Posts by LordRaydenMK

    Again off-topic, but it is unbelievably fun when you can do the Ashcroft mission in a friggin Sabre when you play your cards right, just reminds you how overpowered this stuff is in the Singleplayer Campaign when your in the top crafts.

    I'm sure it was because no one stepped up to claim their nice prizes.

    Alas sorry I couldn't participate, very weird times between NZ and the rest of the world and PC has been backing up for months like a buggered trash disposal

    Granted, you find your way to the nearest Computer store. However, there appear to be no Computer because the store has gone bankrupt and couldn't pay for new products

    I wish I could have a nice LifeStyle

    CoD: Infinite Warfare

    Contrary to what people says about it, I think they are just having a hissy fit due to being killed by Bots/players all the time.

    Unlike most other CoD, this one features Thrusters and wall running. Which enables you to jump atop other buildings and whatnot to surprise the enemy. However sometimes the enemy can surprise you. It still features some weapons found in other CoD like the M1 and a few others.

    My favourite weapon loadout was the Type-2 AR which also features all the extras like Muzzles, and sights which render's this weapon a favourite for some people. Shotguns are absolutely OP up close. Whenever you run past the enemy without knowing, you barely have a second until you get PWN'd in the back. Then there are the campers, I camped once and it satisfied all my needs. My ideal choice for this is the widowmaker, as it delivers two bullets per shot which if you aim rightly, can sometimes often kill two or more people in a row. My first and only time camping, I managed to get all my perks as well as my Rig weapon/utility unlocked to use. However, it is more fun to camp in CTF.

    All in all, those who don't think it's fun, once you try all the possible ways to win, it gets a whole lot more fun, and even more strategies open up to you.

    I, James Valiance, pledge my service to the Liberty Navy and all regimes I will be put through. I understand that if I leak any valuable and important information to the public media or other houses, I will be placed under arrest for treason. I, accept to be part of God's War Machine.

    That was the new motto for the Liberty Navy ever since, the Artefact smuggler and the traitorous LSF Pilot left Liberty and concealed themselves in the Independent Worlds. I didn't realise it at the time, but they had the right idea. At the current, several Liberty Navy member's were killed in a vicious attempt to flee the system, which was successful. I was lucky to still be alive. Hell, I was one of the five Navy Defender's who were going to arrest both the criminals. But somehow god was on my side, they blatantly ignored my laser's and missiles and started to destroy the "LNS Unity". The Unity was the pride and joy of the Liberty Navy, and the two criminals as well as the defectors destroyed it to bits. No wonder the liberty government wants them dead. If I knew what I did now, I would've simply defected with them and followed them the way through. As it happened, I was wanted in Aemon Bonnerile's office for debriefing. I, as well as six other Navy members appeared and sat down in his office. He explained how if they were ever seen again, we have the Authority to kill them on sight, or arrest them if they wished. It was then, that I was promoted. I was also tasked in finding the small renegade Naval Fleet led by a defector called Capt. Marcus Walker. His crew opened fire on a Liberty Battleship in the heart of Liberty, and has a warrant for his arrest with almost every crime you can think off placed on him. Anyway, I was apparently stationed in Colorado. I was leading a small Naval Fleet around Colorado in search for either of the two Defectors, or the Renegade Fleet. After a few months, we finally got a lead from a Junker about a missing cruiser and a dozen fighters. They were sighted around in Kepler destroying Liberty and Rheinland Commodity Depots. Why they are doing that, I have no idea. But I think it has something to do with the sudden Industrial buildup in Rheinland. My crew and I took off to Kepler to patrol around. There wasn't exactly much to report apart from plenty of Criminal Activity from Xenos and Rouges. But we have no jurisdiction here so it doesn't necessarily matter. What does matter however, is finding those fugitives. Our intel led us to believe, that our strongest lead was in the Leiden particle cloud. However, those leads were wrong. We were ambushed by a few dozen Lane Hackers, and our Cruiser was destroyed as well as most of our fighters. We barely made it out alive. We had to be debriefed by Aemon's Secretary, Leonard Bruce. Bruce sat us down and we explained this situation. He seemed calm during this, then he said to us. "That's alright, we didn't expect you too. They were seen in Bering and Hudson. As for the defectors? They were last sighted in Kusari, so it's fine. However, there is something you can do for me." He spun around and all of us were shocked. His eyes were glowing purple and he had some strange lightning around his head. And if that's not scary enough. He started attacking us. Trying to stab us with his weird hand knife. Using my survival instincts, I immediately reached for my holster, and shot him point blank. If that wasn't bad enough, Aemon Bonnerile walked in to find us holding our guns and his secretary dead on the ground. He sighed and said "Why did you have to do this? This carpet was brand new." The his eyes started glowing just like Leonard. "What the hell man?" a guy on the left exclaimed. "Just stay close to me." I say to them, we back off furthermost away from the Admiral. He then shut the door behind him. "I just want to "enlighten" your perspectives. There is nothing wrong with being a part of us, or rather us a part of you." He floated in the room and flew toward us. We shot him and he fell to the ground dead. Just then, several guards stormed the room. Forcing us to defend ourselves, we were on the run. We each took a Liberty Defender then launched into space above Manhattan.

    Outside was a wave of heat, lasers, and ships. It appears they all know it was, and we were public enemy no. 1. They were out for us. We had to escape to Colorado and then on to the Independent worlds. We decided it was time to enlist in the Kusari Naval Forces. Just in time too, Rheinland was closing in on the Honshu system. If we enlist, we can deal to these egotistical bastards. These guys are clowns and it's time to deal some damage to them. Then after that, we can deal to these Liberty Aliens too. If all goes well, we should be able to overpower the enemy, but we need help from Bretonia...

    PART 1 of 4 PARTS

    So another tale you wish to hear? You remember the Black Hole of the Inner system? Well in one time, near the first century of living in the Sirius Sector. An expedition of twenty of the best House pilots were sent to the edge of Omicron Theta to test their new Shuttle. Their destination was the Centre of our galaxy to close this Black Hole case for good. This project was first known as the PROJECT:: KAPPA. Project Kappa housed the first ever thrusters built within the colonies. The Shuttle managed to hold twenty of them as well as a gigantic Powerplant called the TITANIC-17X. This powerplant later on would be the default fit for every Capital ship ever made. Anyway one day, the houses sent fleets along with the Capsule of the shuttle. As soon as it would disembark, the capsule would disintegrate and the shuttle would be released into the vacuums of unknown space. There have been a few logs made by some crewman of the Shuttle which I just happen to have. Ah, here we are

    This is Sir Frierdermann of the Rheinland Military. I am a Sergeant of the great artillery regime, well was the sergeant of the great artillery regime. Now I am here on this massive shuttle headed to the centre of the Galaxy to prove whether there is a supergiant Black Hole or not. I'm already home-sick. I wish I was back on Planet Hamburg sipping Steinlager and eating Frankfurters. Those are nice. Anyway, nothing to report, just empty vacuums of Particle clouds and desolate planets. Although, I thought I did see a Rheinland Wraith flying beside us for a few seconds, then it disappeared. It must be my mind playing tricks on me. Anyway, it is time for us to get some sleep. At this rate, we won't be near the Black Hole until the end of the month. God bless.

    This is Ma'am Mary Ballencourt of the Liberty Senate. Nothing to report so far, however there was an unexpected gas leak on day 5, but that was clearly patched up. We must've hit an asteroid while passing through an asteroid field. I swear my mind is playing tricks on me. I swore, in the distance, I saw a massive Blue thing, sort of the same size as the old battleships like the Yamato and the Reliant before we left Sol. Anyway, I turned around for a second and when I looked back, it was gone. I seriously wish I was back on Planet Manhattan attending important political meets with the other house senates. Instead, I'm on this hunk of metal with nineteen other random people. I wish I was home already

    This is Sir James McArthur. At the current moment, all we see now are strange. I swear the other day, I looked out a shuttle window and saw a ship graveyard! Filled with Corsair Recon fighters. I've never seen such a sight! All of us saw them so we can't be imagining them. Also, Mary noticed she saw a strange blue ship on day 6, well today, I saw it too, as did a couple other crew members. They deemed it was strange. I noticed that it wouldn't be hostile, otherwise we would've been dead already. Day and day, we are closer to the centre of the Galaxy and near the Centre of the our hard work. I can't wait for it to be over.

    This is secretary Hideyoshi of the Japanese Political Agenda sending out a distress call to any who can reach us! We appear to have stumbled upon a desolate Desert planet deprived of any resources. Repairs will take weeks if we even find all our parts. Our engines were shot down by strange Blue things! They were accompanied by a weird green monster. All the blue things were shooting us with strange blue lasers while the Green monster seemed to be controlling them. As soon as our engines were critically damaged, they disappeared without a trace! Not to mention the other day, I saw a Dragon ship floating and keeping pace with our Shuttle. Even if it was possible for a Pilot to make it out this far without Fuel Cell's, there would be no way for it to keep up with us. We were travelling near the Speed of Light, and the ship wasn't even spluttering. I watched it carefully and noticed something. When it disappears, a small veil appears around it then it closes in and disappears. I don't even know what's going on anymore. I never signed up for this.

    This is John Devin. Our ship has been overrun by some sort of blue snakes. I was with the others when one crawled down some poor guys throat, and shot his mate. I managed to make it to the bridge with five other people. The rest of the shuttle has been overrun by these blue snakes as well as possessed humans. It's like something of a horror movie or something. We are currently on the edge of the Inner Plate of the Galaxy and should be converging on the Centre of the Galaxy in a few days now. I hope its soon. I've always wanted to see the Black Hole or whatever is there. However, it better be while I'm still alive. There's noway I'm going to be dead when we reach it.

    Oh my lord. We reached our destination. There really is a black hole at the centre of our galaxy! But that's not all. Scans indicate structures around the Black Hole as well as a few immobile stations positioned everywhere through the system. This is nothing like we imagined! All our brethren will be proud of the discovery we made. To hell with humanity! We found our home! My masters are alive and well. You human's won't be around to see it however, We'll be sure of that..

    Two month's after their departure, the shuttle landed on Planet Mojave in California. As soon as it did, it became a Universal Crisis. The Bretonia Armed forces, The Kusari Naval Forces as well as the Liberty Navy appeared and quarantined nearly most of the whole system. The log's were said to have been extracted by Kusari Special Forces, and burned. However, they weren't. They were kept in the Heaven's Gate, current home of Tegaki, whom is now deceased. When Edison Trent, Ozu Kun, and Lord Hakkera broke in, I did too and stole various artefacts and many other trinkets. But that doesn't matter. What does matter, is that this shuttle became the home of not just human pilots, but the Nomads, which I'm sure you know by now. If you look closely, You can still see the Crater upon which the shuttle crashed into.

    That's all I can say today, my breathes are getting rather raspy with all this talking. I think next time however, we can discuss about how the 80 year war actually began, and it wasn't anything to do with the Rheinland Military and the GMG, but rather Bretonia Special Forces. Anyway, until next time adventurer..