VA Rights
There are 20 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.
knew that was gonna happen.....i see the future
Does the FMS appear automatically on VA/LG-ranked alts, or is it individually unlocked? On the KDF side, Qun'pau has the FMS display, but not Alphal'Fa; both are now Lieut. Generals. Also, I understand that VA's have some access to check member status, activate new members, etc. Where do I look for that function?
it is bound to ranks
there are no exceptions to this -
it is bound to ranks
there are no exceptions to this
Hmmm...ok, but Alphal'Fa doesn't display it... And, (because I want to be somewhat useful for "normal" VA admin stuff), where do I see the member CP? -
That's weird....are you sure the promotion paperwork was duly processed and recorded....maybe some warrior went to wrong office and put you in for transfer to the borg front instead of the promotions office
what member cp?
what member cp?
The control panel where fleet management makes room for new members by deleting inactive ones, adding new members, etc. I have seen (in chat) both OP & Gunny do these functions in-game, and I assumed it was part of the VA Council duties... -
every fleet member with the rank of an ensign/warrior is allowed to invite new members
fleet members can only be removed by the Admiral/Generalit always has been that way
Wait, am I to assume that there is a Crossfire fleet or something on STO? Lol
No. Really tho there is a Swat Portal fleet, actually 2 if you consider that the Federation fleet and Klingon fleets are 2 separate entities.
I think VA had ability to remove fleet members in the past...I did give the boot to a couple trolls...but haven't had to look at that function in a few months....kinda glad about that.
Id love to join the Federation side with my main character Vellaria@Kalisie. I just left my other fleet so I can join Swat's fleet whenever someone gets around to it. Lol. Whats the name of the fleet so I dont just blindly accept the first one I get invited to?
the only VA right ive changed since the creation of the fleet was the stuff with the holding
Phoenix Legion XII | The Star Trek Online Fleet of the SWAT Portal
fleet members can only be removed by the Admiral/General
OK, I understood that already; where do I look to find this function? In game? On the Fleet forum? Is it in the Fleet GUI or Social GUI? -
which function?
fleet invites? -
fleet members can only be removed by the Admiral/General
it always has been that way
This function... where does a VA access it??EDIT: BTW, I posted to an STO forum thread building a list of STO fleets, and included a link to our Fleet site, thinking that this might be good promotion for us. It would be nice if this was up to date (roster, etc.); would you like some help in maintaining it? Two of my alt's are missing from the roster, and the 2 listed are 2 promotions behind. Let me know how I can help!
Admiral CA. You are just Vice Admiral - you do not have access to it
Admiral CA. You are just Vice Admiral - you do not have access to it
D'oh! missed that part... Still, OP maybe could use some help to keep the fleet roster up to date? -
i currently have other stuff to care about
found the mistake with the VA rights on kdf char
it should be working now