1.81 crashes

There are 153 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Hellraiser.

  • meh, the most efficient one, even hard or impossible to do, is a CTD right before(or when) the server is crashing. Nobody could keep the game working without starting it again xD

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • so it's all about server crashes because of other players who don't know how to restart FL , but now ... why the server crashes when no one affects it for Ex : 3 h of intense play then disconnect (or this is the server rr ? not at 3h but at 5 h )

  • And about Bond's CTDs, it must be something of your ol PC, because I also was, personally, on all sectors in all inner core systems for cartography issues, and I had no CTD, and neither other ppl... so it must be something from the inner core system's background dust, that organic dust that's everywhere :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • nope my PC is powerful enough , it's not from me . And yes about the organic dust , it's cool but "everywhere" :D

  • Server time was approximately 05:00...
    Individual kicks from server.
    i, and at least two other people were unable to lift to space after purchasing "illegal" goods. ie: light arms, cardamine, bmgs...

    completely quit the server, freelancer, and killed the process in task manager.

    ran MP from launcher after getting patches, and still was unable to purchase and lift.

    other commodities did not cause the problem.

    i believe i have seen reference to this before, and if someone could point me to the fix, i would appreciate it.

    also...when the player is kicked from the server, other players report that the system message indicated that the kicked player was potentially "cheating"

    does this have anything to do with the economy changing while within a particular system?

    i tried leaving the system...purchasing at another planet, with the same results...upon returning to the original system, the situation was still occurring, so i figured i'd skip the trade routes for now, and simply continue mapping.

    again, i have to say...in my first week of playing ANY online game i haven't met so many friendly helpful people as i have here on the swat CF server.

    kudos to an excellent mod, and a friendly and helpful user base and administration team.

    (call me a suck up if you must...but seriously...this is a pretty slick game or you wouldn't be here either...)


    -edit after re-reading this entire thread...i found the pointers i was looking for. i'll presume that one of the people on at the time hadn't completely relogged since the economy change.

    i recall the names that were on. i'll take it upon myself to personally inform them that they need to exit the game completely and reload from launcher...every time.


  • yeah - that happens if ppl dont get the latest updates



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Zeroth
    -edit after re-reading this entire thread...i found the pointers i was looking for. i'll presume that one of the people on at the time hadn't completely relogged since the economy change.

    i recall the names that were on. i'll take it upon myself to personally inform them that they need to exit the game completely and reload from launcher...every time.


    I had the similiar problem but the complete reload from launcher didn't help. Only the daily server restart helped for that problem.


  • NO FUN

    playing on the server today.

    Doesn't hold longer than 10 to 15 min. In four attempts I wasn't able to finish one mission.



    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by taschentuch
    i have to agree. really no fun today, yesterday the server crashed only once per hour :-(

    SAD I couldn't play yesterday and USE the time for my char.

    Since Crossfire 1.81 is the first game I played online EVER,
    is it normal for a gaming server to crash at least every hour, when it's running well ?

    Plz don't take any offense anybody here.

    It is simply an online-gaming-noob question.


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Answer:

    Yesterday i was online 5 hours without crashes (15-25ppl on line)

    Later server crash and than start to crash every few minutes.I wasn't lazy and i send PM to every new player.Fortunately one of them [thumb] was honest enough to admit. After that he restart the game, and everything back in normal.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Bond

    Yesterday i was online 5 hours without crashes (15-25ppl on line)

    Later server crash and than start to crash every few minutes.I wasn't lazy and i send PM to every new player.Fortunately one of them [thumb] was honest enough to admit. After that he restart the game, and everything back in normal.

    Next time I'm on the server and I see alot of crashing going on I'll do the same Bond, good thinking man. [thumb] I think all who are aware of the issue need to relay this information to every n00b on the server when a string of server crashes like this happens.

  • Yep same here.
    Only if everyone could see what people type in the console.
    When i did not know that thngs typed in console dont get displayed to anyone exept me, i kepts typing messages so everyone could see and restart their FL game.
