Server situation

There are 166 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • i did not blame him on that stuff nor do i know how he would fit into the picture
    like i said i made a general comment directed towards everyone (thats why i used the term "ALL" in the sentence before)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • People who make general laws are only professional lawyers, and only a specific part called the government and the parliament. ;)

  • But mates, how this server situation went from server conflcits until OP's ones, the current server leaks and problems are Not OP's ones... so we should start search the last post in the topic... OP did nothing on the server that would provoke any... he did closed some threads in his forum because they were going wrong for a while... and the time he established was over. But he didn't closed those threads for him or his problems.... so actually pleaze stay onthe topic of Server Situation, and how to solve them, instead of bringing more and more problems from the past...

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote:
    Originally posted by Bond

    "OP i like ur attitude but pls lower ur altitude" (...) I am not melon i am MELLON
    Michael wrote:
    I can notice you respond quite well at anything that happens wrong to you, even nobody posted that on this thread. Even it may be on other forums, or happened in-game.


    Bond wrote:
    o dude i pls OP in the name of the many, with Gunny was different but again the result was the same, for good.You must learn to read between lines.

    Bond wrote:
    Mich nothing happen to me, and you need to learn from "life book" and from books in general, my way of thinking and acting is quite opposite then many others>Because i almost never defend my ass in the first place.One day u will be able to take a look at all.I appreciate ur efforts, but be patient and door of knowledge will be opened for u.So far so good

    yes my bad cos i drop word the result in a rush

    If u read all my posts carefully, you will be able to make a valid point.I can monitor the essence of the story for a long period of time.
    It is so obvious that you do not want anything to change in yourself.Sadly but true fact is, that i only losing my time.

    Anyway, i am out of this topic, due to enormous number of hypocritical statements.

  • Damn guys really ... if things are not bad enough you have to attack OP as well... Az chill out i'm from the UK and can read and speak English very well and i can understand 100% what OP is saying ... so i can't see any reason for you to take offence, As for dragging up old shit about BG and its members a year or 2 ago is pointless and meaningless, I was one of those BG pilots you complained about, and if it makes you feel better i apologise for anything BG and myself did wrong in your eyes, hopefully that's the end of that ... it's water under the bridge m8, I myself have had many discussions/arguments with OP in the past but that's human nature, i don't h8 OP for that i'm adult enough to realise you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time,i think Arkane nailed it perfectly on his thread you all need to take a step back into reality and see what has gone on and where you have gone wrong and how you can correct it, trust me i know i was where most of you are now nearly 2 years ago, Attacking each other and OP is pointless if you feel this will improve things then you need your heads checked.

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • OK

    may i have a try please which will not be flamed?

    actualy this is from my knowledge the additional uncuted agreement 1-5 every claned Member should know:


    1. no shit talk behind other ppls backs
    2. no influence in other clans internal business
    3. for sure no violation of rules (server + rp)
    4. seperate private life from game life (some ppl seem to have problems with that)
    5. play fair

    Many of you demand harder punishments, so i have a proposal:

    If one of the rules 1-4 are broken it can be like this:

    Clan Leaders or representatives can´t find a conclusion, go to OP.

    If one can proof his/her claim ban on the other. If it is unproofed ban on the one who couldn´t proof. If there is a draw ban both (Parties/Leaders or whatelse). Where a ban should include a forum ban aswell.

    Result: 1-4 will stop. People will think twice before doing such things.

    to. 5. has to be defined since fairplay is covered by the Serverrules already which wasn´t when this additional Rules was made. Kinda a code of conduct.

    to 1. From the Situations of the past i would include insinuations and open attacks.

    to. 4. This is also meant for open or hidden insults at the Server. If you are bored or p. from RL don´t annoy the Community with it. Stay away.

    Benefits: peace and quiet, shield for the community.

    Additional proposals:

    SPs are appointed by you, if they act against your SP rules or just abusing their function expel them. SPs are not allowed to overtake Clan Functions if they are claned, cause they are acting like your right arm. Make them to Admins in the Game and Moderators in the Forum so you would need only 2 or 3 of them, expel them if they are not active in the Game.

    Make a closed thread and post why the bans was done. If arguements arise ban the one argueing and delete the posts without answering and any warnings.

    Parties have to proof that they tried to find a conclusion before they are coming to you. If they don´t ban them.

    Leave the System Channel for RP talk only - SPs should control and punish that by fines up to a char bankrupting.

    If Clans want to go to Clanwars, let them and consider it as RP.

    Puting the Reputations for the Clans RP ie LP Pirates all non Pirate NPCs and Clans are hostile (green, red, white) could help in a psychological way. Yes i know that several stations are Police Stations - but u can use Mercs, FLs or the Police claned Players aswell (called interaction). Also delete all Equipment buying possibilities from Issos, Delta and others where you can buy nearly all stuff. If a Clan member is catched using the wrong Tag ie Bounty Hunter for IOC - lifetime ban (cause i do not want to make you editing the whole rep table). Saw that i was using clans who will not feel offended with hope.

    Every agreement (like recruitment) have to be announced and validated no changes for or against clans - FL Clans included. Also if you wanna explore the whole mod you would have to stay FL because otherwise you would not be able to purchase all Equipment or visit all Stations.

    These are my 3498 Cents in this for a Solution (or a beginning for it), please correct me if we don´t want to have a solution.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Lifetime ban for an IOC with tag of Bounty Hunter ? <.<
    Those ideas seem to be thought for a while, or took from other mods like Disco... anyway lifetime ban is something that shouldn't be heard of. Players would have problems acomplishing that, and there are always some exceptions, for different reasons...and there always can be the chance you(somebody) wake up lifetime banned, and you don't even know why... cus somebody like an enemy or @$$holes could false accuse, with a well modified screenshot or so... and if you were a good merc/police doing your job well, kicking with good skills the ones you have to, and suddenly dissapear from the server that would be HARD !! with no chances to argue ?? imo we don't need relative rules with harder punishments than server rules themselves. We already have problems with keeping the server and RP rules acomplished...

    EDIT: I have no idea why, but I see things like this "shouldn\\\\\\\\'t " in my post, on my message there is no such thing, it may be a forum bug.

    EDIT 2: ... there should be just 8 bars on the edit above, and I see double of them now... the apostrophe brings them proove: ' ' (wrote just an apostrophe)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • not tried to find a way (but posting wrong screenies) = ban
    false accuse = ban of the one who accused false, if nobody can proof it, ban of both, problems for the majority away.
    modificated screenie = lol = ban of the one who accused false, if nobody can proof it, ban of both, problems for the majority away.

    Bounty Hunter = RP Bounty Hunter Tag was probably not clear enough expressed by me, meant as the RP Tag you see on NPCs. You can lower it to a Lifetime Account banning for not having it on the Chars - np.

    The five Points are additional Rules to follow Michael they are active since years made by OP. Except the Reputation thingy which is done on several Servers there is nothing else but a harsh ruling taken from other Servers pushed in the Situation we have atm. but if so, they seems to make something correct what we can´t. Learning from others isn´t weakness.

    I will guarantee you that these Rules together with some tough SPs will be a shock for all at the beginning but will lead to a much more populated Server full of interactions. FLs exploring, Players trying to get equipment, Clans/Groups working together or fighting each other and a System Channel full of RP talk.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • You ppl are more active here posting than visiting the server instead


  • @ those who may concern

    In my experience, all societies are built on common interests. It takes 2 or more people with common interests to form a community. Currently CF 24/7 is facing the problem of too many people with too many opposing interests. So, naturally...people leave.

    The BAD thing is that not everybody can be fully satisfied under the current situation and if some parties were to obtain it then there would simply be no more RP what so ever and doing nothing will change nothing and make the current state a permanent one.

    The GOOD thing is that the root of all of these problems is SUBJECTIVIY (and the lack of empathy), in other words ones' attempt to modify a real situation as a feedback to an internal emotional process that in its turn had analysed a real fact.

    This is, by all definitions...a big, smelly mess right now. Why is subjectivity a good thing in the current situation? Well, because there is a small chance to coordinate the efforts towards synchronisation of interests. In this regard, the work is already half done: We all want this server to exist.(I hope so)

    In order for people to get along and strip certain things of the so dreaded subjectivity, there would be a need for a very good set of rules that would have a complexity that would permit them to cover a very wide array of posibilities but keep them as simple as possible so that everyone could play by them (and convert Subjectivity to Objetivity and neutrality). With all do respect for those who made the current set of's is not a very inspired one because it leaves everything (and I do mean everything) to subjective interpretation.

    OP, as you know in my free time I have been working on a set of rules (to be honest not only me but Ancalgon and Huor too because I needed a cop and a pirate point of view), slightly more complex than the current ones. The only problem is that I have kind of incorporated some concepts that were already tried in the past (but in my opinion not organised well enough...because they did not work in the end...). I still have some work to do on them and very little time to do so.

    IF you are interested and the community itself would be interested in this then I will continue with it and post it in a thread at SWAT for public debate. Then, after let's say one week we will close the thread and adress the issues in the clan leader board where it would be subjected to further debate. When the clan leaders have reached a decision (and we will have a deadline on that so it will happen eventually) they will vote (on each article, like they vote laws in the Parliament) and the finished set of rules will be presented to OP for validation. Once everyone will agree on those rules they will simply be enforced and nobody could invoke injustice in the future.

    The SP would have to only enforce the punishments set in the rules for certain things and not decide themselves.

    for this we will need the following set of rules
    -Server Rules -RL punishments and situations
    -General RP -RP related punishments and situations
    -Clan RP -RL and RP related punishments for special offenses and inter clan situations

    Once these rules would be adopted everyone would have to obey them. If something will need to be changed it would be changed in the following manner: Proposal presented, exposed to public debate for one week or so, brought to the leaders' board and debated some more and then voted by the leader board or not and only then the rules would be modified.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • All the rules are fine, as they are, and people agreed on them when this place came alive. All RP rules were discussed by the community for a month & then accepted with OP`s approval. It`s the people who don`t understand or simply don`t want to understand them, that are wrecking this place. Let`s face it: OP gave this community more that their deserved chances to set things right & ppl have failed every time. He has made up his mind & the ppl of the comunity have to face the punishment, coz noone is without guilt by now. Yes, we can do better, but don`t you think it`s a bit too late for that? It`s always the same: OP get`s pissed/disappointed, we get shaken up/scared, try to fix our mistakes in too great haste & when OP`s calmed down a bit, we`re back to the old shit again. It`s been going like this for the last 2 years, as far as i remember.

    OP has created this place for us, to do the one thing we all have in common - Play the game. If we mess it up constantly, then i`m asking myself whether we need and/or deserve it or not?

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • There will always be mistakes, as we are human beings and not without failures. If you want to avoid that there are problems - close the server and the forum.

    I just point this out from my time as SP: I simply could have punished every shit with a ban or a fine. Then the server would have been nearly empty or everyone would have been bankrupt. Anyway in times where we had nearly 15 or 20 players on the server it couldnt have hurt much and we would now have a better place - a place of silence ;)

    And that rules were discussed at times where the minority of todays players were here. Even me werent here (consider myself meanwhile a long time player ;)). I better stop here now before its getting again out of order^^

  • In short

    With the latest changes arround the server, main problem's origins are gone. There are mostly no things to complain now, people started acting kind, and if we all drop off problems that happened until now, most of them, and act with others as we expect others act with us, all goes fine !

    Just conentrate on haveing fun, friends and lookeing how new players arrive to the server, and repopulate.(I also posted about this mod and more info, on sites about freelancers and one of where you could download the original game(free heh)...) so lately would apear more players that didn't knew there were mods existing.

    Want to ruin the fun of theese new players that arrive at the game with hopes of haveing fun, train and explore ?

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • fines are the worst possible punishment (my oppinion)
    and laser is right

    you ppl also should think about the amount of players which were driven off the server because of broken rules and bad attitudes



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Question Rogue:

    How deserves a Community a Game Server? It´s benefiting all, OP included - If CF would not be here and never would have been done we never would have known anything about it, we would play on other Servers - probably other Games (at least i would for sure), all right we - choosed CF but thats for sure a compliment to the Mod and it´s Creator, we created Clans - which is an even bigger compliment.

    A healthy Community needs self-confidence, strong doers and ppl who follow those if the old ones are tired or retired. One can´t do all without burning out. If so a community will die much faster than the time was needed to built it up.

    Strong doers are taking care - some of these are here, just read the thread, they deserve respect.

    One Player driven away by another deserves a punishment to the one who drove him away - it´s an exempel and fair to the community (The Players who lose a worthy opponent, a virtual friend or a possible recruit). (my opinion)

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • so you propose that i punish you?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Maybe we should restart the thing with SPs... but not the ones that were SPs before, as they already had their ammount of problems suffered. The mechanism was quite good... just that a human/player can't take 4-6 years of problems (as SP) without changeing, a little or more, and exiting from the routine/(written or unwritten rules) with others...

    The few, clan members and freelancers starteed meeting arround to think about more solutions and stuff to do together, as OP said, not to fire a gun in the air with closed eyes... at least if there are more that do so, they hit the bird :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • of course



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!