A very possible solution for RP (please take it seriously)

There are 14 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Daywalker.

  • Ok, so I was online today and doing something I'm not going to describe as some ppl might flame afterwards, but it made me think about how to solver cop/smuggler/pirate RP for good, regardless of number, with a new kind of relationship between the two players about to engage in a RP situation.

    My idea for RP would be that if you announce to a player you're about to engage him in a RP situation and take a SS as a proof (in case someone decided to break the codex, as I think it would be at least to say inpolite if this doctrine were to become server-wide) he must not change his char and use that kind of disrespectful behaviour to avoid being fined/taxed/asked for royalty or whichever it is. If the player, instead of switching out, decides to leave the server and come back let's say 3-10 mins later with the same char or another char, SS is delivered to ACTIVE Galaxy Rangers (who are necessary for this to work - of course, it can all be solved without SS if the guilty player admits what had happened and gets a FINE! - an admission doesn't mean no fines will be applied, but the right is reserved for GRs not to fine in case anyone had connection problems - I'm sure that can be investigated)

    Q: But announcing will completely annihilate the element of surprise to RP (ambush and such)?
    A: True, it will, but we will have strict rules which will, I'm sure, become a surpluss once players adopt the new RP rules (which will, I'm sure, bring fun, and the need for players to call their clan members or freelancer for aid if they wish to continue trading at the same location despite the accouncement from another player which can be threatening for that process). Plus, a merely solid trader will watch players getting closer who might be threatening, so they will run, whether there is an announcement or not. The difference is, running will be the only option available, because switching chars or leaving server may result in a fine. Players who have to leave due to RL can arrange payment later when a player who had been forced to leave came back again. That's just fair to players who travel all the way to the player and then that player simply leaves the server - there has to be a reward :)

    To conclude this proposition I am seriously BURNING OUT FOR, I know OP will comment taking SS is too complex for simple RP situations, but from all this, taking SS is the only part not obligatory, as you decide yourself if you wanna have a proof of what might happen or not.

    Thank you all for reading and I am hoping to get some constructive criticism and some support so we can put this to use. I think it will put an end to avoiding RP for good without any consequences, and that's just what we have been trying to accomplish for as long as I can remember.

    Please think this through and support me. The rules can be added to RP rules, and we need active Galaxy Rangers or [GR] for this to work, if not on server (which would be better), then at least on forum to solve possible problematic situations I'm sure there will be, especially in the beginning, but I am sure that, with hard work, we can make this work really well, and I really think it would benefit the entire community.

    As for fines, I think they should be either set values (5-30million credits - so pretty severe, as this is not fun stuff!) or scale according to the player's level (the player who violated the rule and didn't resolve it peacefully with the other player involed).

    I am going to do my best for this to work, I hope you guys will help me evolve CF to a new level of gaming.

    Oh, and I forgot, I would only like to apply it for players above lvl 60, as we can consider others rookies who might not know the rules, and we don't want to scare those ppl away with fines, and bother them will all kinds of rules before their time.

    I truly hope I was thorough.

    Yours truly,


  • Ummm...here's the thing: good sportsmanship is not a new idea. Pretty much everybody can recognize when someone is pushing past the limits of rational RP, and just abusing other players. There is a set of "rules" laid out for how RP should work, along with some "suggested" limits for the different roles. To add layers of accountability and process to this is to change the game server & forum into some courtroom, instead of a place for players to have fun. Sure, nobody whats to get booted for playing their roles well, but let's use some common sense.

    When I first began playing in the CF universe, pirates routinely killed players down to level 50, with or without warning. I was not happy to be one of those victimes, but i did not run to the forum bawling my eyes out, looking for a tissue! Instead, I accepted this RP as part of the REALISTIC CF universe, and made adjustments to my gameplay accordingly. No amount of debate is going to improve on that viewpoint, even though many will disagree. Take responsibility for your RP, play fairly within your RP, and let's all just have fun! 8).

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • I am afraid you, my friend, are a relict from a long ended period (in a good way)

    And excuse for not being able to generalise your thoughts to the majority, as I experience the same thing over and over again.

    I start hunting and hope I will be able to score easy tax money (not that is has to be easy but that's what I hope for).

    I travel 5 system, get close to my target, my target (or 1 of my targets) switches out to another char (usually trader>fighter) or there are more target 1 of the targets trading together switched and the other one stays docked while the other one is coming. Let's face it, the only kind of chars that RP can be successfully applied on are trading chars. All I am left with is engaging in pointless fights until someone leaves the server, without result, and completely unfair to me, who spent 15 minutes of my life travelling to my possible target.

    This should encourage players to take these sometimes long journeys knowing they have a good chance to get money, much bigger chance than it is now when most of players react how they react.

    If we adopt this, those 2 players will have only following options:

    1. pay and continue trading

    2. hire someone who was not declared a RP target to provide assistance of any sort

    3. run

    4. switch char or leave and pay a massive fine (a SS can be used as a proof for GR to enforce RP violation rule accordingly)

    I think it's the closest we can get to perfect the RP rules, and what's even more important, a sure way to uncover RP rule breakers and hit them where it hurts the most - their wallets.

  • yes, the idea is indeed, nice. (diablo's )

    One point:
    The player who warns/announces a player to engage, ONLY if the target is in teh radar range of the attacker... let's say I can't just dock inside X and say a guy at the planet or on the other side of the system that I'm going to kill him.

    Even the surprise element as Centaurian said is great.... motivates you to pay back thinking he got you by surprise.

    I think it should be reported to GRs the SS (including the target in-sight when announced) with another screen prooving that player just left while fighting or casing him... while the target is in the same system ! A time stamp all the time could be usseful... but noone really gets so ready before fighting.

    Other servers have the 1000 $ server fine for leaving while being attacked bigger, at 1 000 000 or such... it could be made in CF too as it's just changing a number, but it'd risk the ones who accidentally leave the game when some NPCs arrive... even thinking it better, no player can official leave teh char in space except with ALTF4, so they better get fined even if it was by NPCs or humans if/as their char is in-space.

    Also, the most important situation to report to a GR, with SS, is when the target or attacker gets bad behaviour, like , the target is killed 3 times and starts accusing cheat or blaming or insulting... and GRs can put the veredict if it's a weak blame just cus he was a bit depressed he never won, or a hard blame which have no excuse... etc, or worse racist insults, even if they are in a joke, if the receiver disliked it, can report it, and so the 'joker' gets admonished to pay more attention to who they joke with insults (seen such situations with some ppl dueling).

    What you people think ?

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • More or less good idea, also i knew for the moments when the pirates were jumped into the system and ask for taxes from a great distances
    ,so in this case we need system chat options like in a Disco (10k radius or...i'm not so sure but this is some kind of visual contact with possible "target"))

  • on another mod 2 years ago i was taxed from a given console commando by a pirate. This kind of command (when able to locate that t he target is in scanner range) could do the trick. Target vanished -> money transfered, cause hook is able to transfer from none activ chars. Same for fines. Will stay the bounty, where ppl switch as well, but it can be a similar command to engage or whatelse. Also we should think of some benefits for smugglers like i saw either on another mod that a player announced his run from station a to b where the console trippled the profit for the run and him reaching the target (it was far away - so not that easy) - also the console remembered from time to time where the target is, as the hunter you was able to get the double price of the goods on the ship - perfect if it would be seperated to some frighters including the trains and the large transport.

    Ofc. it would be Haegars topic again.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Huor, you misinterpret my posting

    The point is not giving fairness a shot, quite the opposite

    It's about leading in strict rules which won't allow anyone to act unfair - if someone tried that player will suffer a massive fine

  • Sure Diablo - but no one here is from court or his job is to deal with players switching. There is no rule that denies it. And as we all are here to have fun and dont deal 2 and more hours a day with rules and what players do with them (especially in this case) - there wont be a change at all. At least be proud that players switch - because they fear you :) Its at least a good fact that shows you are not ignored^^


  • I would agree with you if this wasn't a server where players could kill each other in combat or RP

    And you are saying you would rather take unfairness every day rather than having rules which stop it? OK. All this is completely pointless. I am wasting my time.

  • @ Huor

    This way he is not earning money RP sided. I see Diablos point.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • ;) Sorry i am not in the position to state if i might accept it or not. And i am not in the position to decide about it - thats OPs and the GRs role. So i can just state what i would do and have done several times already.
    Even at this level the one who taxed me wanted to give me money to stop the trials to defeat him - you might remember^^ ;D

    I understand that pretty well - i and at that time we have suffered under this too. But unless i cannot reach to the other end of the connection - i cannot avoid switching chars


  • Yeah, i remember, damn ressurection thingy :D

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • This chaos is just while there's no keeping and safety on teh server....

    when the new group of Server Police comes back, teh console won't be used to autofine a guy, neither to do own RP with them, just general RP command (as OP said, to create new RP in some moments) and the rules will be obeyed, switching char if a police or pirate comes after you won't be tolerated, as OP had to modify the game to make F1 not working in-space, and switching in space to run RP would not be only a rulebreaking, btu also (near to) cheating, even it's easy or not making the F1 button work in space... the mod is now made without it, so having it is having something changed in the files.

    Bad behaviour, is quite more normal in humans in some situations, but harder insults without reason will be attended with attention.... also being sure he isn't 'the victim'.

    I'm getting some experience in it... with the local small discussions there were arround ^^ Which are enough now(so there won't be anymore).

    This above is also taking OP's wishes... already explained, if he wanted to tolerate char switching in-space for avoiding RP he wouldn't change the buttons. Even there is a way... two... to switch chars in-space in the way the mod is made normally... which I won't leak (that info) :)

    Anyways it's OP choice now, to turn this safety on, when the GRs are ready, and active... to give their Server Police rights and put their responsibilities on.
    GRs will also have to take care btw them, so one don't make mistakes... like brothers ^^

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • There is no Chaos on the Server - except my Char ofc. - it´s all fine and nice.
    The approach was the topic as far as i understand Diablo, simply dock and switch out - so you are save and covered by the rules.
    About the SP rights, ask Huor or me - the SP rights will not make anything better for a GR - while the GR initiated RP can change things - Simba made some good turns in it.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."