Swat Portal , you are my last hope. First I just wanted to say hello....Can't remember how any of this works, struggling...I believe it has been 4 or 5 years since I last posted here...maybe even 6. Was cleaning out (going through) all my old cds and a big smile came over my face when I found my FL CD. I tried installing it on my new (5 years) win 10 laptop and again gave up trying to make it run. Will have to break out my old Asus laptop (10 years-win 7) which I believe is still installed on. Will be back here maybe tomorrow to try and remember how all this works and see about getting this mod installed on my win 10 laptop so I can enjoy a little stick time....

I'm back
- MISTER(robert)BROT
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
welcome back
welcome back
welcome back ....
... and btw, Win 10 is perfectly able run Crossfire with latest patches added by OP (especially this what makes game/mod running when Microsoft messed with directX files ...).
I've seen you before, but not much.
So, welcome back to CF, Robert! -
About working on win 10....that is what I couldn't understand why it wouldn't work.(original FL CD,not crossfire) Even tried compatibility mode xp,.....could install FL no problem, but as soon as I clicked on icon to start I kept getting error message that my 3d grafiks are not reconized...read a lot on the web that grafick card is maybe to good (Intel i 7 processor, 8 GB ddr3 ram, and Nvidia Geforce GT 750M
Welcome back man. Glad to see you again
Yes I tried that but my device number is way longer....maybe it's the wrong one...I got a screen shot . how do I post it here?
use the attachment option when posting
0x0FE4 = "GeForce GT 750M"
0x0781 = "GeForce GT 750M"
or both... dunno... seems to be a range
(strangely I never had to add a card to that list... not for NVIDIA and not for ATI)
0x0FE4 = "GeForce GT 750M"
0x0781 = "GeForce GT 750M"
or both... dunno... seems to be a range
(strangely I never had to add a card to that list... not for NVIDIA and not for ATI)
Quotewell I geuss I'll just install crossfire and it should work right?
or do you know of a video showing exactly how to do this....I'm getting older and forgetting a lot....not sure if I even did the writing security right. every time I tried to save it kept saying I don't have permission even tho I allowed all changes to all users of this laptop....If it is to much of a hasel will like I said try and install CF. Tho I still have not been able to get to the ending in the originals
0x0FE4 = "GeForce GT 750M"
0x0781 = "GeForce GT 750M"
or both... dunno... seems to be a range
(strangely I never had to add a card to that list... not for NVIDIA and not for ATI)
tried both seperate and together still come up with the same problem.....giving up and am going to bed. probably won't get on here till weekeng.....oh well
you are trying on a vanilla FL install?
if so try CF
it comes with a pre-config of the file
Robert, I've installed Freelancer on even an older GPU (GT 635M) and it works just as fine.
These 'number' errors are not my speciality (ok except a few), but do you have the MS Visual C++ libraries installed? (Visual C++ from 2005 - 2019) for both the 32 & 64 bit?
If not, take a look here:
Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (All Versions)
Also, DirectX I suppose you have it installed... I know it might sound dumb saying that, but I just want to make sure.
Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from Official Microsoft Download Center
If you do have some already installed, just skip them. Also make sure that you have the latest Nvidia driver installed because they can also screw it up.
But what I would do in your place, would be a total reinstall of the game (making sure that you have the libraries already installed). When I reinstall Windows (if it has to be), I have this habit of installing all of these libraries (+ the DirectX, Frame Network) right from the very beginning because each software is dependent on it.
Having said that and that you have all of these installed already (which I bet you do, but I again... I am just saying it to make sure), here is what I'd do instead:
1) Download Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Easy Delete - Revo Uninstaller Pro , there's a free trial (15-30 days, not sure) but no to worry... it'll do you the job. If you do happen to like the program, you can purchase a license, but this is the greatest removal software that I know of and that I've been using for years.
2) After installing Revo Uninstaller, open it and locate the game (Freelancer) and click at it then Uninstall:
After you do the usual uninstall, DO NOT restart the PC, but wait for this Window to appear so you can remove the leftover files that the "Advanced" Search will show up for you. When it finishes (it literally takes seconds), you remove everything that it detects, it might say something like "could not remove these files, you must restart" which is ok, it'll remove them after the restart.
3) Go to the place that you've installed Freelancer Mod Manager and use its default uninstaller.
4) Go to My Documents / My Games / And delete the whole Freelancer directory:
But in case you have Game Saves, be sure to back them up first. By the way, this folder seems to be the most problematic because after every uninstall, it remains unaffected and it causes conflicts after the new files are installed, so this is probably the most important "Freelancer" - related thing to remove.
Now, provided that you've removed the game with the Revo Uninstaller and its leftovers, you can safely restart now. Afterwards, you can use a program such as "CCleaner" to clean up the files in the registry and throughout the Drive, although it's not necessary... but it's always good to keep the system clean.
OPTIONAL [After you restarted]:
Press the Window Key + S (or just click at Search) and type "regedit" and Right Click on it and Run as Admin:
Then when it opens the registry for you, go to "Edit / Find___" and type anything related to freelancer, as in... "Freelancer", "Crossfire", "Mod", "FLMM" these type of stuff. This is to MAKE sure that Revo missed any by the "Advanced" search that it did when removing the game and the mod.
But BE CAREFUL not to delete anything else, look at what the file is called and where is located and if it's a Freelancer file -> remove it. You can keep pressing "F3" to find the next file until you're done.
-> All of this with the registry is Optional, so...
1) Disable your Anti-Virus and Windows Defender (it gets activated sometimes when your Third-Party Software is disabled -> i.e. Anti-Malware). You can disable it via the "Windows Search" too, just type "Windows Defender" and you'll see one of the options there.
Just make sure that it doesn't scan your installation so it won't screw it up.
2) Install Freelancer by its default location (i.e. the C drive), of course you can install it in another Drive, but it's trickier to get it to work because Freelancer is a pretty old game and it's programmed as to work best if it's installed in the C drive.
3) Install Freelancer Mod Manager at its default location (again in C)
4) Install Crossfire
5) Activate CF
And that's it. Provided that you have all of the rest installed, it shouldn't be causing you any issues but if it still does... then it's something wrong with your OS, man.
Good luck. -
you are trying on a vanilla FL install?
if so try CF
it comes with a pre-config of the file
yes tried with both original German version from 2002 and CF...This time I was able to save the changes but still not reconizing grafikIMG_20200304_002236.jpgIMG_20200304_002303.jpgIMG_20200304_002357.jpgIMG_20200304_002303.jpgs