Oldest Player - Who?

There are 64 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • My grandson says I'm too old to play games. I told him that playing Freelance with the Mods, helps keep my mind sharp. I got tired of Delta Force games since they went to an arcade style of RPG.

    I'll retire soon - over 62 years old - is that too old???

    As soon as my grandson can be patient and play well with others on-line, I'll make him his own system with a new copy of Freelancer with Crossfire Mod installed. I hope he gets his butt kicked enough to know that you can't win by yourself and you can't lose with friends.

    I sure do hope one of you out there is older than me. My wife says I'm so old - my birth date is in Roman Numerals. Someone out there must have their birth date written on a cave wall somewhere - right?

    To the Crossfire Community - Take Care and Stay Safe - May you all play forever!

    If they have Crossfire in Heaven...the trip will be worth the wait.

    Never miss a chance to make someone laugh. Cheers!

  • Well Franco im a young 35 but there is older players out there.... I personally see no reason why you should ever feel to old to play any game....

    If the truth be known ... your grandson is just jealous that at an older age you can still play and be good at it lol.... and your wife... well she could be either jealous your spending more time on the game than on her lol or she just thinks your a big kid and should know better.... well i say there is a big kid in all us men and it never grows up lmao

    And i couldnt agree more gamming does keep the mind sharp and stimulated so that cant be a bad thing either.

    So to you my friend and to the othere older guys may we all have many many many years of gamming in us.

    I for one dont ever want to grow out of this:P

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

    If you would like to join a Military/Police Clan then click on the links below

    Home Of Sirius Federal police........www.sfp-crossfire.com

    Home of BloodGuard ..... --==BloodGuard==--

    A FreeLancers life is a good life

    In Game Chars

  • oop im 45 but older guys than me m8 welcome:)

  • I just thought Id point out that my grandpa is almost 87 and he still plays games, hes a hardcore MMORPG, and First Person Shooter gamer, and he occasionally plays fighting games like Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur. His philosophy is, if you stay a kid/teen even when your an old man, you tend to live longer, and for being as old as he is, hes still very active. Id say he still has at least another decade or so of life in him.

  • 30 years old here. it's nice to see such a range of ages finding enjoyment and companionship in the vast emptiness of the universe.

    kind of makes infinity easier to grasp.

    be well.

  • we have some oldies within us... you can get an insight of our ages clicking on calendar, in the top of this page, as our birthdays and current age are listed there by date

    however, only those that declare their birthday in their profile are in calendar, and not everybody does (for example tassie devil, older than you, is not listed there)

    anyways, youth is not related with age: if you feel you are young enough to play with us then you are young, regardless of your birth year :)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • Our oldest was 72 I think.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Aging is mandatory, maturity is optional! Some of us have reached 17 multiple times chronologically speaking, while never leaving it philosophically... [10]

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • 30 here and this is not the end, i hope:D We have older players in DC clan, so welcome to CF:)

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • omg speachless .......


  • based on some birthday info that ive seen here on the forum there must be players that are more than 100 years old ^^
    [GWD] - Greise wollen daddeln



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • 32...... soon to 33 :( WHY HAS MY HAIR STARTED TO TURN GREY!!!!!!! i wanna cry



    <-----------------------------------------------DC Phoenix - General [866][865][866]---------------------------------------------->

    [21] Intel Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz - Asus P5KC M/B - Ati Sapphire HD3870 512Mb GDDR4 Graphic Card - Ballstic 4x1Gb DDR2 1066Mhz RAM - 1 x 160GB + 1 x 250Gb SATA HDD - 2 x DVD-R/W Drive - Jeantech Orchid 575w PSU - iCute Custom Case - ACER P223w 22" Widescreen Monitor - Wireless Keyboard And Mouse - 5.1 Surround Sound Setup - Take Pride In Your System And Build It Yourself [21]

  • Well I am 40 years young though I do my best to not act my age at any point :)

    Lt-Cornel Ancalagon the Black

    The early bird might get the worm
    The second mouse gets the cheese

  • when my hair starts turning grey then its because of you guys



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • its already grey^^ so its not starting yet - the progress already did start^^

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    when my hair starts turning grey then its because of you guys

    LMAO :D



    <-----------------------------------------------DC Phoenix - General [866][865][866]---------------------------------------------->

    [21] Intel Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz - Asus P5KC M/B - Ati Sapphire HD3870 512Mb GDDR4 Graphic Card - Ballstic 4x1Gb DDR2 1066Mhz RAM - 1 x 160GB + 1 x 250Gb SATA HDD - 2 x DVD-R/W Drive - Jeantech Orchid 575w PSU - iCute Custom Case - ACER P223w 22" Widescreen Monitor - Wireless Keyboard And Mouse - 5.1 Surround Sound Setup - Take Pride In Your System And Build It Yourself [21]