Posts by (IOC)Wanderer

    Hello Westmann11,
    welcome to SWAT forum and congratulations on finishing Crossfire Singleplayer!

    For getting back home, you will need to take the following route: Banysia -> Belay -> Kinak -> Assris -> Sorror -> Trawtai -> Phanchdar -> Hyperspace.
    In Hyperpace just dock back to the jumphole you came from, this will lead you to Menton system where you had been with Coalition guys earlier in the campaign, so you should know the rest of the way.
    Prepare for making a looooong journey through Altair again - unfortunately it's the only way back.

    - Wanderer -

    Hello Tim,
    be careful with Crossfire mod - you might lose your passion to vanilla FL after trying the improved graphics :)

    See you in space!

    - Wanderer -

    I'd like to sign up for Tuesday. Ship type = BS/Cruiser/Fighter - hopefully will bring all 3 there. :)

    Dom'Kavash reputation is not a problem, one just needs to shoot their ships a bit.
    Count on everyone's support to complete this mission !

    - Wanderer -

    though I wasn't in the best condition and had connection issues, it couldn't spoil the event because so many great people were flying with me :) Thank you all for coming!

    Apart from countless cruisers and fighters, alien invaders have lost 6 ships of primary strategic importance:

    Now all their plans have been ruined 8) We are heroes!

    A photo for memory is attached below (my apologies to Dark_Cap, too late I remembered to use the camera).

    - Wanderer -


    • team.jpg

      (971.13 kB, downloaded 57 times, last: )

    Thank you for making our dreams come true!

    Unfortunately time and day are not the best for me :( I'll certainly come, but depending on the event's duration may leave before it ends.
    Concerning the ship, both BS and fighter can be prepared, but I need to know the place where we start from.

    By the way, a cruiser can do significant damage with its Forward Gun while keeping a safe distance (tests have shown that just 1 cruiser is enough to kill entire alien fleets in IC, if you manage to avoid fighters).
    How about including some cruisers/destroyers?

    - Wanderer -

    Type, place and time of the event still remain a mystery. Should we prepare today or not?
    Please forgive my impatience.

    - Wanderer -


    Fellow Freelancer,

    This is your opportunity and deal of a lifetime !
    Tired of Police harassment, Mercenaries who want to cash you in and Pirates wanting your wallet or cargo?
    UPGRADE your guns, to ALIEN GUNS, for a small price (about 2 mill. a piece)!

    Hail any IOC ship ingame to get your new guns. The cargoship is around Casius and is called (IOC)PeaceMaker.

    Guns available:
    Cer'lor Emitter**, Kelyrd-Ray Projector, Nyses'o Blaster**, Que-irtor Gun, Ther'hon Cannon, W'ar-sy Propulsor

    See you in space, pilot![align=right]** only 500k per piece !


    [align=center]brought to you by Independent Operators' Consortium


    Hello jaketyler,
    please refer to Crossfire FAQ page and make sure you have followed all installation instructions.

    My only guess is that you downloaded and installed Crossfire mod, but didn't activate it in Freelancer Mod Manager.

    - Wanderer -

    P.S. Don't worry about your English, many people here speak just as good as they can :) No one cares about mistakes.

    Provided that we have a good number of attendees, mothership hunt would be a greater fun than anything else, to my mind.
    One advantage of such choice is that everyone will be able to take part in the event, regardless of ASF/CSF membership, pvp skills or game experience.

    - Wanderer -

    Edit by
    P.S. Player battles and weapon raids happen daily; mothership hunts don't.

    Hello veki2,

    your problem is probably connected with "Advanced Shader" option you selected during the mod activation. Some of shader modes don't work properly on some PCs, e.g. for me only "Activated" option works fine while the others (except "Deactivated") end up in visual artifacts all over the screen. Reinstalling the whole game is the only way to try different options, but it takes quite some time and effort to be done - see the FAQ page for more information.

    As a simpler solution, you could press shift+F12 every time the game starts, like Michael suggested - it would turn off the effect.

    Have fun playing Crossfire!

    - Wanderer -

    Hello M3phistophilus,
    if it doesn't work again, could you please post a list of all your actions? That would give us an idea what might be wrong with your installation.

    In case it works - welcome to Crossfire! :)

    - Wanderer -

    Hello Fenx,

    please check post #36 here for a tip on how to solve your sound problem.
    I've also attached a text file I made for myself when I had the same experience, maybe you find it helpful.

    Welcome to Crossfire!


    • Sound.txt

      (6.64 kB, downloaded 5 times, last: )

    I'm attending! :thumbsup:

    Thoughts that came first:
    racing in small teams may be a good way to avoid survival horror;
    bonus score can be given for trophy guns, or those can go to the prize fund;
    capital ships immune to CDs should probably be forbidden to take part.

    - Wanderer -

    Hello Kolfrad.

    Please check your settings in F1 -> Options -> Performance tab, all sliders should be put to the right. The screenshots you posted above look very similar to what I had when running CF on an integrated GPU with "Old cards compatibility mode" selected during activation and the lowest graphic settings applied.

    - Wanderer -