Future of CF

There are 82 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by AoD.

  • to all the cf players

    i have enjoyed my timeplaying with you guys. to the BG that ive played with it has been fun

    i still think that this is the best mod ive played on. op i dont know what we didnt make

    happen i think we were doing fine but this is your mod and server so best wishes to you and

    dont worry we will still talk on msn aas witht he rest of the cf players i met and have

    their msn




    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • K from what i understand is this
    Chaos plan 2 leave in 3

    Op wants them 2 either stay permamently or leave now
    Thats it
    Been nice

    meeting/fighting you all :)

  • It was nice being here guys, good buy to all the

    people that respect me, and all the people i respect. BG, PiA it was nice to play with you

    guys. Chaos it was nice to fight with and against such a good players.



    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • Hey

    everybody, we still have some hours and it is not over yet.

    Wavey, your asumption

    I think is right and I pointed out in the last meeting at custodian gate. However, when I

    started to talk about that I was told that there was no point to talk about it. As I can see

    for some posts, that was the main point.

    Chaos, I guess the ball is in your court

    now. Whether it is fair or not, it is not up to us. But sometimes we do make sacrifices if

    we do really love something.

    @CF community, dont give up yet. We choose this as our

    freelancer home community.

    Anyway, I hope we dont come to an end, eventhough there is

    a said that all good things would come to an end...I think this should not be the case. No

    good byes for me yet...



  • well guys
    chaos has

    declared war on BG again... i hoped that this wouldnt happen again after all ive done lately

    but it did happen

    the fact that most chaos were not willing to help this community by

    making a simple decision showed that those guys didnt care about this community... they only

    see their small unimportant clan
    they only see their advantage unlike the other clans


    well like some ppl already said... this is not the chaos we once knew anymore...

    personally i think the influence of n0x and jibs hunger for more power are the reasons for


    well ok there is war between BG and chaos again... that was the last thing that

    was declared and this will be the way the diplomacy will be updated... even if BG is allied

    with the other clans here we leave the decision if they consider chaos as enemies or not to

    those clans

    imo chaos was not willing to help CF and the fact that jib contacted WP

    (which is not only an enemy of BG - they are also enemies of this community) to get their

    help against us just showed me that i cant trust this guy anymore... but this is my


    there is another decision.... there are 2 chaos members which earned alot of

    respect for their actions and their try to help this community... therefore these guys will

    be welcome here while the other chaos will be banned on the forum and the server (i think i

    have collected enough screenshots proving that they broke why too many


    it also has been decided to whipe out a dark history... well no we wont

    forget about it but we will finish this chapter
    all former members of the Phoenix clan

    which once tried to destroy this server and this community will be banned forever (one

    exception will be made for the only guy which came to us to ask to forgive him)
    to those

    banned ppl belong:
    Trowa_Barton (which told me he has nothing to do with FL anymore and

    that he only plays battlefield... but i know it better)
    K-Viras (he has gotten a chance

    to come back to CF but used it to grow anger)
    Takeo Otori (which came back and asked WP

    for help... he spread too many lies here)
    EL_Knuto (even if im not sure which role he

    played... well he will get a chance to explain it and maybe to stay)


    DonZardeone... ex-SectionLeader of BG will also be banned (even if this is a hard decision

    for me coz once i called him a good friend)
    sorry Don but its the best for this


    you can see all this here as a big cleanup that is neccessary for a new


    now to the WP-issue
    IF these WolfPee guys are men enough then they should

    come here... not as fakes ... and without their cheats

    will shoot them down (most likely they will run away like WP_Chemo and WP_Shadow when they

    were here on CF)
    @WP_Devil_CO - you want me? come and get me

    and finally the

    future issue of this server...
    i didnt want to loose chaos... it wasnt the decision that

    i wanted.... but still its their decision
    now the last problem of trust is gone so i see

    no reason not to keep CF online
    but i need help... help to rebuild everything


    is needed?
    1. a new version of the mod (to fix some minor bugs and to get rid of the

    chaos logo in casius)
    the other clans would get such logos for their systems if they rent

    them (that would mean if DC would start paying for tohoku instead of just telling me about

    it.. then they also would get such a logo - sry but i had to say this)

    2. i need

    some1 who can do translations from english to german (the german CF page badly needs an


    3. i need some1 with html knowledge coz maybe some of you will remember... we

    once wanted to create a database of the CF-world with all information about it

    4. i

    need SPs that do their jobs (password to the console will change coz of jib)

    5. i

    need eventmanagers and ppl with good ideas how to get the RP working again

    6. i need

    newsposters (for Games, Hardware, Real life news... well everything you can see on the

    offtopic boards)

    7. if there is some1 with php-scripting abilities then yes - i need

    some help

    8. i still need C++ coders for the new FL-stats (remember: a ranking system

    which is based on all stats including what is explored)

    9. advertisement needs to be

    done... but please not on other servers... i dont like that

    10. i need information

    about SL-singleplayer coz my SL doesnt work in sp anymore

    11. i need clanlogos and

    the url to the clanpages of the serverclans



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • A op np m8 on telling

    everyone about tohuko we have full intentions on paying you and at the momenti have my

    rental money in transfer 3-4 days it will be ready then i will send it to you and yes that

    means i just got it fixed last night

    the only reason we havent paid in the last

    couple of months was coz of this shit with the server i didnt want to send you the money

    then the server is shut down and im out 20 euros so now that it is staying i can pay you the

    rental fee


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • Ah i'm so happy the

    server is staying! Thank you OP.
    I have some experience in HTML (and i mean HTML not some

    WYSIWYG), i also can think of or manage a RP event. I'll help with whatever i can.

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • I cant be a weekday event manager because of school but i can give ya

    ideas....right now I have to do a rethought of a ASF CSF domination event since Chaos


    Let me know what you need to know about SL and I'm there.....have to reinstall

    it after I get back from school.

    I'll start gathering info on CF even though I cant

    do HTML. Might help the coders job a little easier. What kind of info of CF are we talking

    about here?

  • I can help run events

    during week,but i need ur ideas Baldy:)

  • CSF/ASF seems such a good event that peope from other servers where already here asking

    about it. RP is a major problem in any freelancer server and from what I read and heard, the

    CSF/ASF was good. Another Clan could take the CSF side. I heard Pia were willing to take

    that role.

    I have some ideas for Clan RP but I dont know if this is a good place to

    post them since the RP we are talking is for the whole server (community)

    I can help

    in XML eventhough I have to undust some books I got from my time in other local sites


    The race event is one that I would like to be part of

    Anyway, too many

    things to do. I guess we need to gather as much people as we could, and from there, to start

    assigning each one the part that he could work the




  • I will defintely help out with events and planning. I

    would certainly get involved in news posting.

    Let me know what I can do.

    I can

    pitch in 20.00 US dollars a month to help, or let me know what the conversion is to Euros.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • I haven't

    finished completely exploring it yet, but I'd be glad to help with SP info. But I work 11

    hour days and would only be available after about 8pm e.s.t. most weekdays.
    What do you


  • No one wants to admit this stuff because they afraid ther little world will close


    the dc clan was planning to leave crossire server at the same time chaos was.

    swatopr8r was aware of this but the 'bad people' of chaos were the only ones who were

    forced to make a crazy choice or the server was to be closed. thes is a fact that can be

    proven, and dc and swatopr8r know this.

    swatopr8r knew all about that so he lied

    about his reasons for closing the server: he never planned on closing it at all all he

    really wanted was to get rid of his biggest opponents becaus they were beating him every day

    in the forum talks and proving he was lieing to people.

    well dc leader do you deny

    this, that you were planning to leave to go to killer viras' new server?


    said he had proof about phx forum and has seen dc's names there and had some other

    informations that hewas told so he did know dc was also planning to leave


    chaos jib started the war again a few hours before the closing deadline to

    prove that swatopr8r was lieing about his plans. so now swatopr8r is using other reasons for

    banning that are lies also. The people left here dont even care if they are lies even thow

    they know they are being lied to ^ ^.

    anything as long as the server stays open:

    hahahaha. that is sad.

    swatopr8r also has made a big challenge to fight the WP

    Clan. but he is not telling anyone that when some came to crossfire in ther clan tags he

    banned them within 10 minutes for no reason. so which are the cowards and cheaters? he

    talks so big but he says he still has war against chaos after bannning the chaos fighters,

    hahaha that is funny.

    he says many bad things about what the peple like Don Z and

    Killer Viras and Takeo and the Chaos peple did but he gives no proof for any of it and then

    he acts like it is the word of God. he is acting like a little tin god aound here, banning

    peple he doesnt like and then telling lies about them. maybe it is his server but he is

    acting like he owns all the people on it too.

  • how can you know about what i know and what not???? tell


    the way i see it the DC clan is and

    always was loyal to CF and chaos once asked them to leave this server... they refused

    hey you said that you can prove this... so do it... we are waiting

    the server would be offline now... and thats a fact no matter what you say or

    and Chaos never was able to beat any1... they were not able to beat BG, they were

    not able to beat DC and they were not able to beat PiA
    not here on the forum and not on

    the server


    swatopr8r said he had proof about phx forum and has seen dc's

    names there and had some other informations that hewas told so he did know dc was also

    planning to leave crossfire.

    when ever did i say this? show me ur

    i really would be interested where i should have said something about


    the 2 chaos leaders decided

    to leave CF... so the decision i needed has been done... ive said the server will only stay

    if there is a future with trust... now that chaos is gone i think we have this future

    and no im not using other reasons... even if i would have tons of screenshots

    showing chaos members insulting other players or doing respawnkills... one screenshot does

    even know one high ranked chaos talking about the destruction of CF
    you can tell many

    things and accuse me being a liar... but unlike you i can prove that every single word is

    and the fact that you come here with a fake name not telling us your true identity

    doesnt make you more trustworthy
    to me it looks like you just see that ur clan is gone...

    and now you want to cause damage to the rest of this server by spreading wild rumours and

    talking shit about others to destroy the growing trust of this


    well lets see the only WPs which came online with a clantag were

    WP_Chemo and WP_Shadow
    as the list of banned players show us they are not there... this

    means its impossible that they ever got banned (yeah thats what i call a proof)

    was too scared to leave new york when he was on the server... MarcBomber can confirm

    WP_Chemo got the chance to explore CF a little bit... then i started to hunt him...

    infront of freeport 6 i caught him but instead to face me he only run away and left the

    server (somewhere i have the screenshot ^^)
    No WP char ever got banned

    and chaos

    declared war on BG... why do you think this war is over now? should i now that they are

    banned set their status back to friendly or what? war is war - no matter on which server the

    clans are and sooner or later we will finish it

    well i

    have not given any proofs? weird
    the proofs are all here on the forum... maybe they are

    in old threads so ppl would have to read but they are all here... no matter what you say



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!