Server situation

There are 166 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Azadur
    Oh - and someone tried to ban Lucy for swearing on the server.

    Guess who was successful with banning herself...

  • Lucy is banned?!


    Staff Sergeant KhohnJao

    GwaedGiardiau - Atal Amddiffyn Ymateb
    BloodGuard - Preventing Protecting Responding


    Fuck it all, Fuck this world, Fuck everything that you stand for, Don't belong, Don't exist, Don't give a shit, Don't ever judge me!

    I push my fingers into my EYES!!!

  • Banned - resigned - left - whatever you want to call it.

    I am quite positive that server logs will show Lucy promised me all her stuff.

  • Quote

    Also u can't threat us/me like a kids.Think about.

    you act like kids so you get treated like kids

    When ive read your comments i had the feeling that you ppl did actually read what i had to say or you simply didnt understand it
    you propose stuff to be done that actually has caused all the problems and still talk about a unguilty majority
    you ppl dont read.. you ppl dont understand... you intent to do on with the same shit like usual

    dont do such calculations
    i tend to be right... and i always was able to prove that but in no way i considered myself to be godlike or anything like that
    such statements were born out of a joke and carried on by the community

    yes the server is mine but I actually dont need others... i could close it and live my life (which probably would be better then)


    10. OP to stay out of clan business

    aha - i wonder when this did ever happen
    that point appears very funny to me as ALL your clans exist because of me and my work
    and it is actually YOUR clan business which interferes with the server and community business (and in the end causing troubles to me)

    Its funny... its not the first time in the past weeks that i had to read "but I am responsible for 20 members" and i had to wonder what I am actually responsible
    ahh... yes... thousands of members including those 20
    I believe some of you have totally lost any relation to what is really important

    I also wonder why you make such a mess about SPs leaving. I remember to have announced that all SP rights get revoked. So whats the problem now?
    Oh yes... I forgot... you didnt read.

    I am convinced that ppl are mad now because they loose something. For years ive been giving and giving stuff to them and now I take away something. How evil.
    I take away rights that they actually never deserved or earned in any way.
    Everything I did for them all the years doesnt play a role anymore... coz im taking away something now.
    And for sure they consider themself to be not responsible of anything... just out of principle.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok you piece of manure.

    That is the last time you insult me...

    Yes I talked crap when I came to you as leader of BG to complain about the behaviour of some of your members and suggested a little truce - and I even gave you examples.

    You ignored everything I said and then 3 months down the line do you remember what you said about your own clan?

    Well - I was inactive for a long time and guess what - your server is still crashing around with wars and people leaving

    Is that my fault? What did I do in the current bad situation between PX and SFPD?

    I have a good memory and I remember everything you said to me and those previous threats -

    But you go too far this time - there is no need for personal insults -

    Good luck to everyone else - even people that dont like me.

    OP - I thought you were wise and I know you are fed up - you never liked me and you prefer to believe lies you like than the truth.

    Please ban my account like you threatened to do some time ago you pile of useless manure.

  • Try do not be resentful for the beginning.

    Too power can change a man, and usually for the worse.I know this very well, believe me!I went through many life challenges...

    lol we all tend to be in right, but when u tend to be God like, this can be a very serious problem which can affect ur life and ur possibility for common sense decisions...and maybe this joke was born like a joke (God-like) but due to ur reaction must be something in it.

    I don't want to impress u with my knowledge and i will put this in PM rather then here, but u know due to ur previous decision and statement about PM...

    My question to you:
    Do you think, that i/we trying to help game and server/you, or you think that i want to ruin smth?

    EDIT: uhhh due to my bad type and lack of English lang my post comes with delay!But why to insult each others guys?Can we discuss like humans?

  • @Azadur
    thank you for proving my statements right
    yes you are right... i dont like you
    reason for that are your backstabbing comments towards me and my ex-clan which hold on for years meanwhile
    I respected you for your roleplay efforts (partly even liked your style) but these times seem to be over and got replaced by efforts to let certain ppl of this community look bad. I am sick to throw a dagger out of my back every few months just because you felt treaten unfair years ago. And yes I ignored you because the ppl of my old clan did act within the rules and in response to a violation that you previously did.
    However - despite my personal oppinion I seriously believe that I did treat you like anybody else here and never acted unfair to you (at least as far as i can remember).
    After all those years you are unable to let old issues drop and you used every chance to bring them up again.

    I wonder why you feel insulted by what I said... probably because I quoted something from you and used the expression "YOUR clan business" afterwards which actually was meant to be a general statement for all clans (based on the previous sentence).

    No - I wont ban you (yet) because I dont judge by personal feelings and oppinions which change from time to time (based on other ppls behavious). And I am also the guy who does ban ppl because of misunderstandings. I dont think that i am wise... but i am at least experienced. What you do now is your choice.

    You talk/write alot... but listening/reading/understanding is not your strength



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The thing you wisely said (even Idon't know about those issues) is a thing that happens with more people that are on the server, logically, the older players got weaker due to the ammount of problms they had, even that doesn't mean some newer players do that, just because they are weak at dropping things from the past, even a near one.

    And then, I think those both points are mostly true... mainly the first one.

    There already are some changes that are starting in the server... with a hope they won't disturb the players like SPs, neither any others. In a nearly desesperated try of a tiny group to help, and solve problems to make the mod we all Love to be as populated as others that has nothing original, like Discovery... they don't have any original addings to the mod, only some ships and systems, but they didn't needed to add more stuff, as they have more population than they need.

    I hope we could, once, (maybe like the next weekend), make another meeting within our group, with you OP, as you are the one with most experience, and opinion's value, and you also can make things that we as a group with different opinions from each clans and freelancers that seems better for all, or nearly.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote

    You talk/write alot... but listening/reading/understanding is not your strength

    lol OP you really think that i can be manipulated by some ppl that way

    No i just use "open and in the face way" that maybe can confuse you, but you are not so naive.

    Btw i never like so called friends who wait for opportunity (clever and cunning ppl) to say:

    Bond ahh you're so fucking in right
    Bond i like ur way
    Bond blah blah blah

    And listening/reading/understanding is my main power, and i can read u like open book m8, and that is the reason while i still reply to you.

    Now i will pls u one thing like i do some time ago with my friend and chief Gunny:

    "OP i like ur attitude but pls lower ur altitude"

    I am not melon i am MELLON ;)

  • i am not sure where i said anything about manipulation but i think that proves my point

    where in the entire thread did somebody say "melon" (except of you of course)?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • uhh sorry then, nothing new for me.I usually overrate ppl possibility for deep thinking...

    i still have a hope that u try smth like that(manipulate) in ur previous post
    ...and how about to say "ok lady i am so sorry pls come back"

    you know like gent to women, i mean in no way to show ur weakness...never, because women...ouch

    for example

    "Lucy my (i can't say baby) pls forgive me all, i was to stressed" ;)

    it's not so hard? ok?

  • First I want to say I feel worried about the current situation.

    I know Im a new player here, but i regularly check the forums, Im online as much as I can, and I believe Im observant enough to state some opinions on this situation.

    I have played many games online on many different servers/shards for years. I dont want to write very long so Ill cut it short.

    I think the most serious problem is the lack of enforcement. There are rules, that are neither loose nor oppressive, but they are not enforced. For this problem my opinion is to check when there are most online players and try to have Serverpolice online at those times. Maybe a shift to have at least one SP online at those times? I agree to both PipeHitter and Michael here, adequate punishment for offending and disrespecting players.

    As some players stated in their posts, we should organize some more entertaining stuff to keep people distracted and have good time at the server.

    I dont know if I will be explaining this one properly. In every game most players try to be the best, I mean have the best equipment, own the best ship, having the best statistics on the server etc. Here everyone has the best stuff, did all the quests, explored everywhere. All that could be done is done (for the gameplay part). I think the best motivation for players is (after having good and close friendships), to try to reach something that is hard to achieve. Like a very rare ship that needs you to pass through a very crowded difficult hostile space to get. Maybe making the best statistics in a perspective in the server a month and be awarded with something unique ( like a PPC but has green firing color, stats would be the same, just an example). Just to make the player feel that he accomplished a task and was rewarded with something that only belongs to him.

    Last thing is similar to the previous. An objective can be made available. To accomplish this mission, players would have to unite and play together. Like that example I gave before. An objective that it doesnt matter if you are a cop, a pirate, a merc, a smuggler or a freelancer. The only requirement is that you are a member of this community and want to achieve a goal that needs teamplay. It would boost the feeling of being a member of the community I believe.

    Before finishing my words, I want to say that the way I see the private servers is, we are all guests in here. That means we should remember this fact every time we do something. If we think this way I think most of the issues can be solved before they even begin. Im not trying to say we should obey everything staff says or they are gods and we are vassals. It should be something mutual.

    Finally I want to say I dont mean to disrespect anyone. These are just my opinions about this issue.

    Thanks for being patient and reading,


  • Quote

    Originally posted by DarkOmen
    I agree to both PipeHitter and Michael here, adequate punishment for offending and disrespecting players.

    Yes, and after a player get banned for a period, mostly small, one day, one week, depending, the other side of that conflict will have to drop off/forget about that problem. It's like somebody steal something, gets in jail, exit and ready, until he steal again he is innocent.¡, even with a bad past.

    yes, few months ago, I've posted on the CF 1.8 ideas thread, the same idea of putting something really hard, that can only be managed in teams, harder then the trip to Hyperspace... as now there are some that try reach Hyperspace in Starflier... and I tryed it also months ago.

    But that idea had nothing to see with conflits by then... even had something to see with creating more motivation for people.

    I've also posted something about, that there could be more ships with same stats, exactly same, where jsut the model, system and color differs :D It would bring diversity to the mod, as some are getting ships that are not the best, jsut to be different.



    Originally posted by Bond

    "OP i like ur attitude but pls lower ur altitude" (...) I am not melon i am MELLON ;)

    I can notice you respond quite well at anything that happens wrong to you, even nobody posted that on this thread. Even it may be on other forums, or happened in-game.

    The reason of this part is, multiply that with a big numer, and you will be near to imagine the problems some, like OP had in a game.

    And here you are Bond :)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • great post Dark and Mich but we try to deal with serverprobs here.That u talking about is for long term RP solutions and for sue this can affect server and game in positive way[thumb], but now we must be more specific and straight to the point...

    o dude i pls OP in the name of the many, with Gunny was different but again was the same, for good.You must learn to read between lines.


    Mich nothing happen to me, and you need to learn from "life book" and from books in general, my way of thinking and acting is quite opposite then many others>Because i almost never defend my ass in the first place.One day u will be able to take a look at all.I appreciate ur efforts, but be patient and door of knowledge will be opened for u.So far so good

    whisper*sshhh... take a look above*whisper ;)

  • They are not Just long term RP solutions, I was doing that (unfortunately by myself) since a while ago, and it worked, until now, with the specified reasons I wanted to decrease.

    Still I can't be very efficient alone.

    What we need now is dropping off things, and forget some replacing them with fun and other good freindships that some experience/feel.

    Didn't noticed you just edited your post while I made mine. Anyway that edit really is out of topic. Books, life and so on.

    Edit: Igo out, have a event to manage now :)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote

    o dude i pls OP in the name of the many, with Gunny was different but again was the same, for good.You must learn to read between lines.

    i please you bond to read what actually is written instead of coming up with wild interpretions which relect what you think but not what really has been said because exactly this "reading between the lines" has previously brought you into heavy troubles and also is reason for many other troubles on the server

    i also would welcome it if you would stop posting for a while because in my eyes you use way too many words to express way too less real content that does actually matter



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R

    I wonder why you feel insulted by what I said... probably because I quoted something from you and used the expression "YOUR clan business" afterwards which actually was meant to be a general statement for all clans (based on the previous sentence).

    I am going to give you some honest advice which I know you will not take - but I do not want to leave this place without trying.

    Firstly -

    (not because of lucy but because of azadur who meanwhile can do nothing more than talking bullshit in times of trouble -> thats actually the deja vu i can see here)

    This is the last insult I will read from you -

    Gunny simply asked what was discussed and I tried my best to summarise what was said - that point - by the way

    Number 10 - OP stay out of clan business

    Was not said by me - and I dont even agree with it.

    Nevertheless - I say

    1. Come to England and learn how to speak English - or at least wear another pair of shoes when you browse SWAT - if you do not, you will read what you want to read and only hear what you want to hear -

    2. Maybe it was years and years ago for you - but it is still in my memory.

    I emailed you personally about my issues expecting to be listened to and treated like a person - I suspect that you did not have time to read my post - and you will remember I waited and waited - and the troubles only started as you did not respond for some time...

    3. We are a community and a group of individuals - we all have our talents and skills and interests. Lucy herself is actually a writer and has a book in print - I for my sins have even written something for someone people may think is world famous.

    I have pride and some dignity.

    4. I can endure your former beloved clan calling me LP Coward for a very long time, I can endure your former clan mates accusing me of cheating for many many months and testing my ships, I can endure it when they F1 out in their trains, I can endure all your suicides and your constant switching and your false accusations - I can endure lots and lots and lots -

    But you closing a thread that I posted to raise the spirits of another member of the community I respect and admire (who is not in my clan and who I do not know very well) by saying I am talking bullshit - is too much.

    You went too far

    Although I thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet some wonderful people and even friends here -

    I used to agree a lot with you and I suggest you are right 99% of the time - but - but -

    I am taking whatever is left of my dignity and self respect out of here becasue when the leader of a community craps all over my reputation again and again - it is time to leave.


  • i dont have to be from england to understand the various posts where you did indirectly tried to discredit me with these old incidents... long time i ignored it az... a very long time (while the last one has been posted just one week ago)
    your opening of the last thread was respectless and deserved my reaction
    just like i wrote its not because of the purpose of the thread but because of the way it was done

    i also dont have to be from england to understand that the quote was not what you claimed... in no way said that it would be your oppinion nor did i try to direct something to you
    I made a general comment about the content of this quote... not about the person which posted it (you)
    sorry if you had the feeling that i would mean you

    I can also assure you that i read every pm as you can see in the pic below (while i dont reply to every pm due to the nature and style of the pm)
    I can remember BG members using F1 very often to defend Custodian which was under constant attack those days (also by LP) and I also remember suicided but those did not happen to escape fights as i personally (and most BGs) loved to fight and i remember that during that time my fighting abilities gave no reason for running away from anymore
    But that was ages ago. I dont hold any grudges with old opponents. Sleepy, mhawk, the nox guys and many others cant say that i still blame them or treat them different. LP was even born out of BG long time ago and got my personal support in the first years.
    But you cant forget that a few BGs once did hunt you down and that i decided that they did nothing wrong based on the system rules.

    (that pic should give you an impression of the PMs that I have to deal with and that I read them all - more than 1500 since last x-mas where i did clean my inbox - that is more than the numbers of posts that most of you have and the spam pms (UBS + forum games + replies to welcome messages) are not even included there)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Az is not responsible for anything which went wrong between PX and SFP - the opposite is correct, he was the one who was putting the cork into the bottle again. So don´t blaim him for things he never said or did please.

    Offendings between you and him are historical from both sides.

    My experience with Az is the following. We had our problems, we talked about things, we had a conclusion, we are mates now - it´s that easy with him if you just try it. If so you will meet a most interesting person - if not you will loose a chance.

    Since i do not know what was between him and you but i do not doubt that both of you are able to clear your problems like adults in the near future i have the honest feeling that you both have more commonalities than you both would ever think.

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