Crossfire Questions

There are 15 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Ghost_Lightning.

  • Hello there, I am new to the world of crossfire and I have a few questions that I cannot find in the FAQ.

    Firstly, are there any changes to the vanilla freelancer systems save for the addition of jumpholes? I have been exploring a bit but I cant seem to find anything new in the old systems (I am doing the SP story before I venture to MP)

    Secondly, what do the licences do? I have looked on the rules but I cannot see what difference it makes to have a licence on your ship.

    Thankyou for your help,

  • The old systems is pritty the same. Youl'll find some new systems ( in Texas and Colorado ), some new JH leading to a all new world, the world of Crossfire, and most of all you'll find new commodities ( Vip's, prisonners, contraband stuff, pods... )

    Comming in Crossfire is no point unless you go explore this new space. You'll discover as many new systems as in the old part. Huge places with tons of new things ( ships, weapons, extra hull, generators, Mk2 arsenal, shields, ...)

    Crossfire is also a role playing mod and most of the action is out there in the 3 new parts ( New Sirius, Altair and Domkavash world ! ). Clans are ruling this aspect of the game and most uses a licence to show affiliation but it has no effect on the game play.

    Hoping to see u in space at planet CROSSFIRE !

    PS: you can find an excellent map of all the systems on this forum.

  • Now I feel offended Blaster!
    You really forgot Vespus!!! I cant believe that [3]

    On the other you said:
    "But be careful and stay out of Clan systems:
    Daedalus, Custodian, Tarsus, Purian Lake, Neophobos, Casius"
    Vespus doesnt belong on that list, noone has only to stay out of Vespus, just ask for permission and you are welcome :D:D:D

    He He He [12]

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...

  • Welcome to Crossfire mate, and have fun! is the current, complete list of clan systems, and their locations.... (just click on it to see the full sized thing)

    (Added by user: Ooops!! Srry Chief! (I couldn't track down ur original post or I would have linked direct to that in the first place, and I got distracted while initially writing this post...oops)

    All credit for the current clan-systems map to ChiefRedCloud plz)

  • Thankyou for all your help :D
    I have one more question, I heard somewhere that crossfire has new story missions, in the singleplayer game. Is this true? (I am only up to mission 3 at the moment)
    Also, I have ventured into X-3043 but I keep getting myself killed. What is the recommended place to go to get a ship that is capable of surviving the new systems?

    Thankyou once again :)


  • Hi Mikey. There are no new missions, but quests which lead u to the new world.

    Read news in any bar, theres one about kusari and nomad, it gives u a clue where to start with the quest. there are three clues u need to search before finaly locate the entry to new world

    good luck


    In game char: {UAC}Ziq.Alpha_F, {UAC}Ziq.Beta_F, {UAC}Ziq.Delta_T

    Freelancers looking for a clan? or more RP? Check out UAC forum to know our organisation and what you can get by joining us. We are looking for active players with strong sense of commitment. Together lets build the best roleplay clan! UAC needs you!

    *Friends are the family we choose for ourselves*

  • Aaaaaah, there are my sunglasses :evil:

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...

  • It's always a pleasure to have a new member join the happy family that is Crossfire. We as you will encounter on your numerous cum-ings and goings are the GAY clan.
    We are a friendly bunch with no particular ties to any clan or group.

    Call on us anytime you need help or advice and one of the GAY's will get right back to you.

    Also look out for a character called Gunny. Gunny is the resident police man/force. He's is similar to Officer Dibble out of Top Cat. Call on Gunny when you get into a tight spot , he's sure to lend you a helping hand.

    Enjoy ur time man , u wont find a better server with better people.

  • Yes i know i don't play on the server anymore because of my friggin freelancergame + modmanager but i want to know what the Dynamic Universe does to the game.

    Member of the Lost Prophets since 2006!

  • hey m8 to stay alive in crossfire system go to rochestor base and make sure u buy the "JUNKERS" bribe. that will keep u safe if u do that. Trade in tohoku untell u get enuf for a 10mill ship. Enjoy and can't wait to c u online m8. Also when u get good think about joining a clan. U can only be in one so make sure b4 u join it is one that u really really really want to be in. Cya m8 have a good day.

    -------End Transmission-------

    Dragon wing, Dragon Corps rank Lieutenant Colonel, CSF, DC chars: DC_John_Donow[T], (DC)_John_Donow(Lt.Col), DC_JD, DC_[Lt. Col]_Donow

  • @ LittleMikey,

    Welcome to crossfire. If you need help IOC is always happy to help new players. Have fun m8.

    @ RedChief,

    LOL. good 1 m8.

    @ Ghost,

    Naughty Naughty. Posting the most excellent clan map without credit to the author. Hmmmm, I wonder who that could be Chief. lol

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums