X3 Ships

There are 34 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Myric.

  • We arlready have some ships from other games in CF. This was no real problem as long they did fit into it.

    and with CF1.8 there will be SF2 ships too.... now the question is if you want x3 ships (those which fit to FL... -> human like construction) to be part of CF

    you have 3 days to vote



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  • I would like to say the X3 ships are fantastic, and if it can be done with no copyright problems, then, great!.

    I have a suggestion:

    My favourite is the Mamba, it would be great to have ships like, all Split ones aligned with pirate RP, all Argon aligned with police RP, and Paranid aligned with Merc RP, Teladi and Boron aligned with Smuggler RP. Goner ships maybe as event SP or admin chars :)

    Something like this i think would work well in respect to Role based ship setups:

    Police (Argon) Ships:
    Manouverability - Good
    Weapons slots - Good
    Cargo - OK
    Hull/Sheild - Good

    Special Abilities:
    1xCD/Torp Slot, 2xCD Slots.
    2x Thrusters
    Flashing blue lights on roof if possible :) enabled only if you have police licence fitted.

    Merc (Paranid) Ships:
    Manouverability - Excellent (Fastest Turners)
    Weapons slots - Excellent (More slots than anyone else)
    Cargo - Terrible (Worst of all)
    Hull/Sheild - OK

    Special Abilities:
    2 CD/Torp Slots + 1 CD only slot
    2x Mine Droppers
    2x Thrusters (or 3 Thrusters if possible)
    Cloaking Device

    Pirate (Split) Ships:
    Manouverability - Terrible (Worst of all)
    Weapons slots - Very good
    Cargo - Very Good
    Hull/Sheild - Very Good

    Special Abilities:
    1xCD/Torp Slot, 2xCD Slots.
    2x Mine Droppers
    2x Thrusters
    2x CM
    Cloaking Device

    Smugglers (Teladi, Boron) Ships:
    Manouverability - OK
    Weapons slots - Bad (defensive based)
    Cargo - Excellent (best of all)
    Hull/Sheild - Excellent (best of all)

    Special Abilities:
    No CD or Torp Slots
    2x CM (or 3 if possible)

    Of course, people can buy whatever ship they like regarless of the RP type of the ship, however, at least there would be ships now with varying attributes that work well for particular roles.

  • I voted yes as I would like to see more ships in the game.

    However, I do hope that something is done to stop 1-2 ships being superior to everything else - I would like to see more ships being a good viable choice in pvp.

    It would be great is server clans used their ships from their home system as their main ship (in my opinion one of the advantages of having your own system) and this would help identify clans as well as their tags.

    But this would only happen if the ships become better balanced with each other.

  • the ships are balanced best way possible already
    there are about 40 vhf with similar stats and i doubt that there are outraging ships on CF as i can prove that there are ships with the same stats



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  • honestly I think there's enough ships already, so, unless there is a faction that can fit with the new ships, I can't see why.

    Then, we all know that the shape and the hardpoint placement are also something important, so we can have the same stats but the ship shape, size and hardpoint placement can realy change the way a ship is used^^.


  • OP,

    Will the cockpits from X2 be added as well?

    I know in x3 they are not included unless you apply the patch for them but in terms of eye candy, it would be awesome!

  • dunno



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
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    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Argos and Az are right, if these ships are just going to be more of the same as what we have now, in terms of stats, its pointless doing them, as theres only 1 ship that everyone flies. (lagg-which could probably do with loosing either 500-1000 hull or limit it to class 9 champ shield, or have 1 less gun/missile mount, just so other ships are an option)

    Take the Enfilade, Rage Bringer, and Hydra, and Azan, etc... etc.... just to mention a few of the worst, you put the best Top Gun pilot on the server in any of these, he WILL loose without a doubt in these ships. 95% of the ships in game will not be strong enough in pvp to last a few seconds against anyone whether they are experienced in pvp or not.

    Take the Starskipper and other tiny, low class ships, surely they should be for sale nearer to NY rather than near X3043. By the time a person ventures as far as X3043 they have already bought a much better ship that can just about survive being attacked by corsairs (for example) on the way there . Yet, when you get to X, no-way would you want to be buying any of these little puny ships. So all these small fighters are also rendered, useless.

    Only freighter any good is APC, this is definately a well balanced ship, and if flown by the best pilots can be a worthy threat to a fighter, Bullpup3 is a disappointing 2nd because the shields are far too weak. the rest are completely 'dont go there', take Sarafina for example, turns like a brick, has no worthy shield, limited cargo, basically a death trap, even if you put class 10 shield on it like an APC its still lacking because APC turns way faster, has a bigger cargo hold, and more guns.

    Currently of all the ships, the only ones people bother with are:
    SF Train
    Cap Ships

  • I would definitely love to see some X3 ships, that used to be one of my favorite games up until I beat the main missions several too many times, lol. But yeah, it would be cool if there were a lot more ships, and the clan related ships that Saxon mentioned would probably make a great addition to the mod, and would make the RP much more entertaining.

    I dont think very many people use cockpit views so in my opinion Id say no to that, plus if they were to be integrated, it would just take longer for the mod to be released because of the time it takes to create and mesh/texture them.

  • based on this i can stop working on CF and leave the game like it is



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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    This is ten percent luck,
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    Fifty percent pain,
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  • OP,

    For some it is eye candy. SFP feels it is more about the comunity!

    Dont stop, the MOD is good.

    I love this game for the fact I can log on...go fly..shoot or be shot....visit a bar and have a laugh about it.

    The new textures and res work really well now on my LCD tv. Wicked job (1.7 has bought be back and the efforts I read about on other issues)!

    Yeah it is not perfect but that is what keeps me and many players comming back. How far can it go and what is next?

    The X3 idea is cool and I salute those working at it. It can not be easy to incorporate and in my opinion will add diversity and benefit the game!

    If people took the time to look at what the original MP game was like they might chose there words more carefully and remember that real people are spending real time to make this work.

    If energy was spent on the positive I wonder how far CF will go?

  • I would love to see new ships, because then we can finally see diversity in what players fly. Before there was a trend where everyone flew a Shroud, now its the Lagg, or the Saracen. People will mostly fly the same ship if its considered the best. I say, if we add more ships, then players might try out new ships and find one that they enjoy flying. Without everyone flying the same ship.

    I will get myself an Argon if it is ever implemented into the game ^^.

    [CFPD]Lone_Renegade __________[CFPD]Lone_Renegade_TR

    Crossfire Federal Police Department Website

    When you want to curse and swear, don't despair, use some flair. Be creative with your words, and enjoy the whole affair!

  • Quote

    based on this i can stop working on CF and leave the game like it is

    In my humild opinion I would say that there is more important things then add more ships to the game, like probably balance some of them, limiting the use of missiles, getting guns with different refire rates....

    but in the end it's your choice, it is your MOD, you asked for a vote, we gave some opinions instead.

    @Saxon, it is not only the ships, it is the style of fighting that changes with times,

    2 years ago everyone was using 1 missil 2 CDs, 1 torp and 4 PPCs on Shroud- the fights were almost like a Medieval just between 2 knights, all in straight lines and slight dodges in it,

    then we started using Karak not because of a minor bug, but because it was very small and had a very good turn rate (at same time we started using predator and Saracen (it was probably the second gold age of predator), funny that at time was really hard to fly Lagg (probably because we just didn't know how). At these time the use of 2 missils started becoming popular, and the use of torp was almost lost by most of the pilots.

    almost one year ago we started using lagg, mostly because we couldn't bit a certain very skilled pilot with an awesome technic in the use of missiles, at the very same time the use of 3 missiles becomed popular.

    The conclusion is that in the end we all evolut out fighting style with the new ship's, and it's not that the ship's become useless, but more that we find ways making them more or less useless.


  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R

    based on this i can stop working on CF and leave the game like it is

    OP - please dont see this as criticism - it's just an opinion - ultimately you are the arbiter for these things.

    I know there are a few of us have tried other mods but we keep coming back here - why is that?

    Maybe it's not only the best mod but also the best community?

    Anyway - in pvp it seems the most agile ships have an edge - maybe some of these new ones can be just as agile as the Lagg/Saracen/Pred?

    But I got no doubt you have already thought of these things.

  • Sorry OP, CF is the best FL mod ever made. Thats why we are all here.
    And yes, unless i say something, i wont know any better, i thought Argos opinion of fighting style changes is good point, and goes a long way to show a different opinion on why the VHF are like the way they are. Maybe fighting style will change in future that would benefit other ships, who knows.
    I'll just get back to playing, maybe i say too much eh. I dont wanna mess anything up for the rest of the community.
    I voted Yes to new ships, well if theres no changes to the current ones, then X3 ships would be very cool.

  • I have a real problem with statements that stuff is not balances as the facts say that a better balance is not possible

    since months ppl claim "uhhh that shit got worse" "what have you done with the shroud"... "wha that are uberships now"
    if you would check the stats of the ships of cf1.7 with the stats of old versions (cf1.1) you will notices that the stats have not changed... also the hardpoints have not changed

    there is nothing that has changes on the ships besides that i have added licences... but still you guys claim that these have changed
    and that is pure bullshit

    the so called changes are just subjective oppinions based on different fighting styles... and your subjective oppinions about the balance is just because you decided only to use 1 or 2 ships while there are 50 others which similar stats... with similar advantages and disadvantages
    but you decided for yourself not use them coz you would need to learn a new fighting style again

    look at the stats of the ships and you will find out that what i say is true... look back in time and you will see how players used those ships very successful against you
    even the vanilla ships were used against you (if you remember BG_MarcBomber who smashed almost every player in his ordinary eagle)
    you guys just have forgotten about the other ships and that they might be good too just because you made your decision to fly one.... and you keep telling new players that your ship is the best in the entire mod so they dont even get the chance to test other ships and prove you wrong

    when you talk about balance then you talk about the balance you have created for the server... not the balance of the ships



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!