Sovetskya Rented

There are 123 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by {LP}SaxonRaider{X}.

  • Greetings to All.

    I am announcing I have rented Sovetskya and will be purchasing Office Space on Murmansk, second mountain to the left from the Space Dock.

    Rules are to follow soon^^

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • hmmmm that could be interesting .... good luck with ur new system:)

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

    If you would like to join a Military/Police Clan then click on the links below

    Home Of Sirius Federal

    Home of BloodGuard ..... --==BloodGuard==--

    A FreeLancers life is a good life

    In Game Chars

  • last time i asked, i was being told that only clans can rent sys.

    good luck and much fun with it anyways.

  • If I may quote one friend of mine: "hmmm, interesting".

    Good luck with your system.

    And Lucy, there are one man clans ;).

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Simba
    And Lucy, there are one man clans ;).

    arrrh, and what about one woman clans? discrimination is what i call it X(

    Good thing i joined the best clan at the right time or i would get mad right now :D

  • Id like to rent the planet stuttgard and charge you all docking fees

    When you empty the rubbish some of it comes out on top

  • Quote

    Originally posted by darkjedi
    congrats gunny :D
    btw any1 with money can rent a system ^^

    Serverrules say clans can rent systems, but then again, that's not the only rule that's not THAT clear.

  • that rule is clear
    and its not violated in any kind



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Interesting choice of system, Good Luck with it.

    Lt-Cornel Ancalagon the Black

    The early bird might get the worm
    The second mouse gets the cheese

  • Sigh - I thought the days of 50mill for a ship were over.

    Can I assume my Press Pass will get me into Sovets or do I need to submit myself to a security check?

    You probably will be hiring the mighty IFC clan for all your security needs and food shipments.

    Good luck - change is good and innovation even better.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    that rule is clear
    and its not violated in any kind

    Means Gunny is in an "official, yet unkown" serverclan? Dont they need to be approved by the leaders or so?
    All that hiding, faking and half-honest being. I hope the people stand to their flag one day again.

  • i guess i am a leader and approved it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ Dr.Straw.........half faking and hiding? Constant shit attacks like this is what made us decide to close CFPD to begin with. So why don't we all agree to let is stop right now.

    @SUPER....the coalition have a good place in our mission, not to mention the women their are better looking than Lucy's tribe on Malta^^

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Rackateer
    [..] not to mention the women their are better looking than Lucy's tribe on Malta^^

    Owch! ^^ xD

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • I forsee lots of coalition bribes in Gunny's clan's future...

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Yes,

    Interesting RP days ahead of us!

    Also as Natasha's Pimp I can arrange private meetings with her and her sisters for a small fee :)