Posts by LordRaydenMK

    Unable To Execute File:

    E: Program Files/Freelancer Mod Manager/FLModManager.exe

    Create Process Failed; Code2

    The System Cannot Find The File Specified

    I'm Doing a complete install on a Windows 10 Laptop. So far Vanilla FL doesn't seem to start but its apparently a very common occurrence on this OS, so I decided to just download Crossfire anyway. I had this error ^^ happen just after the Crossfire installer. I really wanna get back to doing what I'm best at: Looting wrecks because they can't fight back, and losing miserably in PVP then make myself out to be a top pvper.

    I did try to find the Windows 10 Installation Guide, but it appears lost amongst the many threads here, so I'm posting this as a newer thread.

    Any help would be appreciated

    Those look super nice to play, but nothing beats the original for me

    I’ve been trying to find games like it on iOS, but as usual, iOS is fairly limited

    Anybody else have any experience with MOO?(No not the animal that goes moo)

    Currently playing the 2016 MOO and find it a hell of a lot more better then MOO3, although my personal favourite is MOO2

    Also, what’s a decent race to use? I personally enjoy Psilon for late game but they seem to get wiped out pretty easy early to mid game

    Well, you can de-activate your mod in FFLM, and you can change your Main Menu music in the nod options.

    Otherwise, I wouldn’t suggest trying to edit or remove the items as it could potentially ruin your game, and it sorta goes against the license agreement

    Sorry about that young space cadet, I relocated for a *brief* amount of time, but anyway... where were we?

    Ah yes, the 80 year war. So, of course you heard about the conflict between the GMG and the Rheinland military? Yeah... they hated each other’s guts for so long, you’d be surprised that they never initially started their war. In fact, both sides were scared of each other. Rheinland needed their H-Fuel and were scared of their superiority fighters, and the GMG were worried that the Rheinland war machine alongside with their secret experiments would cleanse them from the sector. Well, it may be surprising, but in fact, the Bretonian Special Forces had a large part of this war. But let me explain further.

    You see, a bretonian going by the name of Lieutenant Lee Hash was exploring in his Clydesdale vessel in amongst the gas cloud of Sigma-13. He was collecting H-Fuel to sell for a tidy profit back on Planet Leeds. Often, he’d fly past a Rheinland military patrol and then he’d stumble into heavily protected gas miners, with escort fighters in Eagles and falcons. He knew it was only a matter of time before something happens and the whole system goes kablooey... so why not give it a little kickstart? Lord Hajima of the GMG was presiding in a small base just outside the small gas cloud that was in the centre of the system. Using intel that he... earnt off the Hogosha, he also established that there was another base presiding rather close to the base. An odd base with many flaws that the GMG miners were always seen mooring and offloading their fuel. If the base was somehow... compromised, it would mean that the H-Fuel and all the other elements combined that give it the ability to be processed into fuel, would spew back into the system, giving it a new look.

    So for that, he went into Bretonia. He organised a small wing of bombers that would pelt the weakest parts of the base with Sunslayer torpedos which would then implode, destroying anything near its vicinity and making the whole system a pretty cloudy blue.

    He came back with the bombers but however, stopped into Rheinland and supplied the bombers with the Rheinland Military tags. There was a lot more preparation involved but we’ll skip that needless information shall we?

    Soon, a band of 12 bombers were stationed just outside the base. Each, they lined up their missile salvos and launched a volley of torpedos right at the weakest source of the station. Before the GMG had time to respond, the station was blown to bits, and anything close to the explosion was vaporised immediately, including half of the bombers.

    Well after identifying the tags of the wreckages, the GMG were quick to engage any Rheinland forces left in the system, declaring an act of war on the explosion of the station. Rheinland, didn’t care about their accusations but rather the deaths of the pilots involved after the base was destroyed. Soon, all our war was commenced and sigma-13 was the battlezone. The lieutenant, did even more cruel sadistic stuff about that, and died because of his actions, but his most terrible legacy was the war that he started

    If there’s one thing that the OP does is to warn others to not modify, delete or add specific files in the game. Mainly because making one slip up can crash the entire thing. Plus I believe it is against the Terms and conditions that was made. Just mute the background music in the audio tabs and play music you want from YouTube with headphones ;)

    Well I guess I may also indulge in this thread

    Well my names Rayden, as per my username, however I prefer to go by Ray. It’s more simpler and I notice not many people refer to me as the lightning guy in the Mortal Kombat series

    My father introduced me to Freelancer ages ago. Can’t remember when but I was definitely smol when I started playing Vanilla. I always thought it was an amazing game. We never really gave much thought to multiplayer as single player was always captivating enough. Flying around in a fully decked out Sabre or a titan, taking out bounty hunters with nomad weaponry. I didn’t really think the game could get much better then this. That is until we were introduced to mods. And then we started on Discovery. Now I’m not sure that I’m allowed to sound generally happy about discovery on the forums here, but bare with me here, our first time playing, was FUN. It was so much different compared to Vanilla. The vast new ships and weaponry, the new factions. The fact you can do unrealistic things was sorta exciting too, such as flying alien ships and such. But it started to get boring. We bounced around from mod to mod finding one that would top it. Shattered Worlds, Takagi’s treasure, but one that we found really good was Frontierspace. Even more vast gameplay compared to Discovery. But it was lacking a certain something. We wanted more story in our gameplay. The campaign for Vanilla was really fun and we wanted to experience another one somewhat like it, but no mod had a decent storyline. A few had incorporated the basic Vanilla storyline, but meh. And then we found Crossfire. The 1.9 version. Now, uhh installing the mod was difficult for us. We weren’t too much software savvy, so after a few hours of trying to get it work, we finally did. And it completely astounded us. We didn’t think it would change the way we looked at the game, but whoa boy it really did. Flying around in a Sabre with decked out codename weaponry in the first five missions, the vanilla campaign was an ease to get through. And then the extended campaign? The whole game just got better and better. I ended up trying Multiplayer first because of curiosity. My first character, Back_Knight (because we didn’t realise that the button L hid the HUD at the time) ended up getting lost as I travelled all the way to Planet Lost Paradise and was subject to immediate problems with it much to our small amount of knowledge about the place. We ended up waiting a while for Crossfire 2.0 to come out, so we passed the time going around in Singleplayer. I often enjoyed hunting down alien weapons with god mode on because it was fun and easy. When 2.0 was released, My father and I immediately got into Multiplayer. And thus, DrDredd was born, and dented_ship shortly after. Being new, we were... sorta bad, even though we rocker singleplayer, but the missions often helped us with the escape pods and such, and it took a while to even try get Nomad weapons. But we had help. Several people in the server had helped us throughout our time. We are really thankful for them, and I don’t think we’d be the players we were today without the likes of ThanhRui, Wanderer, Ajay, AZ, Denne, countless others. We ended up getting really good. Good traders, good pvp’ers, good hunters. Especially since we joined the |Dark Phoenix| clan. After a while of being in the clan, I was offered a Galaxy Ranger position for another clan, which stupidly I wanted to take because why not? You get a cool ass ship, with a cool ass rail gun and a cool ass position in the forums. I sure as hell wanted to take it. I ended up joining. And in fair honesty, I realised it was a horrible mistake. I mean |RA| wasn’t too bad of a clan, but it felt wrong taking a GR position so I just decided to stay in RA for a while to see if I felt right to try and earn it. After fanatic roleplayer PE became their GR, I wanted back into DP. I mean, I’ve been in that clan for quite a long time for me, it felt like I was betraying my family. So I greased up and came back to that clan and haven’t left the clan since. I continued to grind and get better at the game until I couldn’t anymore due to IRL issues and problems and such and such. I’ve been really meaning to come back to the game for quite a long time, but so far, I’ve been stuck without a PC, and currently find a place to rent or board that I can afford. But I’m taking it at a step at time. And each step I take, is another step into adulthood and another step into coming back into the greatest mod for a really great game.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk

    It’s a nice peaceful morning aboard the slipshod bucket of rust Battleship commanded by Dr Dredd. It starts off as usual, a nice coffee in the morning, a newspaper in hand, and a view of clear space right on the bridge of the |DP| Nautilus. The only thing that differed from making it the perfect morning was the sudden coms alert that shook Dredd and ended up spilling his hot coffee all over him. Normally Dredd would’ve cursed and ignored it, but no one would call if it wasn’t urgent. He sighs and answers it only to find it wasn’t necessarily a call, but rather an automated call conveying a bunch of coordinates which with thorough research ended up to be precisely in the Weth system at the Mrrtrak battle station which was rather odd... the invaders were cleared out years ago, and humans can’t pose no significant threat. Since this was extremely odd, Dredd decided to take the call out, preparing his battleship and setting course for Omega-3.

    So far, Dredd hasn’t encountered too many threats. The occasional Corsair and Red Hessian raid often crossed his path, which Dredd let through out of the goodness of his blackened heart but also because time is of the essence to see what the callout was for in Weth. At long last, he arrives in a dead and quiet system. Omega-3, Which is not only home to one of two Hypergates to the Inner Core, but also home to a new clan, one which he needs to avoid. And much to his luck, he made it safely to the Hypergate. At first glance, he thought that they must’ve been disabled, but when he asked to board, he was met with a positive AI response. As soon as he boarded, he tried talking to the AI, but they only replied with simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers. He then suspiciously refueled and resupplied his Nautilus then hurried back on it to journey back into the Inner Core...

    Dr Dredd sighs in a state of peace as he stares at the beautiful ring around a supermassive black hole. He mutters to himself about how if he could make a base right here, he promises himself he’d stay there forever, but for now, he had more pressing matters to attend to... the sudden callout about Weth. He cautiously travels around the blackholes, through countless systems until he hits the small jump gate to Weth. He sighs to himself knowing he can’t bring anything bigger then a frigate through the tiny gate. So he set his famed Nautilus to autopilot around the system keeping itself busy while he launches out of its hangers in a fully decked out Chimera fighter. He jumps into the next system and gasps in shock seeing something truly horrifying

    All around him are the debris of the three main Defense stations that guard the very entrance to the Daam’Kavosh empire. He shakes his head in disbelief and decides stupidly to take the trade lane down to the Mrrtrak battle station. As soon as he got there however, an even more horrifying scene flooded his head...