There are 46 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by darkstalker.

  • for all those who

    were in the meeting last night we are starting up the ASF CSF alliances again. i think we

    need to stray from the way it was the last time it was up and running. we all know that

    BG=ASF for now dont know how long that will be, but right now the CSF has DC and PIA members

    in it.

    something we need to discuss is that when do we start the events for it, how

    are we going to get it started, are we going to attack clan systems or are we going to have

    a predetermined system for the attacks so that the winning alliance has control over that

    system for a certain period of tim till the next event is held. we do we get the liscenses

    from do we want to have specific chars tagged as CSF and ASF or do you want to use normal

    clan tagged chars. do we want to include the FL in this asa trial membership to promote

    clan activity, what do we want to do with this so we can get this server up and strong again

    any ideas please post them here by the way i have taken command over the CSF so

    hopefully we can have fun again in a differnet manner to were the clan wars are fun and not

    damaging or no clan wars just a bunch of ppl wanting to gave more fun


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • well i think instead of specific systems to attack is there

    any way to split the original fl systems politcily so we have asf and csf territory to make

    things more varied and for example if a csf pilot is caught in asf space he is a legitimate

    target this would bring a sense of sneaking and hunting into it and make it more interesting

    i dont know if its feasible though

  • The war zones, must be close to X-3043, so we can play the CSF/ASF

    all day, instead of going somewhere far away for an event.

    But let's leave the home

    systems, we train there, and rest there.

    Let's give half the systems near X to ASF,

    and the other half to CSF. Then if CSF want's a certeint system, we tell to ASF, and they

    defend it, decide that they will defend it and conqer a CSF system, or just give


    In the End the formal winner will be the faction with all systems conqered. And

    we restart everything.

    Let's clear one rule from now. The atacks time, must be

    aproved from both sides, like an event. When someone dies, he is out of the atack, no

    respawning. If the atackers die, the system stays with the defenders. If the defenders die,

    and there is even one atacker alive the system is conqered. If Both CSF and ASF leaders

    want, the atack/defend may be 2 from 3, i.e 3 atacks.

    Why not let the Freelancers in

    the thing. If someone want's let him try :)

    Those are my suggestions, feel free, to

    change them, debate them, or ban them as no good :)

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • I think blade net has

    a good idea, I think I thought of that a long time ago but it was during the chaos crap so i

    thought to myself "there's no way we can end all this bullshit and get back to fun


    but anyway, I like bladenet's idea, it'll be tweaked a bit but the

    general idea is good, the clans declare war on the next system they want to conquere, if the

    clan wins, they get the system, if they lose, the opposing clan automatically declares war

    on the system that attacked them as a counter-offensive, if that clan wins, they take that

    system, if they lose, they must retreat back to their system, then it's back to normal, if

    a clan successfully conqueres all of another side's systems, all of Sirius strategically

    resets. We could also give each side or clan a capital system and if it's captured, the

    side that captured it also captures all of that side's system, but there has to be

    conditions about attacking the capital, and that could be something like you have to capture

    2 or 3 or all of the systems directly connected to the capital to be able to declare war on

    the capital system.

    If ya don't know what I mean, just disregard this post.

  • This all sounds good to me.

    But....when a

    clan wins a system, does that means the same rules of entrance by FL's apply to that system

    like the clan's home system?

    Ie: need permission to enter?

    My only concern if

    the Home system rules are applied to the Conquered systems, you would see FL's leaving the

    server real quick.

    What do you guys think?


    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • I think that it should be like this: each conquered

    system is put under martial law, this law allows civilian freelancers access to the system,

    the only clan people allowed in the system are those who are members of the clan/side that

    controls the system, this would be kinda fun because the enemy may try sneaking in spies and

    people would have to scan all the civilians to see how long their character has been online

    (I think that's possible, if not, forget what I'm saying). Anyway, spies will be executed

    on sight.

    The point of sending in spies would be to find out where the enemy

    concentrates its forces so when the spy's clan wants to declare war on that system and

    attacks, they know where most of the enemy is. but then again, you could play spy games,

    like concentrate your forces in one spot so when the spies come and look, they report to

    their commanders the wrong information, because when the time comes, you change location, to

    throw them off and stuff.

    Anyway, yea, don't apply clans' original system rules,

    that would suck. Have an occupational or martial law. Basically like: "we control this

    system but freelancer life can go on as usual, though no other clans can come in"

  • well i like these ideas a nd i think this is something op is looking for. the

    community coming to gether. now i think the idea of splitting up the systmes is a good one.

    now since these alliances are clan based they only affect those in a clan and not the FL

    now if the freelancers decide to become clans then all the better. but they have to be

    active and have a clan system to participate in the events. now if we split ti up are we

    going for all the systems in the game or just the systems accessible from X that has to be

    determined first off. mainly coz you can fight i n new york and if we split up the entire

    server then that will break server rules in new york.


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • NY still needs to remain a

    non-PVP area....AND not a staging grounds for an attack either.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • i dont like the idea with the

    attack time... to make it like an event wont solve our problem
    ppl will just come online

    at this time and depart after the time ran out - thats not the idea of what we are trying to

    do with asf and csf

    to say that when the attackers are killed the defenders can

    keep the system or if the attackers win they will get the system has a big problem.... who

    will say that i dont send 10 BGs to different csf systems while CSF just depends one system?

    i mean then ASF would loose the attack on this single system but get control over 9 other

    csf systems


    Why not let the Freelancers in the thing. If someone want's let

    him try

    if you let freelancers in where would be the need for them to

    create clans and rent systems?
    its against the interests of the server
    and its harder

    to punish freelancers if they break war-rules

    well on the first look its very good idea but what happens if I call

    all BGs online one day and decided to conquer one CSf system after the next... and control

    the whole CSF space at the end of the day? i mean that would be possible... or what is if

    CSF would do this coz there is lets say only 1 BG member on at this day?
    the details on

    this sort of fights are very tricky

    ive two suggestions how to do the


    Suggestion 1
    like already said we cut sirius into small pieces

    - Liberty will be ASF space due to the fact that its close to custodian (new york will

    stay neutral)
    - Kusari will be CSF space coz the CSF also needs an easy and fast way to

    the old systems and with tohoku as a CSF homesystem its the best choice i can imagine

    Rheinland would be ASF space again to cut the NewBerlin(ASF)-NewTokyo(CSF) traderoute ->

    another advantage of this is that both factions could reach the sigma systems without any

    problems - ASF would have the control over special items like the powergenerators in

    - Bretonia would be CSF space then - CSF would have control over the route to

    Sol and the ppcs+trains there
    - the homesystems of the clans stay restricted areas for

    the clans
    - Like already said New York would be neutral in the same way Arena, Hyperion,

    Sol and Coloseum would be
    - The 2 unknown system are listed as nomad systems (which is

    unimportant for roleplay)
    - Altair is listed as nomad and coalition space (also

    unimportant for roleplay)
    - X-3043 and all unused clansystems around would be warzones,

    Sigma, Omega, Tau and the omicrons aswell

    important for us are the warzones, the asf

    systems and the csf systems
    in the warzones ppl are allowed to attack the other faction

    but they are not forced to do this
    in the ASF and CSF systems ppl have the duty to defend

    their territory so if CSF enters liberty the ASF would need to attack them
    but if some

    ppl of ASF and CSF meet in X-3043 they can attack each other but dont need to if they dont

    the "event" would be 24/7 (well at least if no other events are running or clans

    have meetings)
    once killed in ASF/CSF space the player has to leave the


    Suggestion 2
    we split the systems in the same way like in

    suggestion 1
    a random script which i could write would post the name of one system to the

    crossfire serverpage and this system is the fight system of the day
    eg. the system shows

    omega11 then the ASF and CSF will fight for the control of this system (dunno about the

    winning conditions yet)
    the winner will get the control over this system (only one system

    per day)
    dunno how to display the won system... maybe some1 has experience in creating

    flash scripts so we can enter "omega11 won by asf/csf" and it would display a map showing

    different colours for the systems (dunno how to do this yet)

    those both

    suggestions are not perfect but they have the advantage that ppl dont sit around in x or

    their clansystems anymore - they have to be active in whole sirius... so discuss



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • well op i like the first suggestion

    made by you. it sounds really good and intresting.


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • Op, you can't send forces to conquere other systems while a fight for

    one system is already going on, that's the whole point of declaring war on one system, the

    invading force declares war, the defending force is given like a day to gather their

    strength, and the two forces face-off the following day at an agreed time, this is NOT going

    to be unconventional warfare, a system has to be declared war on, only then can the control

    of that system change to the other side/clan. Also, I think neither side should be able to

    reinforce their soldiers by letting the ones who have died back into the fight once they

    respawn, once a player dies, that player must stay out of the battle/system until the battle

    is over and the victor determined. Oh and then of coarse all the players from the side that

    lost must stay out of the system until their side retakes that system.

  • Well actually, OP's

    suggestion would test the strategy skills of the clans and how to control a zone.


    skills would be put to the test since wings will be spread out into small numbers....IE: 2

    or 3 clan members defending a system. If the leaders choose to do so.

    If ASF or CSF

    dedicates too many fighters to one system to defend or conquer...well, that leaves them open

    to assault elsewhere.

    Leaving the clan leaders to one conclusion......make their clan

    desirable to FL's for recruitment......hence more players more territory


    From seeing war in the real world, twice......I can't remember attacking a

    mutually scheduled AOO.

    This could last for a very long time and I like it.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • well whatever, I was just talking about what he talked about at

    the beginning of his post, honestly i didn't read the rest, all i know is he didn't

    understand exactly what i meant. Anyway, I'll leave the ASF/CSF up to Op and you guys,

    I'll go with what Op decides.

  • I'll leave it to op and Dragon too, since they are the bosses. The

    only thing they need to do is find a balance.

    As for the freelancers, I have another

    proposition for you to debate :)

    Yeah like op said, it's good to encourage them to

    enter clans, or make one etc. But why not let freelancers that still will not made a clan

    and rent a system, make contract with ASF or CSF. i.e if Pandora want's to help ASF, but

    don't want to be in BG, you can let her be in ASF with a contract. Give her some duties,

    and post in a dedicated thread on the forum.If the freelancer do something stupid, kick it

    from the ASF/CSF.

    I think that will still be helpfull for the server. It's just a

    generel idea and it can be thinked through.

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • well I am in the process of making a clan, it's a clan

    where anyone can join and decide their own level of involvement, those who are more active

    get higher ranks, but the even more active members who take the advanced qualification

    coarses, like adv. combat, adv. leadership, and special forces, get much higher ranks. I

    got a website, it's a crappy free site but it suits my needs for now and construction is depending on how far along I

    get as far as planning and resources. Right now I'm looking for people that'll join and

    get others to join. I'm sort of killing two birds with one bullet, I'm going to other

    FL-related sites and forums and talking about CF, the story, the systems, ships and

    equipment, also I'm talking about my clan, what it's all about and what people get for

    joining and advancing, so I'm getting people to come to SWAT and I'm recruiting for my

    clan, it's not successful yet but I only just started.

    So, perhaps we could fit my

    clan into this somehow? like freelancers could automatically be enlisted in the CF Militia

    (my clan) if they feel they want to contribute to the cause against the CSF (my clan will be

    ASF or maybe I'll have two factions inside the clan, one for each side and under seperate

    leadership), I dunno, just consider anything that comes to mind.

    Oh and btw, about

    the freelancers contracting with clans, where they are still FLers with no tags but work for

    a clan, I've actually been doing that with the DC for a week or so now, I've got a deal

    with them - I hunt their KOS listed people and whatever else they need help with, and I get

    to go into their system.

  • i think op's 1 sugestion is god
    and about the

    systemwar only 1 system per warday shuld be possible.: declare war to 1 system the defending side get in position the atackers come in system and open

    the loser of this fight leave the system
    4,5day the clans stay to

    rest possible counterstrike-declaration,then it gos again from day2


    what i think about the fight about a system
    so 1 warday gets up to 1 week

  • I'm thinking about sort of a FL-risk map. Take Sirius and make it

    into a risk map. Use the devision OP suggested, including the non-occupied systems (but only

    the old Sirius map). The ASF and CSF has a certain nr of fighters (not linked to the real

    world number). They can dispers the fighters over the maps, with a minimum of 1 fighter per

    The first few moves will be without (a lot of) fights as both sides occupy the

    non-occupied systems (that is, on the map). When they do attack each other, they will have

    to announce with what nr of fighters they attack (the max nr is the nr of the departing

    system minus 1), and the defending side has to announce with how many fighters they


    Let's say ASF want to attack cambridge, hold by the CSF. ASF attacks from

    omega 3. ASF has 8 fighters stationed in omega 3, CSF has 5 fighters stationed in cambridge.

    ASF can attack with at most 7 fighters, CSF can defend with at most 5 fighters.

    say that ASF attacks with 4 fighters, and CSF defends with 4 fighters. ASF kills 3 CSF

    fighters, but looses all 4 of their fighters, which means that CSF succesfully defended

    cambridge in that attackwave. The ASF has now 4 fighters in omega 3, and CSF has 2 fighters

    in cambridge. ASF smelling victory and pushes the attack forward: they attack again with 3

    fighters, and CSF defends with both 2 fighters. ASF looses 1 fighter, and CSF looses both

    fighters. The control of cambridge goes to ASF.
    ASF has now 2 fighters in cambridge, and

    1 fighter in omega 3.
    CSF can now attack a system, but it cannot be the system they just

    lost. They has to wait at least one day before they can attack that system


    Each they the ASF can launch one attack on one system, as does the CSF. When

    both attacks are over, both sides have to wait till the next day before they can attack

    With an attack I do not mean one attack wave, but attacking one system from the

    other, until the resources are depleated or when the attacking force decides to call it a

    day. There is no limit on the nr of attack waves, it is just limited by the risk-nr of

    fighters both sides have.

    After the day of attack, both sides can make 20

    system-jumps. This means that they can move fighters in order to reinforce. There is a

    maximum to that movement: 20 system-jumps, meaning that 20 fighters can jump from one system

    to the other, or 1 fighter 20 systems, and everything in between, as long as it doesn't

    exceed the 20 jumps.

    Translation from risk-fighter numbers to FL fighter


    One FL fighter represent one risk fighter.
    This means that when ASF

    attacks with 4 risk-fighters, and they have only 3 FL fighters, one fighter can respawn to

    rejoin the fight.
    Then ASF has 5 FL fighters, but attacks with 4 risk fighters, one has

    to sit the whole thing out, and cannot play a part in the event.

    Getting new


    Every Monday morning both sides get new fighters to deploy. The number of

    those fighters is calculated by the following formula:

    if (nr of occupied systems)/3

    =< 4
    nr of new fighters = 8
    nr of new fighters = ((nr of

    occupied systems)*2 /3) rounded to the closest whole number

    This means that as

    long as one side occupies less than 13 systems, they will receive automatically 8 new

    fighters. If one side has 13 or more systems, they will receive 2 * the nr of occupied

    systems, devided by three and rounded off. With 13 systems this means that they will get 9

    new fighters, with 15 systems that is 10.

    The new fighters can only be deployed in

    occupied systems. Spies, infiltration and such is not allowed.

    For the record: In

    this case both the ASF/CSF decides where they want to fight, which system they are planning

    to attack. At the beginning ASF thinks: hey, let's get after Hokkaido, and CSF decided to

    attack Colorado.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • sounds a bit like the

    game called risiko...

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