A Lil' Homage to the Girl I Love

There are 45 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Fire_Wolf_br.

  • Note: OP allowed me to post in this section. So, plz don't move/lock this thread ^^

    This little homage is dedicated to the love of this guy who's writing here: Wellington R. Monteiro, also known as Fire_Wolf_br. Her name is Maiara, and this homage is being done here just to say to everybody who wants to hear it how big my love for her is.

    While all the stars of this Universe are totally jealous with her unique beauty, charisma and charm, I, Fire_Wolf_br, every minute I'm alive I think of you and I wonder how someone can be so... beautiful. I know there are many people desiring you, but I also know their interest is only physical and temporary, which doesn't have any relation with the feeling I have, which many call "Love". Also, this is another reason why I did this: to show to all the world that what I feel isn't just something physical and temporary; that there are many other things other than these sensations which don't even deserve to be called as "feelings". Then, I'd like to say her one thing:
    "You're the inspiration of my life, you're the reason to make my days a happy and memorable experience in the Earth, you're the sole reason to continue making my heart beating. I love you."

    Diese Homageist der Liebe des Schreibers dieser Zeilen gewidmet: Wellington R. Monteiro, auch bekannt als Fire_Wolf_br. Ihr Name ist Maiara und diese Widmung wurde geschrieben, um allen, die es hören wollen zu sagen, wie sehr ich sie liebe.

    Alle Sterne dieses Universums sind eifersüchtig auf ihre einmalige Schönheit, ihr Charisma und ihren Charme. Ich Fire_Wolf_br denke jede Sekunde meines Lebens an dich und wundere mich, wie jemand so schön sein kann. Ich weiss dass sehr viele Leute dich begehren aber ich weiss dass ihr Interesse nur körperlich und vorübergehend ist. Und das hat nichts mit dem Gefühl gemein, welches ich für dich empfinde und welches viele "Liebe" nennen würden. Das ist ein weiterer Grund, wieso ich das mache: Um der ganzen Welt zu zeigen dass was ich für sie empfinde mehr ist als nur physisch und vorübergehend. Und zum Schluss möchte ich ihr nur noch eins sagen:
    "Du bist die Inspiration meines Lebens, Du machst meine Tage glücklich und erinnernswert, Du lässt mein Herz weiter schlagen. Ich liebe Dich."

    [Brazilian Portuguese]
    Esta pequena homenagem é dedicada ao amor da pessoa a qual escreve aqui: Wellington R. Monteiro, também conhecido como Fire_Wolf_br. Seu nome é Maiara, e esta homenagem está sendo feita aqui apenas para dizer para todos que queiram ouvir o quanto é grande o meu amor por ela.

    Enquanto todas as estrelas deste Universo estão cheias de inveja por não terem a sua beleza, carisma e charme únicos, eu, Fire_Wolf_br, a cada minuto em que eu estou vivo eu penso em você e imagino como alguma pessoa pode ser tão... linda. Eu sei que há muita gente por aí te olhando, te querendo, mas eu também sei que o interesse deles é apenas físico e temporário, e que não têm nenhuma relação com o sentimento que eu tenho, o qual muitos chamam de "Amor". E também esse é um outro motivo para explicar por que eu criei isto: para mostrar para todo o planeta que o que eu sinto não é algo físico ou temporário; e o que eu sinto por você não se compara com essas sensações, que nem merecem ser chamadas de "sentimentos". Então, eu gostaria de dizer a você mais uma coisa:
    "Você é a inspiração da minha vida, você é a razão de fazer todos os meus dias uma feliz e inesquecível experiência na Terra, você é a única razão para fazer com que o meu coração continue batendo. Eu te amo."

    Questo piccolo omaggio è dedicato all'amore di questa persona che sta scrivendo qui: Wellington R. Monteiro, anche conosciuto come Fire_Wolf_br. Il suo nome è Maiara e questo omaggio si sta facendo qui solo per dire a tutti che la sentono quanto è grande il mio amore per lei.

    Finchè tutte le stelle di questo universo sono totalmente gelose con la sua unica bellezza, carisma e fascino, io Fire_Wolf_br, ogni minuto che sono vivo io penso a te e mi meraviglio come qualcuno può essere così... bella. Io so che ci sono alcune persone attorno che guardandoti, desiderandoti,ma io so anche che i loro interessi sono solo fisici e temporanei, che non hanno nulla a che fare con la sensazione che io ho, che molti chiamano "Amore". Quindi, questa è un altra ragione per cui ho fatto questo: per mostrare a tutto il mondo che cosa provo non è solo temporaneo e fisico; che ci sono alcune altre cose come queste sensazioni che non meritano di essere chiamate "sensazioni". Quindi mi piacerebbe dirgli una cosa:
    "Tu sei l'inspirazione della mia vita, tu sei la ragione per rendere i miei giorni una felice e memorabile esperienza sulla Terra, tu sei la sola ragione per continuare a far battere il mio cuore. Io ti amo".

    Ce petit hommage est dédié à celle que celui qui écrit ceci, Wellington R. Monteiro aka Fire_Wolf_br, aime. Son nom est Maiara, et cet hommage est rendu ici juste pour dire à qui veut l'entendre à quel point je l'aime.

    Alors que toutes les étoiles de l'Univers sont jalouses de sa beauté, de son charisme et de son charme, moi, Fire_Wolf_br, chaque minute de ma vie je pense à toi et je me demande comment quelqu'un peut être aussi... belle. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui te regardent, qui te veulent, mais je sais aussi que le intérêt n'est que physique et temporaire, ce qui n'a rien à voir avec le sentiment que j'ai, que beaucoup appellent "l'Amour". Et c'est une autre raison pour laquelle j'ai fait ceci: pour montrer au monde entier que ce que je ressent n'est pas simplement physique et temporaire, qu'il y a beaucoup d'autres choses que ces sensations qui ne méritent même pas d'être appelées "sentiments". Puis, j'aimerais lui dire une chose:
    "Tu es l'inspiration de ma vie, tu es la raison pour faire de mes jours une expérience heureuse et mémorable sur Terre, tu es l'unique raison pour que mon coeur continue de battre. Je t'aime."

    Esta pequeña homenage es una dedicación a lo amor de una persona que los escrive aqui: Wellington R. Monteiro, aun conocido como Fire_Wolf_br. Su nombre es Maiara, y el está a hacier esta homenagen aqui solamiente para decir para todos los que queiran sentir su gran amor por Maiara.

    Encuanto las estrelas de el universo estan llenas de envidia por no seren bonitas como usted, teneren su carisma y encanto, yo, Fire_Wolf_br, a cada miñuto en que estoy a vivir penso en ti y en mi pensamientos imagino como alguna cosa puede ser linda como tú. Soy cierto de que hay personas mirando te, te quierendo, pero se tambien que solamiente los gustan su cuerpo, es algo por corto tiempo, y no es como lo q yo sinto por tú, una cosa que a muchos se llama "Amor". Y tembien es esta la otra razon para yo criar esto: para demonstrar para toda la Tierra que lo que hay en mi corazón no es una cosa solamiente por tu cuerpo o por poco tiempo; y o que yo sinto por tú no es como meros sentimientos que los que estan alredor dijen "Amor", y no se merecen que llamen así. Entonses es un gusto decir te mas una última cosa:
    "Tú es la inspiración de mi vida, es tú quien hace todos los dias, dias de extrema felicidad, y hace tambien me gustar mucho cada dia en la Tierra, y tú tambien es la unica razón para que mi corazón se continue pulsandu! Yo te amo."

    ī mazā mājaslapa ir veltīta ī čaļa, Wellington R. Monteiro, arī zināma kā Fire_Wolf_br, mīlestībai. Tās nosaukums ir Maiara, un ī mājaslapa eit ir izveidota tikai lai pastāstītu visiem, kas vien vēlas dzirdēt, cik liela ir mana mīla pret viņu.

    Kamēr visām Visuma zvaignēm skau par tās unikālo skaistumu un armu, es, Fire_Wolf_br, katru savas dzīves minūti donāju par to un brīnos, kā gan kāds var būt tik ... skaists. Es zinu, ka visapkārt daudzi cilvēki lūkojas uz tevi, grib tevi, bet es arī zinu, ka viņu interese ir tikai fiziska un īslaicīga, glui pretēja manām jūtām, kuras es saucu par mīletību. is ir vēl viens iemesls manai rīcībai: lai parātītu visai pasaulei, ka tas, ko es jūtu nav tikai kaut kas fizisks un īslaicīgs, ka ir daudzas citas lietas bez tām sajūtām, kuras nemaz nav pelnījuas tā saukties. Tad es gribētu teikt tikai vienu:
    "Tu esi mana dzīves iedvesma, tu esi tā, kas mana mūa dienas padara par laimīgu un mūīgi atmiņā paliekou pieredzi uz Zemes, tu esi īstais manas sirds pukstēanas iemesls. Es tevi mīlu."

    Sitas mazytis pagarbos zenklas yra skirtas meilei vaikino rasancio cia: Wellington R. Monteiro, dar zinomas kaip Fire_Wolf_br. Jos vardas yra Maiara, ir sita auka yra daroma norint pasakyti visiems, kas nori girdeti, kaip stipriai jis ja myli.

    Kol visos visatos zvaigzdes pavydi jos unikalaus grozio, zavesio ir talento, as, Fire_Wolf_br, kiekviena minute galvoju apie tave ir stebiuosi, kaip kas nors gali buti toks... grazus. As zinau, zmones ziuri i tave, nori taves, bet ju susidomejimas yra tik fizinis ir laikinas, todel tai nekeicia jausno, kuri as turiu, jausma daugelio vadinamu "Meile". Be to, yra dar viena priezastis kodel as tai darau: as noriu parodyti visam pasauliui, kad tai ka as jauciu nera kaskas fizinio ir laikino, kad yra daug kitu dalyku, netik pojuciai, kurie net nenusipelno buti vadinami "Jausmais". Noreciau jai pasakyti viena dalyka:
    "Tu esi ikvepimas mano gyvenime, tu esi dalykas padarantis mano dienas linksma ir isimintina patirtimi zemeje, tu esi vienintele priezastis vercianti mano sirdi plakti. As tave myliu."

    Това малко обяснение е посветено на любовта на човека който пише тук : Уелингтън Р. Монтейро, също познат като Fire_Wolf_br. Нейното име е Марая, и този обяснение в любов е направен тук само за да каже на всеки който иска да чуе, колко голяма е любовта му към нея.

    Докато всички звезди в тази вселена са напълно ревниви заради нейната уникална красота, харизма и чар, Аз, Fire_Wolf_br, всяка изминала минута в която съм жив мисля за теб и се чудя как някой може да бъде толкова ... красив. Знам, че има много хора които те желаят, но и знам че техния интерес е само психически и временен, който няма никаква връзка с чуството което аз усещам, чуството което повече то наричат "любов". Също така, това е другата причина да направя това : да покажа на всички, на света, че това което аз чуствам не е просто временно; Че има още много други неща, различни от тези, които дори не заслужават да бъдат наречени "чуства". Тогава, искам да и кажа само едно нещо :
    "Ти си вдъхновението ми за живот, ти си причината която прави дните ми радостни и запомнящи се на Земята, ти си причината за която сърцето ми продължава да бие. ОБИЧАМ ТЕ".

    Deze kleine huldiging is gedediceerd voor de lief van het type die hier schrijft: Wellington R. Monteiro, ook bekend als Fire_Wolf_br. Haar naam is Maiara, en deze huldiging woord gemaakt om aan iedereen te zeggen die het weten willen hoe groot mijn lief voor haar is.

    Terwijl alle sterren van het universum nijdig zijn van haar uniek schoonheid, charisma en charme, ik, Fire_Wolf_br, denk elke minuut van mijn leven aan jou en ik ben verwondert hoe iemand zo prettig zijn kan. Ik weet dat veele mensen jou verlangen, maar ik weet dat wier interesse alleen lichamelijk en tijdelijk zijn, wat niets met mijn voelen te doen heeft, wat veele "Lief" noemen. Dat is ook een grond waroom ik dit gedaan heeft: om de heele wereld te betonen dat wat ik voel is niet alleen iets lichamelijk en tijdelijk; dat het veele andere dinge geeft dan deze sentimenten welke men nog niet mal "Sentimenten" noemen kan. Dan zou ik haar iets zeggen:
    "Je bent de inspiratie van mijn leven, je bent de grond mijn dagen op de aarde lustig en afwachting te maken, je bent de enige grond voordurend voor mijn haart te kloppen. Ik hou van jou."

    [SIZE=1]A big thx to all those who helped me to translate the text![/SIZE]

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • :)) Lucky girl! Best wishes to both of you! :D

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
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  • nice girl - now i understand why he has not much time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
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    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • nice nice, enjoy your life m8 with her ofc.

  • Very cool. May your lives be blessed with love, happiness, good health, and togetherness.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

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  • Best wishes mate :))

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
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    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Congratulations, love is rare, she´s as lucky as you - all the best to you both and two smiles for every day of your life.

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    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Boa sorte paras voces, e lembren-se que o amor tem tudo a ver com partilha, se tiverem isto em mente, pode durar para sempre, asiim tem sido comigo e Eclipsya.


  • @everyone: thanks ppl! I thought this was a nice way to tell about my feelings :D

    However, I think this is the moment to tell more details.

    Well, as said in the text, there are really many ppl around her, and I would like to say her about what I feel towards her. So, the idea was really to make a surprise to her (what a big surprise btw :P)

    She liked it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, but she was *rly* surprised too. Of coz, I posted this in 13 different forums around the world! :D

    Well, for now she said she just want friendship, but according to some ppl around (her), she said that moments later she read everything I did for her (she was for forty minutes without reply in the MSN) that she wanted friendship, but in another window a friend said she said him (ya can understand? :P) she almost cried when she saw the homage. So I guess she was and is still confused with everything, and it'll take some time (weeks?) for me to receive a more consistent reply. Until that, I'll keep tryin', because, as someone here said in a very known phrase:

    I'm brazilian and I never give it up! :D

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • Oooh, and just to say, she lives very near from my home (10 mins. walking). So, you ask me: why you're using MSN than talking face-to-face?

    Dunno, maybe coz I'm idiot :P

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • Quote

    I'm brazilian and I never give it up! :D

    Indeed, never give up, that's the spirit...

    I always had the bad luck to engage with girls who looked good, but were lazy as hell, work ??? omg I'll get tired.

    The girl you're talking about reminds me of my current GF, good looking...brunette and above all...very intelligent (university graduate)

    I never thought I would have a relationship for so long...we're a happy couple for almost 9 years now...

    I have one more thing to add...about the friendship thing she wants just for now... she is struggling, I'm guessing that she wants u as bad as u want her, only she keeps her distance ( I had the same experience :P)

    Don't try to force it to much, wait, give her the 'friendship' she wants and she will be yours anytime soon ;)

    Good luck 8)

    And yea, ur probably an idiot, but that's only because you're crazy in love, so it's no big deal :P

    Peace is a lie
    There is only passion
    Through passion I gain strength
    Through strength I gain power
    Through power I gain victory
    Through victory my chains are broken
    The Force shall set me free

  • Maybe you have a confidence problem. I think you should meet her personally.

    If she wants to meet you rather than wait for weeks. ;) :P


  • I meet her every weekend (person-to-person), buuuut she don't talks so much w/ me =S

    Anyways, after what I did it's been somewhat hard to one talk to the other, coz... Dunno, this is strange... Something strange in the air, perhaps because I told her about my feelings and she knew that was serious =X

    Also, this wasn't really a surprise, because someone told her about what I would show her. I only told that to 3 friends, and I'll discover who said that...

    I'll meet her in 1 hour, and I desperately need some subject to talk with her, about what I did, but not something too "hard" to tell, because I already was so fast in the relationship doing this, and I want do something more "soft" now. Got it? Just talk about what I did, but not asking for something right now.

    This is hard, I know. This is the human relationship, anyways 8)

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

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    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • I guess you maybe at a dead end here if she does not even want to talk to you. :(

    I guess one of your friends has a crush on her so be careful from now on.