Posts by <SF>Jericho

    Ok i did multiple fresh installs of FL and CF cos of Windows reinstallations (i often change components in my PC ) sometimes got crashes so i tried to solve like this:

    Install FL then install CF. After that, don't start CF right away, start FL and start the first mission. You don't have to complete the mission, it's enough for FL to create a Save game folder in the documents folder. Then start CF louncher normally it should not crash anymore. Some thing obout Windows 10 and 11 One drive app could mess up things also if you lefted at default setting. One drive sync dokuments folder so you might need to delete save games folder in one drive before all this and maybe wanna disable your AV during installation.

    Ok I've been doing a bit of research on those pointless game crashes and I've tried something. They seem to be related to the save game system. I loaded my last save then I deleted the Auto Save made some small changes (bought some ammo) then I overwrote my last save after that I have no more crashes. In conclusion, what the admins have been recommending all this time is not to use the saves that the game makes, but to make your own regularly every time you are docked. Purely so that there would be no crashes in the game and to keep a record of completed missions.

    Well me aswell did't have crashes a long time exept that false positive malware issue. And suddenly game crashed with no visible reason it happen in a middle of free flight last night. Today no crashes passed that mission with no issues

    Lol before you answered my question i got crash on a mission in dublin to find Quintaine :D sadly before that i didn't make any saves so bad luck shit happens.

    Yep game have bugs but this is a mod Admin can't rly remove all of them that requires a larger team. I just learn to live with the bugs and still be happy playing

    So men up and just play :D

    Have you tried both "alt" keys? Normally alternative key combination for letter L is alt+76 uppercace L and alt+108 lowercase L and it works for both alt keys but i dont know if it works ingame. You can also try to type wanted char name in for example notepad then copy-paste in game. Correction there is no way to use lowercase L in game just tried, copy-paste option not working either so sry try to bind another key for toggle hud or dont use char names with lowercase L :)

    I would like to add the fact that even with the latest versions of windows 11 you don't have to manually enable the DirectPlay feature. Just start the game (Freelancer not Crossfire) and it will automatically offer to turn on the feature. That is one of the ways and I guess simpler. I should also add that after installing Freelancer, it is better to start it at least once, I don't know why, but I speak from experience

    Best option. I have to say this mod is definetly not new player friendly. Multiplayer NPCs WAY TOO MUCH dmg, even in normal systems and not the new added ones.

    On SP, I do suggest you use a savefile editor to change your credit volume. The settings on how much you have to grind between missions is increased way too much. Also, if you buy one of the new added ships, your player value just smashes down and doesn't stay the way before you did buy the ship. Was grindling like 20 missions, had 4k credits left to new level, did buy new ship and had to grind 700k again. What a joke.
    Another point: Be careful with when you buy new tractor beams and scanners. I did buy the best ones, wanted to buy a new ship and they are just gone and you have your shitty basic ones in the new ship. No clue how it is on MP, since it just annoys me how to make credits, there. Also, there is no option to start neutral to everyone (besides nomads).

    So overall, best option for you is to go on SP, create a game and then use a savefile editor and get you 1 billion credits, go on settings, use godmode and then go to where you like.

    Beginer in mod yes? No need to use any cheats to get monney where is fun in that? You have multiple ways to do that simplest one is by selling pods at prison stations. You dont just buy ship you need to transfer your good stuff to new ship before hit buy button. MP or SP is all obout grind resources and get best ship that suites you and adequate equipement. If you like story you could just speed run thry vanilla part by buying one of the new powerfull ships and heavy equipement. I did manage once to did this before mission 3 vanilla i get Redemption and best equipement in Sirius i could buy that was near end game stuff and the sence of power was incredible. Use wiki from this site for maps,ships and the rest of stuff to inform obout all and you r good to go! Chears

    Maybe I'm repeating myself but have you tried installing the game outside of the system partition? Or if it goes to the system partition (C) it must be installed and run with admin permissions. This applies to win 10 and 11.This way, you avoid the system or firewall blocking you from copying files

    One more thing i did all that just to take a ride with Antares wich i like so much. After all i eventually choose Eridan to get back to campaign only cos of cargo space but i decided to go back to previous save and go with Antares so can you please add some cargo space to it and make it a little more convinient i dont ask to make it more powerfull just to expand storage by a little bit atleast to 50 or less but that 10 is so low.

    Well complete

    Was there something specific what you did/didn’t this last time? There definitely must be something what is making issue with paused campaign.

    I was careful not to use the auto save even by accident. I didn't bribe anyone and so Renaissance was friendly to me by default in the last attempt they were not friendly because I accidentally shot discarded containers along the way. And one interesting thing in the earlier attempts to enter the Alsace system next to the ion cannons, after the dialogue with their battleship, I entered the formation with them manually using the formation maneuver. This time I just waited and my ship followed them automatically until we reached Arles station. I just docked and did the repairs. The rest was the same explored all 3 systems bought a new ship some new equipment and returned to earth. Another possible change is that I did not deviate anywhere in the campaign so far. Earlier I did to buy myself some ship in X systems. Now I arrived in Alsace with the ship I bought along the way, it's a Rapier VHF. The only deviation from the campaign is when I went to Custodian and bought the Black Eagle ship to finish the vanilla part of the campaign as quickly and easily as possible. In the end, in almost all attempts so far, I occasionally deviated from the campaign and did not strictly follow the marked paths, so that probably prevented the mission from triggering.

    Ok FINALLY!!! I am very proud because I can announce the final success. After many attempts I was able to return from the side story mission and continue with the Crossfire story with the ship and equipment bought from the French. Juny and King were in the bar waiting for me with the next mission. Now I can wait for you good people to continue working on a new story. Even those new worlds from the side story have great potential for the continuation of the story