Crossfire - Upcoming changes, upcoming content

There are 368 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Aomine.

  • In February I am planning to release another CF update.

    Just going to let you know that development is still in progress eventhough my time is limited.

    The update will contain a few feature upgrades, some UI tweaks, minor bug fixes and the discussed correction of the running lights and docking lights on some ships.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Enjoying the Sp but also tried the mp(made some friends) hopefully to see in the future some new weapons and of course some new Ships .

    As for the ships having a 7x weapon or even 8x weapons would be insane ~of course the prices or the requirements of obtaining those should be insane some billions :D

  • Kinger Tiger 2x9 4x10 1xTurr9 1xTurr10, And don't forget the battleships 8xbs-turr, 2xflak, 4xTorps. So VHF with 7 and 8 weapons still in game, BS even 14 weapons. Problem with VHF is the energy.

  • Oh your right in case of Deimos, but it doesn't change the point. Deimos has mounts for 6 guns and one mount for an an additional turret, so in total 7 weapons, thats what i wanted to show.

    In case of King Tiger your wrong, it has 2x9, 4x10, 1x turr9, 1x turr10 so in total 8 weapons.

    Aomine wishes for future development ships with 7 or 8 weapons, and i show that these ships already in game.

  • While it has 7/x or 8x weapons , it comes with 2x9, 4x10, 1x turr9, 1x turr10

    The example is that the 2x9 have way lower efficiency that 1x10 m2 at any lvl from pr speed/range even on Energy Usage . Basically if you compare the 2x9 with any of the 1x10 weapons has half of the projectile speed~range and the energy usage is way higher .

    So, yes there are ships 7x or 8x but they clearly lack any usage .

    Even if you put the 10x weapons if there are like 4x9 or 6x9weapons there clearly below even the worst ship with 4x10 weapon.

    In Crossfire mod using 9x weapons just put you in clearly disadvantage.

    So yes hopefully were going to get some awesome ships+weapons in the future :)