I got out of the Ghatz Prison in Neophobos and went for a mission waypoint that was in D5 (lower part). Then i randomly died from full health and shield in D6 (upper right corner). Nothing was attacking me and i was far away from the mines. Chat said that i was killed by an NPC. Also there's another bug with this system, some missions will send you to fight into mine fields,which is impossible.
It happened again in the Lost Paradise System. I randomly died in B3. This time i was engine killing away from nomad interceptors, but they were not in range to be able to damage me. I just died again with full health and shield instantly. This time chat said that i killed myself. I was far enough from the planet so that couldn't be the cause.
Also a little question that has nothing to do with this, i wasn't able to dock on the Lost Paradise planet. It said dock denied, is it only available in SinglePlayer during missions?