I would like for someone to make a jump gate or trade lane atleast from Earth or some other planet in Sol system to dimensional rift. It can be done far from rute in the SP campaign to avoid interfernce. Or made some jump from Sirius directly. Reason for my request is that over 300k distance is so time demanding and hard and also boring. I think all MP players would like the same. Its time to connect Sirius and Sol with Altair in more eficient way ty.

Dimensional rift Sol
- Request:
- Jericho.
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
There are 8 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.
i don,t agree with this request. the purpose of the mod is space, infinite in all directions and play. direct purpose is too explore and defend where neccessary. vast open space for things to be put, maybe in the future. i have been here for many years and through all the systems on many occassins. tell you now i,m yet to be bored. always find things to do here daily. if you want to cut corners then you miss the purpose of the mod.you haven,t been to the outer worlds yet.
if you want to cut corners then you miss the purpose of the mod.you haven,t been to the outer worlds yet.
Its not my intention to cut the corners but this "corner" is over 300k long with nothing in between. Im not lazy or something i love to explore but this is meaningless in MP. Make perfect sence in SP but in MP allmost reprezent a barier, a place where you have to decide to go. Like you said
vast open space for things to be put maybe in the future.
I agree with you 100% there is enormous piece of space. If the intention was to represent the distance that otherwise exists in our world, I support that intention. However, in MP it's just a transit that takes me half an hour to complete while at the other end there are angry customs officials and you have to run for your life.
Maybe that future you mentioned is now
You shall always take a break after 2 hours of playing. Just a good idea to use the travel time for that break.
Yea yea enjoy the journey until you reach your destination. I don't want to convince you of what I think is better. Obviously we have a difference of opinion. I thought I was old (my son keeps reminding me of that) but you guys are ancient
Never mind i respect everyones opinion and i know when is time to let go
new title unlocked: "the ancient one"
new title unlocked: "the ancient one"
That was the idea
This. It is actually more XP efficient to do dimensional rifts with 5 non-max level monsters than doing ferun 1 hell (with 1 max level monster as the farmer). As for mana and 2* monster drops obviously ferun is better. I like to do a bunch of dimensional rifts while I'm on a double XP.
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Martind Forlon
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