A final warning

There are 125 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crimson Guard.

  • AWEWWE PLEAWSSE!!!! Stope that sweetralk. I`m not bvlinds, & i hope noobn e other is. Its obviosu that that apppology off yourd iss nothuin but hot air, to caslm us down, so you can keepo up with the schit.

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • Hmmmmmm Laser have u been drinking your letters seem a little jumbled rofl:)

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Centaurian
    Well, this is not what I expected from being transparent with OP, but it should be plain to most that my restrictions on my officers were not without reason. I have done my best as a first-time clan leader to balance the tendencies of strong personalities with server-wide opportunities for fun. I can't express how deeply saddened I am by all that has transpired in the last week, especially that I was unable to communicate more effectively with my own friends of nearly 2 years. I nearly lose the heart to continue, except that I cannot turn away from my own commitment to my clan and community. Perhaps we should all take some deep breaths, have a good cry, and go smell the roses for a while...

    Hear hear - I totally agree.

    This place has changed in many subtle ways - many in a bad way.

    There is a lot of mistrust and other stuff going on.

    We all used to be good friends - now many things are secret.

    I suggest we all do what our parents taught us and treat others how we would like to be treated.

    The first thing I suggest is to stop this KOS business and say "tax pls2 or "fine pls" before engaging anyone.

    Giving everyone the opp to either pay or fight.

    The continuous fighting is getting tiresome.


  • Since were here, what exactly is BGs RP? cos i really cant tell ?(

    Pie? Rats? In space? Have you gone mad?
    Arrrr Pirates Arrrr!!

  • I heard nothing about bounty on gal,only thing i knew re gal/bg this week was unprevoked attack on our former leader who u "slayer" called a liar last nite .For me personally since i became dd i have stayed out of ur business as gettin involved with bg /cfpd seems to be like winning an ass kicking contest with only one leg. For example me and tito were it stut minding our own business when mr kermit says dd will be shot on sight i was attacked by cfpd officer and mn crimson unprevoked attacks give me a break!!

    Aquila non capit muscam !

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  • Please do not continue with the hating against one another. This is a comunity of friends playing a game.

    My words created this mistrust and anger. Please end it now.

    I have much to atone for. Please dont let my shameful and dishonorable words continue to be a wedge between good people.

    I beg you please.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Mu La Flaga
    Since were here, what exactly is BGs RP? cos i really cant tell ?(


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  • Well DD doesnt seem with enough evidence to b in the matter but I do see that Flash prob knew.

    And as for all this it will b better to let it pass on. And atleast he had the pride to say he was sorry for it. And last as I heard this was on IOC forum. What goes on in there if things like this happen?

  • Listen

    In April of this year I set a self imposed embargo on BG because of the way I was treated.

    This was only after stuff going on even before that.

    Those problems I had - not many cared about - but to their credit some did - some even in BG so thanks.

    I am not an unfair player - or some bad person, I believe I am quite friendly and helpful person - I just don't like unfairness, bullying etc - even if its in my own clan - I will say it.

    The Mercs on the server were effectively declared KOS status by BG and CFPD for consorting with pirates or whatever.

    And they got the KOS treatment from those legal authorities a few of us have experienced before.

    IOC got declared illegal or whatever for smuggling and doing hits on cops/ BG or whatever

    Nearly everyone on the server trades BMG, I cant even call it a valid roleplay - who does not trade or smuggle?

    Sure I dont know what I am talking about - the communication in this place is poor - who really knows the whole story?

    I suggest we set all clan status to Nuetral and start again and remem we were a community and stop this KOS stuff

    I killed a BG train this afternoon without warning and nearly kicked of a server clan war - wtf is going on?

    Last time i did that some time ago - BG Gal was very very good about it.

    Those of us that did this neg stuff - post ur apologies and how u gonna make it up.

    Burro already did it.

    No one wants a war - if there is one I will not fight in it.


  • Burro - sure you plotted against Gal - if u say u did. Fine.

    Heck I have wanted to do the same against that whole clan - yes and even Gunny and his cronies.

    Mate BG Gal and BG DS killed my 12 times as I was undocking in an APC in Manchester - one APC against 2 VHF BG experts - hmmm

    I was waiting to see how many times they would do it - until even after I was bankrupt or not (but yes they have a heart - they stopped at 12)

    To tell you the truth - some of the stuff they did to me (inclu d cops) makes me even cry if I tell you.

    Burro mate - ur ALWAYS been a good guy here - LOL even I have my madness moments (remem my invasion of Custodian?) and u helped me with that 100%

    I trust you 100% mate - lets get back online and u can do those merc contracts Gal put on me today (about 4) or DD will get em first.

    Go and see one of your hot women with the dental probs and come back.

  • @ Maudib i respect your comments the fact that u single handidly nearly kicked of a clan war is untrue attacks on BG with no prior warning have been happening for sometime now you were just one of many please dont feel that your to blame for all of this.

    @ Priv thankyou m8 as a long time respected member of this community your oppinions mean a lot:)

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • After reading what I have seen so far, I am amazed at the audacity of some ppl.

    Burro was the first friend I made in coming back to CF and we have been good friends all the while. I have even made good friends of all the fine people here.

    Though I will not make any excuses for this behavior, I also will not believe for one moment that he was alone in all this.

    Burro mate, your apology should be accepted by all, and it will be by me. Time will take care of the rest.

    But those who hid in the shadows like slugs and pushed Burro from behind the scenes, thats a different story - and one that won't soon be forgotten OR forgiven.

    Fair warning my young kiddies:

    Get a grip of yourselves or Daddy will come calling.

    Returning from the ashes of outrageous misfortune 8).

  • ROFLMFA Eddie superb post m8 i love it:) hehehehe

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

    If you would like to join a Military/Police Clan then click on the links below

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by BG_slayer
    @ Maudib i respect your comments the fact that u single handidly nearly kicked of a clan war is untrue attacks on BG with no prior warning have been happening for sometime now you were just one of many please dont feel that your to blame for all of this.

    I dont mate - it would be stupid of me to think that something I have been doing to BG, and being done to me my BG, would kick this off.

    LOL this relationship I have with BG started as soon as I tagged as {LP} in January

    But this stuff going on is completely nuts and not the server I been part of since Dec 05 and even before that.

    If you want to kill the Bee Gees and Doughnut eating cops - lets do it the old fashion way.

    The KOS on mercs needs to stop, infact all KOS need to stop.

    DD Hassassin - start giving warnings mate


  • Eddie thank you for forgiving me. I dont deserve it but I thank you all the same.

    M8 I tell you the truth the sick post was conceived by me alone.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • Well now that everyone else had their chance: I will personally speak for the actions taken against me. 39 Merc hits in 3 weeks and you wonder why I get a little upset? Then I see a member of BG getting the same treatment and you wonder why I bring CFPD to the battle lines? Do the math.

    I see a friend who I helped substantially with tons of my time , get his new clan going ( (IOC) ) two years ago and you wonder why I act the way I do?

    I see my clan treated like garbage because of what I do as SP? And you wonder why I act like I do?

    I hear the two-faced lies ( with screenies)from a specific player, smiling to my face then doing other things to smear my name ( I can do that on my own thanks :D ). And you wonder why I do what I do?

    I see another friend who I gave lots of money to when he started here, rise to great status on CF, only to see him used and now discredited.

    I DONT see any more of those guilty parties OR the true catalyst taking what responsibility "they" had in this debacle and all out mutiny against Crossfire.....thats right, your actions (not Burro) affected this server and none have the go-nads to stand up. (exception to Burro).

    And in the end, I make the efforts to bring the IOC Chairman and Burro to the table to start talking this out.

    And most of you wonder why I do the things I do?

    Honor, Integrity, Dedication and SERVICE to this Community and Server, regardless of your faults, bullshit, lies, conspiracies and backstabbing diplomacy....is why I do what I do.

    CFPD will stand down from any more KOS. We have a clan to help rebuild.

    Edit: And for the other guilty parties, don't take the cowards way out and leave the server. Stay here and FIX the problems you started.

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    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

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    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.