A few serious suggestions to stop "power escalation"

There are 23 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Drakon.

  • Hey folks...I've been having a great time on CF and have been spending way too much time playing :D

    I've been playing & testing games for for over 20 years and I see something happening on CF that has been the death of other games. It may not happen to CF, but it's killed many games before. It's called "power escalation".

    Basically, each successive change to the game raises the power level. any of you that play board/war games or collectible card games, you know what I mean.

    In CF here's how I see it happened...

    The initial goal was to make NPCs tougher

    1) NPCs were all given bats and bots + shield regen...suddenly they were so tough to kill that only someone in a VHF with class 10 guns could kill them in less than 45 minutes. Now players could kill each other too easily

    2) SO, Shield boosters, armor boosters, power boosters were added to give players a chance to survive against each other...This made PVP last longer. Actually PVP lasted too long because everyone was using Bats and Bots...

    3) SO, an agreement was made that in PVP players wouldn't use Bats and Bots.

    4) Player ships are now so much better than NPC ships, that players either ignore NPCs or swat them like flies.

    5) So, now Marshal has suggested creating MK2 House fighters to give the NPCs a fighting chance.

    This is Power Escalation...we've increased everything, but in the long run we didn't solve the initial problem which was to make NPCs tougher.

    Let's face it, anyone with enough cash to outfit a top of the line fighter or freighter can completely ignore NPCs. Since acquiring cash is only a matter of time, eventually every player will have enough to buy the best of everything.

    I'm going to make a few suggestions in separate threads to invite discussion about each. CF is the best mod out there overall and I know there's a certain resistance to taking anything out, but I ask you to consider what I've said above and ask yourself if maybe the old adage "Less is More" would actually make sense.

  • yeah, they're a pain...

    but DK are supposed to be REALLY dangerous Bad-A$$ creatures...maybe even something you that wouldn't try to take on alone.

    the point is, you shouldn't have to fly all the way to the edge of the universe to find an NPC that is actually a challenge.

    That's exactly the issue...The only place where there's a challenge is in the extreme cases. If you eliminate the extremes, then the mid-level stuff becomes more challenging and more fun.

    When's the last time you got stopped by NPC pirates in the core systems and got a little nervous, wondering if you were going to survive the fight? If you're all kitted out then all you do is complain that they slowed you down by shutting down the trade lanes and ignore the fighters.

    I keep hearing the quote from Disney's The Incredibles...the quote goes something like "When everyone has super powers, then nobody is super"

  • well, have you tried surviving in a low level fighter?

    Of course a fighter that is fully kitted out to fight opponents like DK is going to trample over most other NPC ships...

    I'd have to say I like CF the way it is :D

  • well a nice sum up... but not correct

    the timeline and the reasons why things have been done are totally different
    and if you introduce mk2 fighters to the normal systems the singleplayer is not playable any longer

    the fights are ok like they are
    and since ages no weapon has been made more powerful... no shield has been made stronger... no hull has been made thicker
    the opposite is the case
    ppcs use way more energy than before
    equiment is more expensive
    and the dk are not only in altair
    they are all over sirius on the server



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Good idea Ghost.

    I am getting my Drake tonight and will see how difficult the NPCs are. Hubris is right, once you get all the equipment the NPCs are like flies and you just ignore them.

    we could do with more invasions by Dks into the core systems - I remem ber seeing them in X303 and Rheinland - we could increase the chances of them appearing.

    No offence to 'OO' but let me share this. The guy kindly aged to help me with a transfer in Casius and whilst we were talking he got killed by NPCs and got transported all the way back to Dublin as he hadnot docked anywhere.

    Obviously the NPCs are tougher in Casius.

  • I totally agree OP...MK2 fighters shouldn't be introduced. The reason for needing them in MP could be fixed if Player equipment wasn't so incredibly powerful relative to NPC universe.

    PPCs use way more energy - but not so much that I can't shoot all day and never run out of power as long as I have a power booster.

    Equipment is more expensive - show me a dedicated player without a train and a couple hundred million in cash reserves sitting around? Since the NPC pirates are no longer a threat to PC trains, they can run around all day making money with no risk.

    It's great the DK are all over the server, but there's all these other NPC factions that don't stand a chance...what about Rogues? Mollys? Corsairs? Blood Dragons...all of the traditional NPC factions are simply fodder now. If the Players weren't flying nearly indestructable (from an NPC standpoint) ships, then you wouldn't need to keep inventing stronger and stronger NPCs to keep up...this is exactly the Power Escalation that I was referring to.

  • Well mate - maybe those Mollies and Corsairs (hiss boo) should spend the amount of time I have trading and killing to get the best equipment money can buy.

    But they cant as the equipment is all over the place and are there any NPCs willing to go into Hiruga for the Champ Shield? NPCs will have to be able to be at least nuetral with other factions to get the latest equip and sometimes if your a Corsair, that will never happen.

    Maybe some NPCs can be fitted with PPCs or something and they go by the name of Elite Guard Corsair or Ninja Dragon Bloodguard? Rogue Leader?

  • I don't have a train or a couple hundred million laying around... and I think I qualify for the "dedicated player" category.... [12]

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • @Azadur...

    Great idea, so to fix the problem that all the players are flying uber fighters, we give the NPCs uber fighers too...

    But we can't because that would make SP even more difficult than it already is.

    besides, that would just start another round of power escalation. That's exactly the opposite direction that I'm suggesting we look towards.

  • Sorry old timer - maybe we can apply your argument to the USA on its stance on nuclear weapons and non proliferation?

    Are the IOCs spamming taking over this board?

  • LOL...not quite...

    CA and the rest of the Design team have been working their tails off to create the ASF vs CSF overlay campaign. it's really cool and one of the things it's going to do is actually make it dangerous to fly around again. Transports are going to have to plan for escorts. There's going to be this great sense of nervous energy as ships make runs across enemy territory for the best trade route or to raid a neighboring system. We're all going to be watching and planning our moves based on where our opponents are. we're going to get to plan team incursions because one of us alone won't be tough enough to make it through.

    I guess when it gets down to it, all I'm asking, is...if we weren't all flying around in kitted out ships, wouldn't some of this excitement already be present, already built into the core game? I remember playing SP and actually being fearful about running through systems that I wasn't friendly with for fear of being jumped by the local defenders...This is exactly what CSF vs ASF roleplay is going to do.

  • If you explore the inner systems near X-3043, you would see that the NPCs have uber fighters too.

    This is what {UAC} truly mean
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  • Quote

    Originally posted by {LP}Blaster
    dude, u dont need anything changing on CF. Its created by the best modder on FL!! and equally balanced
    Give these sh**ideas to someone else and stop spamming this forum.

    this is an unfortunate comment blaster
    he has interesting ideas and new ideas should always be welcome
    you can agree or not with those ideas, but it doesnt allow you to call them that way...
    and definitively it cannot be said spam...

    relative to the ideas themselves, thats my oppinion:

    the npcs power is not equally balanced in vanilla FL than in CF:

    in vanilla a new player can become rich and powerful by doing missions and not trading at all -slow but possible-, while in CF its much more difficult: npcs are very hard for new players in CF.

    on the other hand, in vanilla even a top figher with nomad weps and a vhf can have some trouble fighting against a group of lvl 19 bounty hunters or corsairs, but in CF top fighters can ignore most npcs everywhere but in DK systems: CF npcs are very easy for advanced players

    those are facts, no oppinions... but the main thing here is what behaviour do we want in CF?

    i mean, maybe we prefer this new balance of power...

    obviously this is mainly a MP mod, and with this balance the pvp is easier: no need to be aware of those npcs, pvp is much more interesting than npcs killing so more ppl is looking for pvp and activity is greater...

    so, even if i think hubris ideas are not so bad, mainly as possible additions to SP versions of the mod, i think most players in the community dont want big changes in the current balance of power

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • You know what? I was just like Hubris when I came to this community. I had played the mod and had all these "wonderful" ideas on how to improve it. Give him time to adjust and experiment with ideas. With time he'll come to love the mod as it is, but realize that not a lot of ideas have been posted recently and having somebody bring ideas to the table is a very cool part about having a gaming community in the first place. Thx for posting your thoughts Hubris and don't be discouraged by the responces. 8)

    Btw though, I had the Mk II fighters in mind so that we could start flying house VHFs rather than always SL ships. You know, just to add in some more diversity...but using them for house defenses would be awesome as well (especially if they're maxed out). In this case I would have to argue that criminal factions also get good ships. The rationale could be advancement in technology over time (don't tell me that the Rogues are never going to produce anything better than a Wolfhound [rofl]). Anyway, just a thought. It would require massive amounts of programming though and would add lots of size to the mod. I'm happy with it as is all in all ^^

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • is it possible not to mention uber ships, uber equipment, uber weapons and uber npcs because it is uber annoying and i might get uber head aches

    and in the same way - and - = +
    uber + uber = normal (if it is balanced which i think it is)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • hey Blaster, you are totally right on!

    This is the best !@#$ FL mod I've ever played. I love it, I play almost every day and I plan on continuing to do so.

    - It has an amazing universe to explore
    - pretty darn close to flawless coding (great job OP...hope you got my donation I sent via paypal)

    Most of all though, it's the community that makes this mod great. I've met a lot of really great people...even the ones I fight are friendly after we shoot each other to bits.

    If I didn't love it so much, I wouldn't have bothered to even start this dialog. It's because I love it, and because I was laying awake in bed last night thinking about it, when I should have been sleeping, that I started this conversation in the first place.

    (OP no more "ubers" I promise :) )

  • We could always stop using the dreaded "U" word and go back to the standard English "super". lol :D

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D: