of 1.7's era with bans and clans expelled.


  • I guess my plans of a better time in the server and a real fun were really ignored( a few months ago ). Heh, it's too late now I guess

  • thank fuck for that
    seen too much shit on this forum

    just like the old days

    need to get back to just playing

    police kill pirats

    pirats tax and kill

    traders pay up or die

    police kill pirats

    we all play crossfire FOR FUN

    please dont start all the shit again

    be nice and play

    Too old to care
    Too dumb to quit

    Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
    Isaac Asimov

    Playing character(s) : Oldgit ,1412

  • Agreed.

    Counting CFPD have no conflict atm... I'm fine.
    But hoping not to see clans acusing eachother again... as I don't always ignore...

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

    Edited once, last by Michael ().

  • If 2 or more clans have issues or whatever between them, you can do a friendly fight instead of an angry one. You should all have fun and won't argue each other.
    (That was one of my ideas, -> Clan Wars )

  • @Ilian : Your plans of clan wars have not been dropped m8... its slowly moving on and i have started working on key proofs-of-concept already. The first aspect of this is my work on the ASF/CSF dynamic map system. Once this step is done, i plan to integrate the clan wars concept to this soon after... Unfortunately my free time is rare and it's progressing slowly.... OP has been helping quite a bunch with this already and i hope it will live up well to CF level of greatness :D

  • @Op

    The conflict between SA and PX was purely a RP one. Taking in acount the CF environment and the past troubles (and ghosts of X-mas past) it was only foreseable that a RP event would tend to aggravate to something distructive rather than constructive RP but it's not the case. If this risk is not taken with each RP conflict, well enforcing a conflictless policy on CF would be, in my opinion, even more destructive for the server than a clan war.

    Even if there were some problems with the "warrant" concept, which was a very new one (as it spawned) at that time and was not properly polished and finished things worked out ok. SA and PX made RP out of it, the Warrant ended after 24 hours and we took it as a "test run", ofc we did our own RP in response to it, with the bounty contract we posted.

    While SA, CFPD, BG, UR and PX players were fighting it RP-style in space, SA Arrow and me were talking behind the curtains, making sure that we communicated clearly so that no missunderstandings would occur (with the flaming of the threads we opened but that's beside the point here, we managed to work things out even despite that). It all remained within RP, from our point of view (and I think from the SA one too but I'll let Arrow comment on that) but not only that, we started to work on the "Warrant" concept, taking in accout past lessons.

    From this RP Conflict between SA and PX (Conflicts are good as long as they remain RP...otherwise it would be boring as hell) the following consequences have spawned (from our point of view):

    - SA and PX did some good RP and animated the CF environment (which as of late was quite dull as I understand)
    - SA strenghtened its ties with the other Police Clans
    - an older "warrant" concept has re-emerged, in order for it to be improved by us, while each adding something to it in order to make it a viable and constructive one
    - we have all learned that any conflict, regardless if it originates from RP or RL stuff, it can always be kept or transformed to RP if there is a will to do so

    The next step for Arrow and me would be to make a project out of the "Warrant" concept and present it to the leader board for approval by voting (no more commenting on it because we all know how that turned out). If it would be rejected then we would expect advices or proposals -on that subject- via pm.

    I think that all of these are in the benefit of CF. I agree that this could have ended alot worse but that's always a chance when conflicts are involved...given the account the CF environment, I'd say that this one turned out pretty good from the points of view that I relayed.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • I learned also something important for myself about "angry things in game" and it will never happen again for me.

    OP: thx for this your post, it was hard to read, but I understand now much better what is important for MP play and CF community as before.


    Maybe someone from you here will know from where it is ...


    Take RP for what it truely is: RolePlay! When your char gets 'offended' by some real badass rival char you yourself sitting in front of the PC should take distance from identifying yourself with the char. Ask yourself if you would personally hate an actor playing the role of a 'bad guy' in a movie.

  • Hmmmmm.... So where do Mercs fit in?

    Good post OP. Hopefully Everyone will realise all their mistakes (Including me) And get back to proper Role play and try to make Crossfire as realistic and as fair as humanly possible!

    I can honestly say OP... You have deffinatly made your point! clear to all, even the bringer of the facepalm of doom understands :thumbsup:

  • @FUD : that quote only refers to what police and pirates do.

    But mercs RP is simple : they are hired by anyone and they play their side of RP while they are employed. if a merc is hired by a cop, he represents the law. If a merc is hired by a pirates he becomes criminal.

    StephanoV : i said i will no longer comment any of this battle between our two clans but i wish to express that the few collabs we had (conquest system and warrants) in private were very satisfying and that the atmosphere was very friendly. I hope such atmosphere can extend to our respective clans on the public boards and, like FORLON quoted, we will detach from our chars and respect the dudes and gals in front of the screen. Like always, its a pleasure 'arguing' with the PX diplomatic offices and one day i'll be able to make you shut up pal... :P

    PEACE TO ALL :thumbup: