My Resignation as SP

There are 52 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by privateer.

  • hmmm what to say about all this... well
    ive read 3 threads about this topic now... many comments... some good... some too fast written ones

    i better start with some corrections to a few comments

    1. gunny is/was not the head of the SP - all SPs are equal and i never promoted one of them to be worth more than the others
    that you considered him as head SP is actually your own problem since it is just an illusion which does let you act different than it would be normal
    in case of the other SPs i would say that they didnt raise gunny to a higher lvl of importance... no... they did lower their own lvl of importance this way (which actually speaks for their own limited activity as SP in some cases)
    but ok - lets face the facts... gunny is the once taking the initiative while others wait for his actions to happen
    lead or follow... but in the end the 3rd option (to work together) has been long forgotten

    2. having 2 identities on the server, SP and normal clan member is something every SP has to deal with since i only allow SPs which are in a serverclan
    or i better should say i allow a member of each serverclan to be SP
    and to be SP does not only mean to have duties... it also means to have rights especially when it comes to important server issues

    3. i doubt that most ppl that stated that they understand any reasons for the decision are really in the position to have an overview about all this... even i dont have such an overview... and there are reasons for it

    we are at a point, well we reached that point several months ago already, where we have daily discussions about problems, abusive behaviour, trouble between members, broken rules,..... and much more
    discussions about these issues, how roleplay should be and what ppl want from us seems to be a new kind of sport here
    ppl r getting sick of it... and believe me i get pms which state how much members of this community hate these public discussion

    ok fine... lets open a new thread about RP and abusing the bounty system once more?
    you all post your oppinions and claims, you accuse each other (thats the usual procedure here) and the only outcome of this discussion is bad blood between the member of this community
    nothing about the RP will actually change since
    1. the rp rules are clear and everything that is not forbiden is therfore allowed (unless the SPs think its unfair and forward this issue to me so i can make a clear statement about the issue)
    2. your wishes and needs are in most cases one-sided and cause troubles in other areas
    3. your wishes are very often not realistic
    4. the way you express your wishes and oppinions is often rude and offending so that i simply ignore you

    nobody of you can force RP to go into a new direction since in the end there is just one person which can do that (with the help of Haegar and the SPs) -> the Serveradmin

    To sum up... you can discuss the RP issues forever but you cant change anything if you cant convince me
    you can discuss about rp the next 500 years... but the outcome is 0
    the better way is to adress suggestions directly to me
    and if something is not 100 clear you could also ask me... then we would save alot time and you finally would know about the official facts instead of all the assumptions from other ppl

    What is RP?
    RP is a way to have fun, not a way to destroy other ppl fun.
    An interesting statement, isnt it?
    Write that down and stick it on your monitor so you can see it all the time when you are playing.
    All is about fun, Police is doing its job, mercs do, pirates do, smugglers do.
    You get attacked? Then shoot back and try to survive. Either you manage it or you get killed. Maybe you loose some money but you cant tell me that you are poor ppl which would go bankrupt. Maybe you loose some time but actually thats the idea behind playing games.

    Stop discussing about RP... start doing RP again... start having fun again... and accept that other ppl have the same right to play their role

    Communication sux!!!!!
    Thats a truth that 2 BG leaders found out long time ago when different orders were given out to the members.

    The RP rules and the server rules are clear... absolutly clear... at least to me... but they cant cover every single possibility, every single question....
    There is space for interpretations.
    In the past the SPs interpreted some rules in order to explain them better.

    to be continiued
    (need to stop here)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • thx for your response OP.

    i stated that Gunny was/is head of the SP due to the fact that hes the most experienced, longest serving and most active SP here and as such should, imo, take an authoritive stance over the rest of the SP.... with regard to training them and leading and if neccassary act as a 3rd party within mediations.
    at least, up until recently, everyone on the server would listen to him in his SP role more so than the more "junior" SP.
    when i was SP i allways held Gunny in that light out of earned respect, as no doubt others do too.
    its not a criticism of my or others role in thier SP duties..we do/did our jobs to the best of our ability, theres no reason to belittle those SP that think the same way.
    i dont think Gunny is taking an innitiative here OP, i think hes just generaly pissed off with the constant (and i mean constant) abuse and harrassment from other players.
    and please believe me when i say i DO understand, its much the same reason why i gave up my SP role. although until recently had never had a bounty placed on me and pushed quite so hard^^
    his clan and especially himself are being targetted through his actions as SP as ppl cant/wont differentiate the roles.

  • Basically guys, go by what the server police say.

    If you disagree with what they say, try to explain that calmly without swearing or abusing them, they're just doing their job.

    Like OP said, you can't have a rule for every situation. In situations where it may not be clear, a server police would (I believe) attempt to deal with the situation by using common sense and applying the nearest rule that would apply to the situation.

    A player in their SP character is acting differently from their roleplay. SP characters are neutral and unbiased, and we should be neutral and unbiased towards them as well.

    In my eyes, Gunny was in effect the leader of the server police, as he was the most active in enforcing the rules and dealing with problems. I'm not saying other SP are inactive, but perhaps they could try to be more active and back Gunny up a little more.

    I do not know if anyone agrees with this, nor do I care, this is what I see as an old player and from a neutral (off-server) standpoint :evil:

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Gunny
    I am also moving aside so I can deal with specific people who think they are here to keep me at bay.......look out, here I come.

    I think he will be trying to get his Coffee Business a much needed push. :P:D

    Just Joking.

    I know that I do not put bounties or hire mercenaries for anything and I have not been server side for a long time. :P:rolleyes:;)


  • PortalEarth Sad...PortalEarth ANGRY...PORTALEARTH SMASH....

    *random crashing, thumping and things breaking in background. apparently, Portalearth has gone Postal and is suffering from relapse as of Gunny's resignation from the Server Po-po. Good Luck Gunny and may your travels bring you good fortune*

    *sad you might leave in 1.8*

  • 2nd part of my post:

    SPs interprete the rules... players interprete rules... and the result are troubles
    we had this often enough
    maybe both players and SPs better should agree to ask me instead?... just a suggestion

    Communication still sux!!!!
    troubles between clans... troubles between players and SPs...
    all this could be avoided by talking
    but when i look at the facts... well
    which of the SPs have me on msn or icq? which of the leaders have me on msn or icq? who of you have all other leaders and sps on messenger?
    i cant even remember the last time a SP came to me... and and there was just one single leader which came to me in the past weeks
    how do you want to solve problems if you dont talk?... i mean... TALK... real talking... no accusations... no blaming... just a civilized talk

    one of the biggest problems here are the endless discussions and the endless accusations...
    "you did that" "you broke rules"... ... ...
    ever thought about the possibility to use questions instead?
    "why did you do that?" "why did you broke that rule?"
    such stuff does sound that harsh and often force ppl to explain themself and think about what they did before its too late
    (and that is not only meant for the SPs, everyone could avoid troubles or at least get an explaination for the troubles)

    what i also dont understand are the endless discussions and explainations about SP decisions
    why do you SPs even discuss with troublemakers?
    if somebody is complaining about one of your decisions there are only 2 answers you have to give:

    1. read the rules
    2. you have a problem with my decision then go to OP

    nothing else is needed, its clear and saves time
    if ppl attack you verbaly then kick that guy... dont ban him/her.... just kick the idiot until the flames get replaced by silence
    to kick ppl from the server is often more effective than a 24h ban

    and now to the trouble maker:
    the SPs are doing their job... and they are members of a server clan
    if you harm them as SP or as member of that clan you either harm MY SP team or a clan that is under MY protection... it also means that you harm this community, this server and crossfire ... and exactly that means that you harm your own clan and your own future in on CF and FL
    So if you really think that you need to be such an asshole then feel free to mess with me and the rest of this community.... i promise you that i can break your neck if you try such a shit for no reason

    if there is real SP abuse then you better should be able to prove it... and if this is the case you will find me on msn

    if you have the nerves to think that you need to attack a SP because he is doing his job... no matter if you do that on the server or here on the forum then you should be prepared to be banned from the community

    I wont tolerate that somebody does damage the CF community and SWAT

    we have the best FL mod here, we have a very powerful server and tons of unique features
    actually we have everything we need here
    but we could have 2-3 times more players online if the endless discussions about every stupid shit would stop, all the flames, all the accusations, all the complains,...
    start to act like adults... and you will see that the reputation of this community is going to get better and more players will join and stay here
    guess what... its worth to think before you start to type

    ich habe fertig



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • As SP, why did I bother talking to trouble-makers? Because I believe an honest effort needs to be made to get that person "on-board" with the community.

    To give Burro / Centaurian & Privvy some credit,(their suggestion at different times) I tried a different approach to my SP duties, instead of seeing the rules "Black & White". Even with this change and giving some latitude instead of kicking or banning, the insults, personal attacks and such DID NOT STOP.

    Am I perfect? Nope. I assumed the responsibilites of SP long ago and I took my position seriously, for the common good of CF. I left a group of friends behind in order to complete my promise to all of you, to serve this community even at my own personal expense of my game time and enjoyment of my clan.

    Comments like "CFPD is weak, we can defeat you anytime" rub me the wrong way. Now I am getting back involved with CFPD directly and we will see how we stand as a team (that we are quite solid btw).

    IMO I have the best pilots of character, the brightest, the most loyal members in existance on CF. (hopefully other clan leaders feel the same about their clans).

    CFPD will be abused NO LONGER by any of you.

    CFPD has helped just about every clan here in some fashion or another. We have a GREAT relationship with BG, DC & IOC. I personally have interest in ALL of your clans, because that is my DUTY to this community......I dont have to like you one ounce, but I certainly want you to succeed.

    In closing, I assumed the position of SP as I did, due to the communities demands and requests. I DO NOT have to answer to ANY of you, but ONLY to Op. Yet I take the time to explain my actions so we maintain a clear and solid relationship as a community.

    Let's see how you handle issues now.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Well I cant say I didnt do my part on this as I have felt hate to Gunny more times than I prob should have and Im seriously surprised he didnt bann me alrdy.
    He is one of the persons to give me alot of chances even if I can seriosuly didnt deserve squat . As for That I say Im sry for all past transgressions and pretty much to the server.

  • Gunny
    I can understand you totaly (because i often saw whats happened).

    Get your fun back Mate.

    My respect to your decision.

    good post.


    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Quote

    Originally posted by C9H14NO3

    why what?

    Pie? Rats? In space? Have you gone mad?
    Arrrr Pirates Arrrr!!

  • Well it should be pointed at the people who actually did something to gunny then.

    Pie? Rats? In space? Have you gone mad?
    Arrrr Pirates Arrrr!!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R

    What is RP?
    RP is a way to have fun, not a way to destroy other ppl fun.

    Great posts OP - All Hail OP = lots of wisdom indeed

    OP is right, communication in this place is very poor , even within a clan =

    We need to be forming friendships with people in other clans, give it a try and see how it goes.

    Due to some people lack of flexibility or lack of foresight - this wont always happen - but is genuinely something worth trying to do - get to know them - talk to them - find out about them. It's a risk worth taking.

    It's a game -

    Can you stay in a place full of people you dont like?
    Can you enjoy being in a place that is not with your friends?
    Will new people stay in a place that is not friendly?

    Why are some of our community hassling our Server Police? Wtf is that about? You should not be talking to them unless there is a serious problem -

    Otherwise leave them ALONE

    Gunny - if you want to kill him - become a pirate - that way he will come looking for you as he is the best rp on the server - that's what I did.

    Hide behind a train - shoot him in the back - then run off before he can get you back - being chased by G and his cronies is a fantastic rp experience.


    I read your last post and I agree with all of it - I know personally you have been quite lenient and supportive of my various activities.

    I have felt, personally, the affect of your hard nosed rp many times, looking back I think it was quite educational but I did not think that at the time :-)

    Good luck, BOSS, but do you always have to ESCALATE?

    Anyway, if the cops need KwisatzSecretCop online - send me a PM :-)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Mu La Flaga
    Well it should be pointed at the people who actually did something to gunny then.

    Absolutely not. There will not be any of that here, no finger pointing, nothing of the sort.

    They know who they are and that's all that matters.

    Time to move on.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    ich habe fertig

    What does this mean. 8o?(

    Gunny. I quote you, "CFPD is weak." :P

    I think that has to be the most hilarious statement, I have heard in this serious thread. :P:D

    I will tell you that a clan is only weak when they think they are weak. I might have lost a few members to a server clan [3] [2] but I continue on with the help of my friends and one day my clan will be back where it was. :rolleyes::)


  • SC,

    Gunny don´t told we are weak he said the opposite and you wasn´t quoting him *sigh* :rolleyes: say somethink produktive maybe start with the truth, try it one time and the ppl will start seeing you serious - maybe.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Quote

    Originally posted by C9H14NO3

    Gunny don´t told we are weak he said the opposite and you wasn´t quoting him *sigh* :rolleyes: say somethink produktive maybe start with the truth, try it one time and the ppl will start seeing you serious - maybe.

    I was just making a point and what the hell you mean by the truth. When someone says your clan is weak, you would not be bothered if you were really sure and would just end it by saying "Bring it On". :)

    My clan was never a clan filled with fighters so I knew we were weak and thus requested to be exempted from CSF RP.
    I am just here to have a nice time and enjoy talking to people and exploring the galaxy.

    I think you are a big joke. Now how did that sound ? Not very nice right. ;)

    You were responsible for my clan having next to no members when we were possibly going to be a server clan by November.

    I am as serious as they come. It is just that you do not know that.

    As you can see, we again went down the same road by pointing fingers and accusing people :P [2] [3]