Posts by (IOC)Wanderer

    Hello Nhull,
    welcome to Crossfire mod and its community, hope you overcome your technical problem soon.

    ...or I suggest plan "B": install Windows and get new troubles :D

    - Wanderer -

    Despite all difficulties we met, the expedition was successful.

    Thanks for the fun!

    - Wanderer -


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    there were periods of continuous "red lag" icon flashing today (checked ping and it was perfect) when all actions in game were delayed and fighting was impossible.
    Now it lasted for about 10 minutes, the game didn't respond to anything (ping requests, chat messages etc.) but didn't disconnect, and red icon was flashing as well.

    I've closed CF by alt+F4 combo, waited for some time and now can't connect back.
    ("the requested operation is taking longer than expected", then after a minute or two a loading screen appears, then it drops back to the server list)

    - Wanderer -

    Hello Captain,
    such events are held regularly, check out this thread, for example :)

    There are a total of 3 ways to get Dom'Kavash Annihilators:

    [expander]The only shortcut from Inner Core is to become bankrupt and get sent to Manhattan with the help of another player, but this way you can't take any weapons/cargo with you, not mentioning it's not completely fair.

    Forlon comment: its against server rules, its easily visible due system message and such players (both) risk high fine ... there is not money limit to fine a GR can place so can be very good idea forget about this ...[/expander]
    - Wanderer -

    Edit by
    Wow the thread got quite a few replies while I was typing!
    Actually during the last mothership hunt we killed only 1 mothership and countless squads of fighters/gunboats, please check that thread more carefully - there are screenshots with fights against smaller ships
    Next event is planned for Tuesday but it we're still undecided which one it will be - Dom'Kavash hunt or Inner Core expedition

    Hello Alymdrictels,
    please try different positions of "Effects Detail" slider in Options -> Performance tab (changes are applied instantly so you can check it right in game).

    Pressing shift+F12 while fighting or flying through gas clouds might also boost your performance - this turns off the Advanced Shader feature not supported by vanilla Freelancer.

    Hope it helps, and welcome to Crossfire and SWAT community :)

    - Wanderer -


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    Reports have proven to be a fake which had one simple purpose - to attract human forces to Dom'Kavash territory where swarms of fighters and gunboats were already waiting.

    As we entered Hieron system, they started a massive attack on us, continuously sending their troops on intercept course and giving no time to take breath. The whole expedition got destroyed, but we fought bravely and managed to pass 3 enemy systems before that. Selfless valour and brilliant combat skills of escorting fighters not only let us force through so far, but gave us a chance to eliminate Motherhip Unimak as a result. Dom'Kavash could hardly have expected that, not mentioning their countless fighter/gunboat losses. (One of our ships had a special chemical bomb which we believe to have destroyed 10 million enemy fighters in Jokusuka system)

    So we have done a great job again :) Big thanks to all participants!

    - Wanderer -


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    This was awesome, thank you all for coming!

    Please forgive my unlucky torpedo shots :ssorry: Won't use all launchers simultaneously next time...

    - Wanderer -


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    Hello Overben,
    welcome to SWAT Portal, hope to see you in Crossfire space sooner than later. :)

    - Wanderer -


    Please take this Golden Huor as our gratitude for the time and effort you spend on Crossfire development.
    Let it make this day even happier for you! :party:. :sekt: