
There are 14 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Radowoj Lichtsyn.

  • Hi in this od u introduce few new hauses. i have an idea why not introduce a poland/Lithuania/Czech Republic/Slovakia etc? this countrys by liek a thousant of years rule europe becosue this was one country kindgom of poland. with best cavalery in world history :P i think if u introduce a countrys liek italia why not celebrate greate history of europe and bring some good old husaria to the freelancer? and there is alot of good historical ideas for ship desing like husars the winged polish cavalry etc. i can make some ship look ideas but im totally bad in all graphics things. but i can write a storyline ( i wrote a fantasy book :P) and help with story logic balance etc.


  • Hi mate.

    Very good from your part you want to help.

    Really, there are many unexplored parts of the world which haven't made their way onto the original Freelancer (Oceania, Central and South America, Asia and Eastern Europe).

    However, think about the Alliance-Coalition War. Russia was part of the Coalition. It was very likely they annexed Eastern Europe in the start of the war, right?

    So, working by this point, we can think that it was likely some from this part of the world became refugees in Alliance nations. And that those rebels could by some way or another arrived in the part of the Operation Exodus (which the 8 sleeperships were manufactured and launched).

    So, as there isn't room to a 9th sleepership, I can't have a house to your area. HOWEVER, if you can make a way to explain how they arrived in Sirius, WITH the Operation Exodus (dunno, maybe with support ships) you can have few Borderworlds...

    However, it'll be REALLY HARD to have a decent storyline in order to put a room for you.

    The area around Amazonia is already populated. Praetoria space is around Tau systems, and there's some room there. Gallia lies where Alaska was (Alaska just got a mirrored position), so there's room to just 2 Independent Worlds, and most likely they'll be fully controlled by the Columbia League (thx CA for the oppinion) in this war-time...

    So, good luck m8 ^^
    FW out.

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • Yo ;]
    I have another background for The Respublica (Polish : Rzeczyspospolita)

    As we know the Coalition have made atemps to colonize other wolrd (like Altair in Crossfrire mod)
    And this is where our story begins. The Coaltional Governement build Sleepership "Jogalia" to colonize new world somwhere in Altair. But the crew have been chosen carefully by the invisible hand of organization similar to . The Conspirators as are know in modern history of Respublica have changed the course of Jogalia and then ship signal have been lost from Coalitional radars and headed to the Sirius Sector (...) The have a long way since then (...) but they will never forget.

    The Systems of The Respublica are following: Polonnia (Poland), Baltica (Lithuania, and other Baltic States) , Ruthenia (Ukraina n Bialorussia) and Moravia (Slovakia and Czech) there also a border systems - Prussia (conection to Berlin on Lepzing) and Crimea (Conection to Kusari and Outcast space) . The country is elective monarchy (King is Popular figurehead and have little of power) Long Live King Adam Czartoryski! Main corporations are controlled by Great Families - The Magnates (Radziwil - Baltica; Polonia - Zamoyski; Ruthenia - Koniecpolski (?) or Chmielnicki; Moravia - Hod¾a) There also is a quasi scentific organization (they base is Gate of Dawn station in Baltica) known as The Church founded by creators of genetic modifications made to produce "greater human race more suitable to live in this far away in the stars" - because that Respublicans now are 1/5 of Nomad and 4/5 of Human ( yeah the whole population of modern Respublica ) , they are immune to nomand possesion . This is much why they are considered dangerous freaks (maybe also becase all man have mustaches) and isolated from other Houses by force.

    Lone Developer of Siderian Commonwealth for FL: Expanded Universe. Avoid contact if hostile.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. He did not avoided contact with me
    (" )_(" ) Now is kept as hostage . Remember his example.

    In battle, one must adhere to one's beliefs

  • Ya coz if there would be house called Slavia or Yugoslavia the Serbs would like to blow the whole universe in cause of GREAT SERBIA... National Imperialists hat want to subdue other nations... that IS SO GROSS. Thats only my personal viev on this matter.

    Bond and what ya think about my the whole story of mine?

    Lone Developer of Siderian Commonwealth for FL: Expanded Universe. Avoid contact if hostile.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. He did not avoided contact with me
    (" )_(" ) Now is kept as hostage . Remember his example.

    In battle, one must adhere to one's beliefs

  • Cool m8...

    Well, if there's enough time on the future ahead, we can really do something around that.

    I say future, because unfortunately this project is currently halted due to the lack of time to develop the mod, as I'm currently @ university, and I don't have really enough time to do anything, just few bugfixing.

    tl;dr we can do it ofc, but with time :D

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • Ur Story?You can read my opinion from my comments, but obviously not so clear for you.

    Any work for me is good, but i will try to avoid all this country names in wide, wide circles.Do you know why?
    Cos we are in fucked war in game, and any link with RL is not good.But ok, this happen already, long time ago in original Freelancer.

    IMO :)

    if you have time


    National Imperialists hat want to subdue other nations... that IS SO GROSS..

    1)are you sure that Serbs are that bad and stupid? 8)


    Thats only my personal viev on this matter.

    2)Ur personal view is only urs ofc, but try to find out, what was ur info source/sources ;)

    i don't know who wrote this, but bare in mind that every information, even misinformation is better then prejudice. :)

  • Okay okay... I am saying that I will now work on Respublica's systems (with Firewolf blessing)
    I have just needed some time to understand how the things should be done (I mean how to MOD fl)
    And I got one helper too :P

    Lone Developer of Siderian Commonwealth for FL: Expanded Universe. Avoid contact if hostile.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. He did not avoided contact with me
    (" )_(" ) Now is kept as hostage . Remember his example.

    In battle, one must adhere to one's beliefs

  • very good



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I got some reference matterial so basses would be awesome (at least i know how to model basses in FL Explorer).

    Alternatives names for Respublica:
    Bogolubi, Rodinia, Siderian Commonwealth

    "Pirate" group of the facion would go with name Haidamaka and have the base in Ruthenia system (Sich base at "Prohy" Field). They would be more like Unioners and Red Hessians than Liberty Rogue.

    The only one governemental military in country is Internal Security Corp. Therefore every magnate posses his own comput army composed from Respublica born soldiers and foreign mercenaries (mainly Kusarian Blood Dragons) in time of war those magnate armies would serve under command of ISC Commanders for greater glory of country. Quanity(numbers) of every magnates army would be voted by the parliament The Great Seimas

    Lone Developer of Siderian Commonwealth for FL: Expanded Universe. Avoid contact if hostile.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. He did not avoided contact with me
    (" )_(" ) Now is kept as hostage . Remember his example.

    In battle, one must adhere to one's beliefs

  • Quote

    Originally posted by AwesomeMan
    Why not put a Danish house.

    Danish? Well I think that would be possible but add Norway, Finland and Sweden to that to create " Sleipnir"

    As you can propably see "Respublica" or Siderian Commonwealth is an mosaic of nations of central Europe. I am not sure if I should ad Hungarians.... but they would propably go in to.

    Lone Developer of Siderian Commonwealth for FL: Expanded Universe. Avoid contact if hostile.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. He did not avoided contact with me
    (" )_(" ) Now is kept as hostage . Remember his example.

    In battle, one must adhere to one's beliefs