Not feeling so good!

There are 40 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by /V\ichael.

  • Incoming Transmission...
    Transmission Source... New-York system.
    Decrypting Transmission...
    Transmission Decrypted.
    Transmission ID: Jack Russell
    Relaying Transmission.

    Hello Jo-Ann!

    Sorry if it took so long before sending you this transmission, but I had some issues with section 1.9, it wouldn't relay the first one. That is why I used the encrypted way.

    I am sending you 50000 credits, that should cover all the daily expenses, mortgage and the parts that were needed to fix the ship.

    Some bad news, the ship was heavily damaged, I was ambushed by a wing of outcast fighters has I was entering the Texas jump gate. One thruster, two turrets and some ship hull panels were replaced. How did I pay for all this you might ask?

    Now for the good news. You won’t believe it, while the repairs were being done, I was in a bar on Planet Manhattan talking to that guy * what was is name again? Oh yea! * Razors One, I know, don’t ask; that’s the name he gave me. Well, he offered to pay for the repairs and then offered me a lump of cash. At first I refused, but he made the transfer directly into my account, not sure how he did that but for now, I owe him.

    I have been exploring more then trading, I need to find witch commodities will bring the most, that will be my main objective for the next week.

    That is all for now, I already miss you, see you soon!

    ~ Jack

    *Transmission Ended*

  • Incoming Transmission...
    Transmission Source... New-York system.
    Decrypting Transmission...
    Transmission Decrypted.
    Transmission ID: Jack Russell
    Relaying Transmission.

    Hello Jo-Ann!

    Well, how can I say this: You know that guy Razor_One I told you about, I have heard rumours that he could be a Lane Hacker. Whatever credits I sent you might be dirty money. Stop using it for now.

    I am sure the LPI is already looking into this. My accounts have been ceased, also, it was to be a surprise but, I bought a Soulforge train with those credits he gave me. I left it in space near Birmingham Station in Manchester. No one will let me dock with it on their bases.

    I have been only 2 weeks in section 1.9 and I might be in big trouble. If you don’t hear from me in a week, keep an eye on the news, you might see me there.

    That is all for now, wish me luck.

    ~ Jack

    *Transmission Ended*

  • * Flips the switch for the landing gear to extend, cutting the main engine and slowly hit the ground *

    * Open the hatch and feel the fresh air touching his face *

    Me: “ Man it’s good to be home ” * Looks around has he makes his way down the ramp and see his wife standing near the hangar *

    Wife: “ Good to see you! So, any news about that Razor guy? “

    Me: “ Seems everything is alright, our accounts should be accessable by now “

    Wife: “ Good to hear, lets go home “

  • Incoming Transmission...
    Transmission Source... New-York system.
    Decrypting Transmission...
    Transmission Decrypted.
    Transmission ID: Jack Russell
    Relaying Transmission.

    Hello Jo-Ann!

    I know, I was supposed to come back every two weeks and now it’s been three weeks. Many things have happened. An LSF agent approached me after the incident with that Razor_One guy. They noticed I was a fair pilot and they offered me a job. Money was to good for me to refuse. I hired my brother, he will be flying Thunderbird from now on. So, don’t worry about money.

    Can you believe that, Private Jack Russell, I can’t say anything about the mission. I was told they were looking for pilots for a special mission. You wouldn’t believe what I have seen out there. They give us permission to send this transmission but was advised not to go into any details. They say that from now on, it will get more dangerous as we go along. They assigned me to a Very Heavy Fighter the” Bastard “. Quit a ship, I am taking good care of her. She already safe my life many times. I was also noticed by Sergeant Husker, he seems to appreciate my company. I have to let you go, we have to depart in 5 hrs and I haven’t slept yet.

    I think of you often and can only hope to be back for our anniversary, 31 years already!

    That is all for now

    *Transmission Ended*

  • Jo-Ann: "When will you stop playing that game?, we need to get some credits soon"

    Jack: "What else can I do, my accounts are still Disabled, I cannot transfer or withdraw any cash"

    Jo-Ann: "And you think playing a game will fix everything?"

    *Man, is she getting on my nerve* I will call the bank again, are you happy?"

    Jo-Ann: *Lazy bumm!*

    Jack: *Humm, maybe those guys at section 1.9 can help me, I should call them up*

  • ********** personal log file **********

    There have been changes made recently. Seems that some accesses have been reactivated
    While flying through the galaxy, testing some recent made modifications on my vessel, I recognized ongoing activity nearby.
    Some so called law enforcement officers pilots, have raised their activity against the pilots so called criminals, who only try to make their daily earnings to support family and friends.
    Transmissions all over the place confirming that a well placed strike, which leads to the dead of the opponent, seems to increase the ammount of cash in the own wallet.
    There have also been announcements in public, that some sort of reward has been placed on some peoples vessels, for a really suspicious reason.

    Strange things going on all over the sectors, visible for all pilots who do not fly with their eyes closed.

    ********** personal log file **********

  • Jack: "Look at the news Jo-Ann; that is why I need to transfer credits from one ship to the other, so I can get a very heavy fighter and apply on those jobs opening"

    Jo-Ann: "So, still no change with your accounts""

    Jack: "No, all the commands needed to tranfer my credit from my trader to the new ship I am looking for are still disable. I could try and ask someone to help me with the transfer but who can you trust these days"

    *Walks to the screen and turns it off*

    *Man, If I could move those credits from one ship to the other, i would probably take on those jobs, can you believe that, people are flying with their eyes closed, how they do it?*

  • There are always afew of the players on MP you can trust to help with transfers. Some will charge abit and some wont.

    If you see any char Catatonic or Balzar on just message me and I can help. 8).

    I have same prob, have a char is Sol waiting for the banking system to be up and working again to get a transport ship.

    All Characters are Licensed Police Officers:

    Katertrak_Jack (flying a BS)
    Laws_Brann (testing different ships for IC hunting)
    Junker_Clunker (Mission char for good cach fast)
    Cargo_Brann (Transporter of lawful cargo)
    Katatonic[ASF] (ASF business only and afew events if other char can't make it)

    See You In Space Soon :)

  • Wife: "Where are you going like this dear?"

    Jack: "Someone from section 1.9 left a message, I need to bring my ships back to Planet Manhattan New-York. I need to look for Catatonic or Balzar, they might be able to help me with the transfer"

    *Note to myself* *I need to contact Private lawmac1 to let him know that Thunderbird, Jack_Russell and Heavy_Hauler are the ships he should be looking for*

    Wife: "Finally! I will have the house to myself"

    Jack: "that's love for you"

    *Open the door and makes his way to his newly acquired ship*

  • I am in New York with Mac_Catatonic my other char are to far away lol, so when you have the time.

    All Characters are Licensed Police Officers:

    Katertrak_Jack (flying a BS)
    Laws_Brann (testing different ships for IC hunting)
    Junker_Clunker (Mission char for good cach fast)
    Cargo_Brann (Transporter of lawful cargo)
    Katatonic[ASF] (ASF business only and afew events if other char can't make it)

    See You In Space Soon :)

  • Incoming Transmission...
    Transmission Source... New-York system.
    Decrypting Transmission...
    Transmission Decrypted.
    Transmission ID: Jack Russell
    Relaying Transmission.

    To: Section 1.9

    To all that offered to help with the transfer; thank you!

    I met with Dampfwalze in front of planet Manhattan. Transfer was completed and we went our separate ways. I will be flying to Enyo system and get the VHF ZX14 Protector. The ship looks good and seems to be well balanced.

    See you all in space!

    ~ Jack

    *Transmission Ended*

  • Message from the Section 1.9 staff:

    Your trial time is now halfed.
    You are half the way to your big day, do you think you are training much enough for it, and choosing the right fighter for your skills ?

    Keep going, you can do it !

    Just don't forget your beggining in here, and why you got access to this section.


    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Incoming Transmission...
    Transmission Source... Unknown.
    Decrypting Transmission...
    Transmission Decrypted.
    Transmission ID: Jack Russell
    Relaying Transmission.

    If someone gets this message, make sure it is brought to Section 1.9!

    I have been stranded for months in the Inner Core Sector. I am not sure how I got all the way here but one thing is sure, I survived by looting some GMG derelict and repairing my ship using those Repair Buoy they left behind. I am unable to find my way back at this time.

    I have found an Alien race that called themselves Kavash, they are willing to help. Those other Aliens I came across were very hostile and the only thing I could do whenever I would detect them was to flee ( reason why I am lost). The Kavash have asked me to help them find something (don’t know what yet) in another sector. For this, they have provided me with 3 items that should make my ship disappear, some kind of cloaking device that would help me reach the next sector.

    Not sure how or when I’ll be returning to Sirius Sector, my priority is to learn more about this technology so I can make it work on my ship.

    ~Jack out!

    P.S. Let my wife knows that I am not dead!

    *Transmission Ended*

  • dafuq did I just read?

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Incoming Transmission...

    Transmission Source...

    ***Encrypted ***

    Decrypting Transmission...



    wb m8

  • Log entry:

    Things are improving, I was able to assemble those 3 items I got from the Kavash, and it really is a cloaking device. But something isn’t right, the ship uncloaked itself every time I undock and whenever I flip the switch to engage it outside a base, I get an error from the computer «Insufficient energy in your cargo hold!» I am starting to think that the item I got from the Canis Sector (Dom’Kavash Device) is part of the solution.

    Also, I found a way out to Altair Sector, I was out of everything when I was spotted by a Coalition patrol, and they took me back to one of their base. My ship was confiscated and I was detained for questioning. They saw that I wasn’t a threat and released me after a couple of days. I am still waiting for them to release my ship.

    I will have to contact Section 1.9 upon my return; they might be able to found the problem with the cloaking device.

    I miss home.