Welcome Back R39. You were playing when I was an active officer in DC (Dragon Corps). I never forget where I came from and always return back to the roots. Since the inception of Star Citizen, Free Lancer has always gotten my interest and desire for coming back. I tried coming back the other week, but there was no luck on installing the game or files.
Posts by DC_John_Donow
Happy New Year OP! I hope all is well with you m8.
I must say your thread is a life saver. I was just about to ask the same question and I stumbled upon the ISO.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
welcome back. I too am back after many years of life changes. I hope to reactivate if it is not active Dragon Corps. Long Live and Prosper.
<p>It would be nice to see Crossfire on some of the new main stream games. I do have to admit though it is amazing to see that Crossfire is still going strong. After playing and being a member of this community for about 10 years I am proud to say this game is still got it going on. </p>
I have done any and everything you guys have suggested, the thing that seems to be working better now is the thing where I turned off 3d sound.
Ok so I play on the server for like 20 mins, leave the system get to x, and then I crash back to server list, whats up with this why can't I keep a connection?
I would really just like to play, and its not a missing dll, or anything since I have downloaded the 1.82 1.5GB mod 6 times for the website as well as the FLMM, and I have reinstalled Freelancer 6 times now.
My PC is as Following and my OS doesn't crash I am running windows 7. I have a HDMI NVIDA 9500 GT 2 GB DDR 3 Video Card, I have 8 GB of DDR 3 memory, I have a 3 TB Hard Drive, I am running Via Ethernet Cable. I have everything in the PC brand new. I also have a AMD Phenom II AM3 Six Core CPU. Liquid Cooling. I have a $2,000 pc.
I changed my compatibility mode to play as windows xp service pack 3. I have shut off both hardware and software firewalls, I have downloaded the VB 6 Runtime files, I have done the MSINET.OCX thing, I have deactivated the advanced Shader, I have done Several fresh installs of both Xfire, Freelancer, and FLMM 1.3, I don't know anymore maybe I just won't be able to play the game
Another Fresh install, and many hours of waiting, I was fine on manhattan and then I, undocked and got booted, I am not using an old ID.
Actually I had no saved games, because I just installed FL, I get the sudden connect and I undocked in NY. As soon as I log on it kicks me from the server, wait a few mins and they try it again does the samething I wish I knew what to do.
Well after many hours of installing everything, I fix what I thought was my problem with res, and now it won't even play single player on top of that, everytime I try and connect to the server it gives me a server crash, I checked everything via firewalls restarted pc, routers, the whole 9 yards. I did the MSINET.OCX thing and still no solution help me now before I just give up on this.
Hello I have a question on what can I do to have my crossfire freelancer game fill the screen. I have my res set to 1920X1080, and the game can't go that high what can I do also as soon as I logged on to the server I got booted like that, what is the reason?
Thank you all old friends its been a long time, and I am happy to be back, but also to be in the arms of my fellow DC brothers, well This LT. I rusty but I will get back on track, after a 3 hour dl, I finally have the mod installed, and will be jumping on, I will be very active during the weekend, and will be on and off periodically since well the nature of my real life work. But I missed you all.
I just wanted to say that I am liking the new Changes, good job OP, keep up the good work everyone. I have been super busy as I am in the Air Force, and this is the first oppertunity in a long while to be able to say hi, I will be playing again soon guys, and I miss you all. Most of all my DC brothers, I am looking forward to coming back.
-Captain Morgan, serving in the Air Force since 2008.
Hello all follow friends and my DC family, I miss u all, OP 1.8 looks amazing, I am having a heck of a time in the air force and will be back playing, and bossing these kids around once 1.8 is released, I really hope to be on soon, as the wages of war press on, and the usa continue to advance, in the middle east. I am just so excited that I will be able to settle down soon, and enjoy fun times with my DC family, I hope all of you take it easy.
Here Y not show you the real JD:D LoL in fact my name is not John at all It is Matt.
I have a question, Y was my clan tag removed I am still in DC, and now it is gone? Please answer that question.